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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Lisnagelvin Road
Londonderry, N. Ireland BT47 1QX
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"Great truths."
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania
Blessed marks of a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Rev Ian Brown | Week of Prayer 2012
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Sermon7/23/05 8:50 AM
Lane Whitlock from USA  
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“ The Truth About Hinn! ”
I just listened to Pastor Brown's message from 6/12/05 concerning Benny Hinn. I'm glad to know that others know the truth about this apostate devil. It seems that most people you talk to today are either Hinnites or just don't want to respond to the truth. As a Baptist preacher it does my heart good to hear of those who are not afraid to name names and who will take a stand for God without compromise.

Blog7/20/05 8:45 AM
Edward James Tominus from Pennsylvania  Contact via email
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Dear Sir, with regard to Benny Hinn and all those who use the gospel as a fund raising tool, I always wonder if that isn't similar as those who waited for deliverance but yet would not work and by doing so brought nothing but disgrace to the gospel of our Lord. Paul made tents, Our Lord said our Father God worked as He did. I believe it is good to keep in mind that salvation is the power of the cross and not that of vain and pursuasive words. Thank You for allowing my thoughts as those who would be instruments of the gospel roll on. Perhaps it is as God said in the old testament, They have gone but HE has not sent them.....

Blog7/19/05 12:23 PM
plw from Mo  
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Mary, Benny is into lying signs and wonders, name it claim it, miricals. My dear, you are being decieved. I don't care what your thesis said, whats the Bible say? I was a Rhema student. Are the healings and etc. real? Yes, some are, and some are set up, and some are temporary. The devil copys everything the Lord does. Remember this, the Lord said that it is going to look so good and be so convincing, that it'll try to fool His elect. He said to be not decieved. Don't buy into this garbage. Can you imagine the Lord and Peter up on a hill preaching, and all of a sudden Jesus starts running around, falling down and doing the floppy chicken???? Then Peter says, oh no need to worry, the Spirits just got Him!! Get real girl!! If its not in the Bible, guess what!!??!! I would love to be able to share alot of information with you, but you have to have an open mind to recieve the truth. The wrong spirits are being called in Mary and they are fooling you. Read your Bible and quit listening to the false teachers who twist the scriptures. Some people cry at these meetings and at the same time some laugh, some fall, some run......I call that confusion, and who is the author of that?? Alot of flesh is there and alot of the wrong spirits. MANY will say Lord Lord. Be careful

Blog7/15/05 7:10 AM
Mary mc Kendry from North Antrim  Contact via email
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As a non denominational person I carried out a large study regarding Benny Hinn. I actually met him in London at a lunch. He is a genuine man of God who supports a least 4 orphanages and fully supports a large hospital in India. "Touch not the Lord's anointed and do my prophets no harm" People may not agree with some of His methods, but many have been won to Christ through his ministry. 6 million attended in India and many in the Phillipines ect. He may have an expensive house but he is hardly ever there. He is a Pentecostal type preacher. No doubt many are healed through his ministry but of course many are not. Not everyone is healed in any crusade no matter who is running it. God is sovereign after all. I strongly object to your use of the word Pantomine to decribe Benny Hinn's Crusades. In his book "The greatest Miracle" He states how that Salvation is the most important thing in a person's life. You must have a very limited understanding of his work.I have done a thesis in theology for my D.Phil and have researched most Evangelists including Oral Roberts ,TL Osborn, Kenneth Hagin, ECT. I will never judge a man before I hear him.
If I don't understand what is going on in a ministry I leave it alone.:Mary mc Kendry B.A (Hons) D.A.S.E. D.Phil ( Theology)

Sermon7/13/05 5:23 PM
A Listener from USA  
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“ Marvelous Message! ”
Marvelous, well researched, sermon Ian! I learned much. You tied it all together to scripture beautifully.

Sermon7/12/05 2:46 PM
Edwin from Cabimas, Venezuela  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I am also shocked and surprised by the bombing, but I can asure you it doesn´t catch God by surprise. I try to get in touch with one single London church by email, but I couldn´t. I am praying for those families. We must pray in difficult times the Lord will console. My Lord bless you and your family. My lord bless those families in London and and bless the Christian community, and protect them with His blood. Amen. I am very sad Ian, it has to have an end. Amen.

Sermon7/12/05 4:46 AM
HD from USA  
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“ The Truth About Militants ... ”
Al Qaida, Hamas, Mujahadeen and those thousands of Insurgents who drop everything and leave home to fight for "The Cause of Allah" [as Muhammad teaches], from many countries and many other so-called "Cell Groups" are just being "good Muslims." They are following the Q'uran and the Hadith as they have been taught. "Kill the Infidel!" Anyone who sides with the Infidel [other Muslims who fraternize with non-Muslims] must be killed too. This is pure senseless evil taught to children! Beheading and throat slitting is covered in over thirty pages of the Hadith. Do Muslim doctors working here in America support these chilling actions? Will they rise up against them publicly and speak out? These obseen acts are called out in Revelation 20:4. The Islamic father recites the Q'uaran in to his male baby's ear from birth on. This violent information has to, somehow, be unlearned, modified. The real truth is, that it is wrong. Life is a precious God given gift!

Sermon7/11/05 11:34 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Another timely message! Well researched and presented – a must for the Christian to listen to!

Sermon7/7/05 10:34 PM
Marcel from Canada  Contact via email
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“ Needed information! ”
Billy Graham is a Christ denying, pope flattering apostate. Graham like fellow apostate Robert Schuller believes that people who have never heard of Christ can be saved. The pope is the AntiChrist and Graham is a friend of the pope. No true servant of God can flatter the son of perdition. You cannot serve both God and Beelzebub. http://www.timeforchrist.ca

Blog7/7/05 1:01 PM
Amanda  Contact via email
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Persons who have never experienced the presence of God for themselves always doubt that it is possible or that others have...
The thing about Benny Hinn is that he doesnt glorify Himself. He always points one to Jesus Christ...Because of personal testimonies one should stand back abit before criticizing...
We need not to worry about benny Hinn becasue God knows who are His. At the end of time God will say to those who he used mightily that did not belong to depart from Me i never knew u... The thing about God is that He never lets an opportunity pass by to demonstrate himelf and power... So the fact that He is using Benny is no surprise because he has made himself available to God... let us check out own heart before God...read the word to make sure we will not be deceived by anyone..ie make our own calling and election sure

Sermon7/7/05 4:35 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, U.S.A.  
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“ Powerful Revival Sermon! ”
This Hosea revival sermon "Follow on to know the Lord" is powerful, indeed. Thank you! You are blessed with the Power of the Holy Spirit. "As the morning"................................ Here, in an affluent suburb of Detroit, the fervor of "trust and obey, seek and know the Lord, Hunger, Thirst, Be refreshed, Ascertain, Know, Return, Desire to follow on to know the Lord, Pursue Him with vigor, Onto us", etc. is puny and weak. In most Christian quarters it is lacking.

Sermon7/6/05 9:25 AM
Trevor Hammack  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a great study on a subject that is very much needed today. I am going to add a link to it from my web site. vbc.sermonaudio.com I am about to begin posting a new series on the Charismatic movement. I will point people to this sermon as well. It is well worth your time to listen!

Sermon7/5/05 11:06 PM
Marcel from Canada  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The man of sin is the pope who is the greatest blasphemer on earth. Who else in the world is as great a usurper as the pope? Are there any greater blasphemers? There is no need to look for a future AntiChrist. The papacy is AntiChrist! http://www.timeforchrist.ca

Sermon7/5/05 3:56 PM
Bob from Ulster  
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“ Refreshing Sermon ”
Awakening message to us, that we must follow the Lord and his will!! May the Lord bless this sermon to start revival in our hearts! Good message with plenty of content, heartily recommended!

Sermon7/5/05 10:46 AM
Sven Juergen from Seattle, WA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good job Pastor Ian! I appreciate this message. It is critical for Christian pastors and laymen to defend our faith against the Word of Faith Movement and it's heretical leaders, men like Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch, and Benny Hinn.

Sermon7/4/05 6:08 PM
Nadir B from Algeria.  Contact via email
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“ About Benny Hinn ”
First of all, I didn't yet listened to the sermon. I once been beleiving that Mr Hinn was really a minister of God, but thanks to God my eyes have been opened thanks to watchmen and berean like christian websites. I have seen a video concerning Mr Hinn that is I think very intersting to see. Any who doesn't really know Mr Hinn will get to know him through this Video. you can get it at http://www.letusreason.org/hinn.vid.htm I am not into advertisment, I hope that this message can be read. God bless you.

Sermon6/30/05 6:49 PM
Jim Palmer from Portavogie  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Both sad and serious. What a betrayal of the true Gospel message.. Just goes to show that the most successful stratagy of Satan is to mix the truth with lies. Well done once again Mr Brown! It can be the most unpopular thing in the world to speak a word against those who are charismatic figures in christendom. The time has come that true worshippers must be brave and speak the truth no matter what the consequences. The matter is too serious to keep silent; people are perishing for lack of truth. "Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel"!!!

Sermon6/28/05 4:14 PM
Howell Davis from USA  
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“ Finishing Well?! ”
How very sad ... . End Times, indeed! A bad dream! The Holy Spirit has empowered you to expose how Satan has sadly deceived old Billy. His worldly foolishness, endorsement of evil, and senile naivete far outweigh his good ministry of the Word today. The two conflict and collide dramatically! He is reduced, when his tent is old and infirm, to being a mere pawn of Satan's emissaries, the murderous Clintons, prompting his long-term colleague to walk out!

Sermon6/27/05 4:15 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ The Traveling Circus! ”
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 surely speaks regarding Benny and his traveling circus: "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." Christ, our only Hope!

Blog6/25/05 8:35 PM
Geoff from Northern Ireland  
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Sadly you seem to be misinformed on Benny Hinn and the Healing Anointing. I have at first hand expereinced Miracles, Signs And Wonders, and have actually recieved a Miracle not through Benny Hinn but through another Healing Evangilist. You have choosen to believe the God of this Age the sciencetific knowledge that Miracles do not exist and cannot possible happen. I choose to believe the Teachings of Christ, not a Man Made believe. Jesus operated in Miracles Signs And Wonders, and he told us to do the same. You Preach with Mans Knowledge but the Apostle Paul did not come just with Mans Knowledge, he demonstrated the Power Of God. When are you going to do the same? Be careful who you knock when your own denomnation has been bitten by the Political Spirit.

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Take it that means comments against BHM should be censored?

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