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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Lisnagelvin Road
Londonderry, N. Ireland BT47 1QX
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"Great Sermon!"
Amy Douglas from England
So encouraging thankyou.
Glenn Wilkinson | Isaiah 41:8-10
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Sermon9/15/05 2:50 PM
Jeff Hembd  Contact via email
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“ Strong Delusion ”
To all who claim Christianity I appeal to you to seek the truth on the nature of these "Terroristic" attacks. We are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and if we are to believe that Moslems are responsible for the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks then we are blind to truth. Submit, repent, ask God for wisdom, submerge yourself in His word and voraciously seek the truth. It is then that you will understand the true nature of this world and will have a much greater understanding and appreciation of Ephesians 6:12. The monster is in our midst but it is not the monster we have been told to believe it is. "And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." - II Thessalonians 2:11

Sermon9/15/05 4:13 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I discovered and uncovered L. Ron Hubbard's minions and challenged their lies back in 1969. Exposed, they wanted to illuminate me but were the least of my worldly problems. "Scientology is for you!" was the mantra.   Tom Cruise not only needs first the Savior, he needs professional help. ... Way out of control in the depth of sin. I pray for them.

Sermon9/14/05 8:11 AM
Thomas M Sullivan from Jenison, MI  
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“ Well Researched Sermon! ”
Since my mother's side of the family is from Louisiana, maybe I have listened to more sermons on this subject than many, four of them last Monday alone. This one is well researched, and I am very thankful for the preaching of Ian Brown. I am already telling my friends about him. Told one guy yesterday if I didn't have a Reformed Baptist church to go to, I would look for a Free Presbyterian one. Thomas www.thereformedpastor.com

Sermon9/13/05 7:15 AM
Nathan McDonald from Falkirk, Scotland  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a very well researched message, excellent teaching that is rare in these last days. As the scripture says "Men will be deceived because they do not receive the love of the truth"

Sermon9/12/05 7:35 PM
Thomas M Sullivan from Jenison, MI  
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“ Excellent Preaching ”
The message matter alone is excellent, but what is most gripping is Pastor Brown's ability to communicate. I would call him the Albert Martin of Ireland. He preaches with that much pathos. I just discovered his messages today, I will download many more to listen to in the future.

Sermon9/11/05 1:51 PM
robert bergdahl, OPC from Idaho, USA  Contact via email
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“ Thank you! ”
Thank you Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church for the exposition of character of God in catastrophies. I am afraid many pulpits here in America will miss the many lessons to be learned from Katrina. May the Session guard the pulpit for the Glory of God, and may the Word go out from there for decades to come!

Sermon9/9/05 2:35 PM
Nathan McDonald from Falkirk  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Benny Hinn is a real lunatic! I can't believe how many people are fooled by such a deceiver!! Keep up the good work.

Sermon9/6/05 1:14 PM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ Well Researched Message! ”
Solo Scriptura! A grace inspired and extremely well researched [scripturally and worldly] sermon, Pastor Ian! But for His grace, there go we.

Sermon9/1/05 9:55 PM
JY from North Carolina, USA  
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“ Christians Need To Hear This! ”
I thought the message about Benny Hinn was definitely something many Christians need to hear. I am afraid many are beind deceived by Mr. Hinn and others like him. My prayer is that God will continue to use Rev. Brown and other men of God to sound the alarm. Thank you very much, and God Bless.

Sermon8/23/05 9:11 AM
David Boyd from N.Ireland  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for the sermon. This is a really sound refutation of Hinn's herectical views and prophecies. May we have grace when dealing with those who Hinn has deceived.

Sermon8/23/05 6:33 AM
Christine from Victoria Bridge  
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Pulling Back From The Brink!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermons! Love listening to them, when i'm on the net! :) it's reli good being able to listen to loads of different sermons online! Keep them coming, all the Best and take care! God Bless! (",)

Sermon8/22/05 3:09 PM
Tony McCauley from Dallas, TX  Contact via email
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Great Teaching- I enjoyed the message. I live in Dallas-and am surrounded by much of this False Teaching, because even though we have many fine true Bible Teaching churches in this part of the USA, I would agree that for the most part it is the proponents of Falsehoods that seem to be the most visible and popular. Only God knows Benny Hinn's heart- I just know that many are being deceived, and many will not heed to sound doctrine even when exposed. People tend to like what makes them feel good. Here in the USA, there is a very fine line between Entertainment/ and TV Ministry. It is very powerful...and very profitable. My concern is that there are many sincere people who are being led astray. At this point in addition to exposing the error- we need to earnestly pray that God will continue to raise up bold voices like Rev. Brown's. In my own way I have tried to do this also.....but it is difficult because many have exalted these leaders almost to the platform of Jesus......whenever you speak against them you are subjected to ridicule- and then made to feel guilty for condemning "God's Anointed". Keep praying and keep teaching!

Sermon8/3/05 11:43 PM
plw from Missouri  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank God for the pastors out there who are willing to expose these false teachers who teach false doctrine!! Doctrines of devils, lying signs and wonders, miracle seekers. Satan always tries to do copy cats.

Sermon8/3/05 8:06 PM
Richard Dudley from New Zealand  Contact via email
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“ As a former unbeliever ”
As a former unbeliever I had watched Hinn and I had an inner sense that there was something very disturbing in what I was watching. Now as a believer and looking into the validity of Hinn, I am so pleased to have this inner feeling validated by Rev Brown and others.

Sermon8/3/05 6:53 PM
Finley Cutshaw from NC  
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Let's Do A Deal!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great message. I hope you are doing well. Will be praying for you and the Lord's work there.

Sermon8/1/05 10:37 PM
Tommie Ray from U.S.A.  Contact via email
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Let's Do A Deal!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
Here in the U.S., there was once a television show called "let's Make a Deal" where people would trade away certain things and sometimes get worthless things. Thanks for the sermon. The devil is tricky but he is not in control.

Sermon8/1/05 8:52 AM
A Former Roman Catholic  
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“ Freed from Bondage! ”
I just listened to the sermon on Papal Mass. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ that I was freed from the bondage of Roman Catholicism! Also my mother came to the Lord and left that idolatrous church shortly before her death. Keep on preaching the word. I thank the Lord for you and people like you.

Sermon7/31/05 6:34 PM
Howell Davis from MI  
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“ Sharing A Simple Story... ”
Yesterday I spent an hour in my home talking with a 27 year old Muslim man who came to Dearborn, MI, from Iraq at age 12 with his father. He does not attend mosque weekly anymore, as is strictly required, and works so many hours that prayer five times per day is not at all practicable for him. He considers Sadaam a criminal who murdered his dear uncle. I shared with him that I had read the Quar'an, Hadith, and studied the earthly life of Mohammad in depth. The Jesus they are taught is NOT our Jesus. He, the Son of God, God incarnate, is only a "secondary teacher" to the rantings of Mohammad. I would like to believe that teaching the Light of Christ to these people is the solution. A Christian minister friend preached at a church in E. Dearborn for a while. I asked "How many Muslims attended and turned themselves in for Christ?" His answer was "None."  Remember, this distorted evil teaching is ingrained from birth onward, generation to generation. "The Prophet said, 'If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.'" Burkhari V4B52N260 "Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends." Quar'an 5:51   Hope and pray ... In the name of Christ Jesus!

Sermon7/30/05 5:12 AM
Edwin Barrios from Cabimas, Venezuela  
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“ Keep in Faith! ”
I just want to say to the Christians in England: keep in faith, the Lord is with all of you. My feelings and my sorrows are with all of those families that suffered from that coward attacks. Let's keep firm in the Lord. He is the only way, he is the truth, he is the life. My prayers to all of you in London. My LORD bless you and protect you all.

Blog7/26/05 1:18 PM
Faith from England  
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Thought you might like to know, God did do something spectacular in Norwich. We saw many people pushing their wheelchairs to the front of the meeting, and testifying that all pain had now gone. We saw people healed of cancer, Parkinson's disease, deafness and many other diseases. Most important of all, we saw many people respond to the call to be born again and to serve the Lord wholeheartedly until Jesus comes again. Whether we like Benny Hinn's methods or not (and I had no problem with his methods) we need to respect the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him.
Great glory and praise were given to God last weekend in Norwich, and the fire will continue to burn in England for some time to come.

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