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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Lisnagelvin Road
Londonderry, N. Ireland BT47 1QX
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"Never Forget"
A.B.C. from North America
This pastor does a magnificent job of reminding all Protestants of what the Protestant Martyrs went through almost 500 years ago....
Rev Ian Brown | The History of the Papacy
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Sermon11/27/05 8:36 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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Let My Riverbanks Be Green!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
The Holy Spirit is such a Friend and quiet Guide. The Counselor and Revealer who strengthens, empowers, seals, secures, within our heart and soul; our totality. In teaching young people I have told them: "Try to imagine a 'little invisible guy' who is always with you and watching over you. Once you have received Him He will never leave you. Oh, you may try to leave Him, or forget Him sometimes, but He'll gently remind you of His presence. Yes. It is super-natural and it will amaze you every time this happens! It is real. Every time that this happens, I always thank Him." Thank you!

Sermon11/26/05 8:55 PM
Patrick from Visiting CA  
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Reconquista, Republicanism And Rome!
Pastor Ralph Ovadal
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you,Pastor Ovadal, for these statistics on the RC's hand behind murder and mayhem in the US in order to expand its godless system. Very disturbing.

Sermon11/23/05 4:38 PM
Patrick from Visiting CA  
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The Siege Of Derry
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is commonly said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to be victims of similar snares in their own lives. Rev Brown's vivid account of the Seige of Derry brings this home to today's believer. The fortitude of the defenders in the face of treachery within and superior forces without is a lesson in dependence on Him who is able to deliver. This has been true throughout history, praise God. In these dark days of apostasy, the necessity of deliverance by a faithful LORD at the level of personal salvation is the "sub plot" in this dramatic account. Thank you, Rev Brown.

Sermon11/22/05 3:58 AM
HLD from Michigan  
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The Gunpowder Plot
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great historic parallels! A MUST LISTEN! ”
There is no biblical justification for the Catholic Church or its behavior throughout the ages. Since Kings and Despots, shortly after Christ's Ministry on earth, attempted to distort and hi-jack the beauty and teachings of the earliest church, for their own gain - culminating and then rapidly escalating with Constantine in 324 and then 1700 years of the Papacy - 'Christianity' has become perverted, misunderstood, and defiled. An unholy marriage was created and Christ's church became a mistress to the state. Thus, the creation of a true institutional whore transpired. A line of flawed and evil men, masquerading as "Christ's emissaries on earth", including Pope Urban and his henchman Peter the Hermit, led to the slaying and plunder of The Crusades that continues on today. The Universal church promise was twofold: Kill and plunder for the Holy Name of Christ and, should you die in battle, Heaven is guaranteed you! Sounds like Islam, minus the 72. Both promises were unscriptural lies purported by greedy and covetess men. People cannot separate the man-made edicts, frauds, and human doctrine from the original intent of Jehovah; "Thou shalt not kill!" Or, Christ's mission and the church (cf. Matthew 11:28).

Sermon11/21/05 3:49 PM
Patrick from Visiting CA  
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The Gunpowder Plot
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you,Rev Brown, for a well-researched history lesson from the early seventeenth century, and its connections to modern-day terrorism. The verse from Second Kings blessed us here,as "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom".

Sermon11/19/05 10:37 AM
doug mahady  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's about time some one believes like i do!!!! Every Christ believing person should just hear this!

Sermon11/16/05 2:14 PM
Patrick Doran from California  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Rev Brown, for this timely reminder to pray and otherwise support our persecuted brethren. My wife and I also have been blessed by your series on VE Day and we cry to God for mercy on our land, so now given over to godless immorality and led by those who delight in every form of gross rebellion against our Heavenly Father. We pray your strong voice, and those of other FPC preachers, of Bible-based preaching and exhortation will continue to inspire the saved and bring the lost to repentance. May the Lord continue to bless you (Eph 1 v 3).

Sermon11/8/05 7:11 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A must listen to sermon, by all who call themselves Christian. If you want to know the truth then listen, if you don't think he is telling the truth, then please point out to us the lies? Rev Brown, ... MAY GOD USE HIM MORE AND MORE FOR THE SALVATION OF MENS SOULS, AND TO PROCLAIM HIS (GOD'S) TRUTH.

Sermon11/6/05 4:41 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I thought I had better add that my comments are not a criticism of the Free Presbyterian Church which is sound in doctrine and an example of a denomination with a great and biblical emphasis on public evangelism. This church has many fine preachers and Rev Brown is one of them! Unlike Northern Ireland there is a neglect of open air preaching in many parts of England. 'How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?' If less than 2% attend church according to an issue of a UK Protestant Newspaper...the hour is surely come to heed Spurgeon's comments? God bless Ian Brown and the faithful testimony of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster. May our gracious God be pleased to raise up such in the darkest parts of Britain!

Sermon11/6/05 4:29 PM
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“ Fine preaching ”
Also could we add, Where preach? "I fear.. there are conservative individuals who almost believe that to preach anywhere except in the chapel would be a shocking innovation, a sure token of heretical tendencies, and a mark of zeal without knowledge. Any young brother who studies his comfort among them must not suggest something so irregular as a sermon outside the walls of their Zion..'Wisdom crieth without, she uttereth her voice in the streets, she crieth in the chief places of concourse, in the opening of the gates' but the wise men of orthodoxy would have wisdom gagged except beneath the roof of a licensed building. These people believe in a New Testament which says, 'Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in' and yet they dislike a literal obedience to the command. "No sort of defence is needed for preaching out of doors; but it would need very potent arguments to prove that a man had done his duty who has never preached beyond the walls of his meeting-house. A defence is required rather for services within buildings than for worship outside of them." C H Spurgeon. In Spurgeon's time 50% of the population of England could really be called Christian, though 80% went to Church. Now only 2% go to church and how many of those are Christians?

Sermon11/4/05 4:39 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yours is a Powerful sermon on "Reformation and revival in the catholic church?"! They have tried that with me just like the "peaceful" muslim mantra we all hear. It is (as you say) wonderful to hear of those whom the Lord truly converts and brings out of the idolatry of Roman Catholicism. I once knew a young man who studied for the priesthood but left the seminary shortly before ordination. ... A bright man who entered the world of commerce and managed a software design co., then brought into the light at near 40! Praise God! He did a tape called "10 things Catholics do not know." So thankful for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon11/3/05 8:54 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have a videotape from cultlink.com where Benny exposes his Roman Catholic view of communion on TBN. He said the "Catholics are right about this" also, so this comment is not surprising to me. But nowadays with Benny Hinn and his type being almost the only media persons seen as what Christianity is to unbelievers, such doctrine is not even taken seriously anymore. Another example is the other well known preacher TD Jakes who denys the Trinity and is of the oneness pentecostal heresy. Just to go to a church nowadays you have to write to the pastor to verify the specific doctrine he teaches and accepts, otherwise you may end up falling into these heresies and thinking "Well it's no big deal, God understands".

Sermon10/17/05 5:42 PM
Nathan McDonald from Scotland  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Ian Brown has a real gift to preach Gods word.. I was really impressed by the content of the message. If you are weary from the battle of standing for the truth,then you will find encouragememnt from this word. May God raise up more men of God behind the pulpit like Ian Brown. Thank God "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but MIGHTY THROUGH GOD......" May we continue in our battle against the evil of deception and antichrist Romanism.

Sermon10/14/05 9:44 AM
HD from USA  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for "The Sword of the Lord in Gideon." With the latest of their "edicts and interpretations", the Vatican Vampires continue with the horror of lies, distortion, and the discounting of His Word. "He who is spiritual judgeth all things." 1 Cor. 2:15 "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6

Sermon10/13/05 7:02 AM
Edwin Barrios from Cabimas Venezuela  
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“ A Good One! ”
I haven't read pastor Brown's sermon but I can see thru my spiritual eyes I can see a good one. The fact is that pastor Brown is not afraid to preach the truth. This are the kind of Christians Jesus wants here, real soldiers ready to move - no matter what the enemy sends. May the Lord bless you pastor Brown and your church and family.

Sermon10/7/05 7:40 PM
Tom Morris from Louisiana, USA  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Sir for your wonderful message on "The Pope's Favorite Bible Verse?" What a great blessing it was to hear the precious Word of God preached in season on sermon audio.com. May God richly bless you Rev Brown and "continue to blow you like a trumpet" with his wonderful words of life.

Blog10/1/05 3:02 PM
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I have a videotape from cultlink . com where benny exposes his Roman Catholic view of communion on tbn probably over 10 years ago, so although he may not let it out a lot, his view on this are not a new thing, he said the "catholics are right about this" also, so this comment is not surprising to me.

But nowadays with Benny Hinn and his type being almost the only media persons seen as what Christainity is to unbelievers, such doctrine is not even taken seriously anymore. Another example is the other well known preacher TD jakes who denys the trinity and is of the oneness pentecostal heresy.

Just to go to a church nowadays you have to write to the pastor to verify the specific doctrine he teaches and accepts, otherwise you may end up falling into these heresies and thinking "well it is no big deal God understands".

Sermon9/23/05 5:36 PM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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“ The Truth! ”
Rev. Brown, who told the truth about Benny Hinn, has done an excellent job in summarizing the problems presented by Scientology. Everyone, Christian and otherwise, needs to hear this and be warned. What's great is the fact that these sermons are being imported back to the USA through SermonAudio.com, where they are probably more relevant because these cultic groups have much greater exposure and penetration here.

Sermon9/20/05 10:48 AM
Dwayne M. Hefner from Wilton, Wisconsin  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have truly recieved a blessing from all of Rev. Ian's sermons, but this one is one of my personal favorites so far. He with the help of the Spirit addresses one of the questions we all ask far too often, especially as of late. I certainly hope the members at Londonderry Free appreciate what a gift the Lord has given them in Rev. Brown. May God continue to bless Rev. Brown with His Words and Guidance.

Sermon9/16/05 8:46 PM
Lee from U.S.A.  
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“ As always, Ian is thorough in research and God gives him passion through His holy Spirit! ”
To all Christians and Muslims: Please see four years and great danger to the researcher revealed about Islam and it's evil author, Muhammad. He was not the neighbor any of us would want! Now, what will you do? www.prophetofdoom.net/

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