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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Lisnagelvin Road
Londonderry, N. Ireland BT47 1QX
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"Blessed testimony."
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania
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Sermon6/25/05 3:03 PM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Recently returned from N. & S. Carolina, your message provided an interesting analogy about the old lighthouse at Cape Hatteras and todays church. Thank you.

Blog6/25/05 1:40 AM
amber from texas  
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You need to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Especially about things you know nothing about. Have you been to a Crusade of Benny Hinn's? If you had and your heart was open to the presence of God you would undoubtly agree that indeed God's presence was there and He was worshipped genuinely and people were touched and healed.Not by Benny Hinn but by God. "Man" is fleshly..."man" does silly, strange things sometimes.."man" fails and disappoints, but God does not. I have been to three crusades not because I am a Benny Hinn follower but because I'm a God follower and I love to worship Him and that's all they do in those crusades.The focus is on GOD and His healing touch and presence not on Benny Hinn.Have you ever thought to pray for Benny Hinn instead of judge and criticize? I've heard him bring the message of salvation. I've been a Christian for 33 years.There is nothing that is ADDED and nothing that is unscriptural.He reads straight from the bible and people come to an altar and give their heart to Jesus with tears streaming down their face.You can't take that experience away from someone because it's REAL to them.I'm sure this will be deleted, but I pray whoever reads this will understand that Benny Hinn isn't perfect and neither are you, but God moves in those services!

Sermon6/24/05 3:21 PM
Scott from USA  Contact via email
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“ Exposing the truth ”
Any pastor who helps expose the truth about Benny Hinn is doing the true work of God.

Sermon6/18/05 10:03 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ Christ is the Way! ”
My heart crys out in utter agony for the Catholic! Blinded from birth [like Islamics] they know and believe no differently than what they have been taught at home and in catechism, from very early childhood onward. It really is a sub-cultural perpetual life fraternity of sorts. The catholic society becomes all encompassing. It is all they know. They, and their leaders, know not the fate of their soul. I fully understand what courage it must take for you to be bound and governed by the truth of scripture in an alien environment. It must be somewhat akin to Israel being surrounded by Arabs. The thin thread of saving grace available to the Catholic can primarily be obtained from your seed and the seed of preachers like you, although very rare. As a layman in the Royal Priesthood I get very discouraged with attempting to reach them and am now shunned by many. In fact, now hated by some I'm afraid. It is our responibility to try to plant [at the appropriate time and with the right opening] in and out of season so that no one will be lost and perish. Christ is the Way!

Sermon6/16/05 10:34 AM
Noel Shields from Kilkeel  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is an excellent sermon. It is full of facts and information about the deception of the ministry of Benny Hinn and no doubt a sermon which every Christian should hear. May the Lord use this sermon to bring many into the truth of His Word.

Sermon6/14/05 12:59 PM
Colin Maxwell from Cork, Republic of Ireland  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As one of "your missionaries" I was really encouraged to hear this clarion call for prayer. A good practical sermon and certainly appreciated here. Just for prayer (while I'm here) I listened to this sermon coming home from a market town here in Co. Cork where I had been with our bookstall. A Roman Catholic man from Co. Kerry puchased a Bible (Authorised Version). We had a good chat as well about the things of God. "Brethren, pray for us."

Sermon6/14/05 7:51 AM
Michael Lindner from Kyoto, Japan  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is perhaps the most important message that could be preached these days. It need not be so classical, but the truth of it rings clear, and is so needed. I hope many hear and obey this message for many years to come. I am in a pagan land, and I can tell when the church is and is not praying.

Sermon6/13/05 2:52 PM
Suzanne L. DiCanio from New Jersey, USA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This message is so needed for today, especially. Excellent thoughts for how to pray effectively for our missionaries. Would be a great resource for teaching to others.

Sermon6/11/05 3:37 AM
Finley Cutshaw from USA  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your message on Dr. Billy Graham, The Popes Cheerleader. May the Lord bless you as you seek to reveal the truth!

Sermon6/8/05 11:28 PM
Michael S. from Mississippi, USA  Contact via email
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“ Insightful, Provocative Sermon ”
This sermon exposes counterfeit Christianity for what it is. It will challenge the listener to think about their position in Christ, and may actually shock some who may realize that they are not saved at all. Better to hear it now then to remain asleep and find oneself in Hell for eternity. This message is one of hope, that can lead many modern 'Christians' who have 'accepted Christ' but are not truly saved (see Tozer's sermon) to see the truth and turn toward salvation in Christ Jesus. Thank you, Rev. Brown.

Sermon6/5/05 2:51 AM
Joel Garrett from Ashland, VA USA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As a fundamentalist, KJV-reading Pentecostal, I was delighted to hear this well-documented message about the open idolatry of the latest popes and their "church" of Rome. I need a transcript of this message so that I can borrow heavily from it as I preach to my fellow missionaries at our missionary training camp. May God richly bless the Rev. Ian Brown as he so eloquently exposes the undeniable truth that the Vatican and its pope are antichrist.

Sermon6/5/05 1:48 AM
Joel Garrett from Ashland, VA USA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Your sermon titled, "The Pope's Greatest Bible Verse" is so excellent. I'd like to get a transcript of it, in order to use it in a future message that I preach. If you have a copy, would you please e-mail it to me? I would so appreciate it. I live, serve and train at a missionary training camp and many of the young people have no clue about the "Church" of Rome. Love and Blessings, Your Brother in Christ, Joel Garrett 11352 Heflin Lane Ashlan, VA 23005 joeljennygarrett@hotmail.com

Sermon6/4/05 11:49 AM
Edwin Barrios from Cabimas Venezuela  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! By faith I assume ”
Rev Brown, My Lord bless you and your congregation, many blessee and double portion of the Holy Ghost. Edwin

Sermon6/1/05 7:20 AM
Jim from N, Ireland  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good word again Mr Brown! To Know that our God is soverign in all things is a great comfort, in the bad times as well as the good. His purposes and plans although unseen by us at times are sure and stedfast and can never be thwarted. His Church shall continue to endure, prosper and grow, and the gates of hell shall never prevail against us. It is a great comfort to know that we are "founded on the rock of ages" that "Salvations wall surround us" and "nought shall shake our sure repose." We are surrounded by fire with His Glory in the midst! Continue to Preach the word brother! Edify the saints for we are on the victory side!

Sermon5/27/05 10:26 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, U.S.A.  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Safe inside His Wall of Fire. The Lord provides for His own. Thank you Father, in the name of our wondrous Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen!

Sermon5/24/05 12:23 PM
Steven from Belfast  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Well thought message from Rev Brown. Interesting to reflect on the issue of Mary being the link to reconcilling of the faiths. I noticed this statement on the Clonard/Fitzroy fellowship website. The aim of this fellowship is - "Reconciliation Work in Clonard/Fitzroy Fellowship - an association of about 25 people who worship in Clonard Church and about 25 members of Fitzroy Presbyterian Church. This fellowship has developed links between the Clonard Catholic congregation and the Fitzroy Presbyterian congregation through building confidence in "single identity" meetings, and an annual programme of joint meetings, including a week-end retreat together. Members of the fellowship - both Catholic and Presbyterian - have visited other congregations of the Church to share our experience of this model of the reconciliation process with them as one which is very suited to the "culture of learning" of Church members. Another aim of this union makes interesting reading. "Monthly study meetings with members of the ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the role of Mary in the Church so that the admiration and love of her which is shared by all the Churches may become a path and a rallying point for growth in mutual understanding and fuller communion of life."

Sermon5/22/05 7:11 PM
AS from USA  
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“ Informative Message! ”
Very good information on this man, and his anti-christ teaching. Our LORD forwarned us of this type of teaching; if you change God's Word by adding or removing any part of it the truth is not in you. Christ himself said you would not be well received by the world, just like He himself. You had the religious leaders in Christ's time that didn't believe the truth even when they were tripping over it, and so is the ecumenical church as well, and these false prophets. The Gospels are full of the warning of these end-time blind guides. We as believers must keep our selves informed by staying in God's Word which Christ our LORD demanded us to know, so that we will not be deceived when the false leader comes with his lies and wonders. Thank you for this very informative message. GOD BLESS YOU.

Sermon5/22/05 4:04 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, U.S.A.  
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“ Amen! ”
Listened to you and bro. Ralph. Amen! Thank you for exposing old Billy scripturally. Our countrymen in the U.S. do see him as an evangelical sage, the "senior Christian spokesman". Keep up the truth!

Sermon5/21/05 5:21 PM
Arthur from Scotland  
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Why Go To Church?
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes a timely and good message! The only point to raise is that if you live in a town full of Liberal Churches, then should you give up and attend them?? This is a wide problem today for serious reformed and evangelical Christians, in many towns!!

Sermon5/20/05 10:39 PM
Russell L. Harris from Houston, Texas  Contact via email
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“ No need to apologize! ”
Makes no apology! There is no such thing as a cheap shot when it comes to defending the flock of God from the predator. The faithful shepherd must never pity the old and crippled wolf, for it is the nature of the wolf, from birth to death, to kill and devour sheep. And the true nature of a man is better discerned at the end of his life than at the beginning. Look carefully at the "Gospel" which Graham proclaims; it is, as it always has been, utterly devoid of substance. Graham is the consummate flimflam artist.

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