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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Lisnagelvin Road
Londonderry, N. Ireland BT47 1QX
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"Christmas: Satanic Paganism in The Church"
Anonymous Name
One of the popish and Satanic pagan infiltrations in the churches of today is known as Christmas. It is also commonly known that...
Rev Ian Brown | Prayer for Persecuted in India
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Sermon4/26/05 5:38 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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Why Believe In God?
Rev Ian Brown
“ Excellent Preaching! ”
Excellent preaching! Everyone should hear this powerful message!

Sermon4/26/05 10:13 AM
NORMAN FRASER from UNITED KINGDOM  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think that the speaker deals with the subject of popery very well and I would recommend that every Christian would listen to this sermon.

Sermon4/26/05 3:37 AM
Thomas Rooney from New Hyde Park, USA  
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“ Great Message! ”
Great Message! Thy word is true. Not the word of Rome. Nobody wants to tell the truth about the pope and Rome. Thanks for speaking in Christ and telling it like it is. 1 Corinthians 2:2.

Sermon4/25/05 6:47 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yet another great sermon of encouragement in this day of great falling away and compromise. This sermon is a must for all true born again believers to listen to. IF YOU ARE CHRIST'S LIFT UP HIS BANNER!

Sermon4/24/05 11:20 AM
Edwin from Cabimas Venezuela  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I haven´t heard the preach, because I´m looking forward to have it translated, then I can download, read and share it with my students friends and other churches around here. As soon as sermonaudio has this services I´ll be more than glad to make my comments. However, everything that´s done to show how Roman Catholic church has been sistematically cheaten to the world is good for me. Edwin

Sermon4/22/05 6:24 AM
Michael from Kyoto, Japan  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon brings out points that show some of the dangerous labels that the Pope had put on himself. No man, other than our Savior Jesus Christ, should claim such titles. Thank you for staying with the Bible. I hope people will seek God and be careful not to give the honor to any man except Jesus Christ.

Sermon4/21/05 6:52 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
If you really want to know where the pope went to when he died, then listen to this sermon. This new pope has started of where the last left off, so we will know his ending also if he continues on with his Mary the Queen worship. "Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said (JESUS), Yea RATHER BLESSED ARE THEY THAT HEAR THE WORD OF GOD, AND KEEP IT". Thank GOD! That's why "YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN".

Sermon4/21/05 3:49 AM
SD from North America  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Keep preaching the truth. I sometimes cannot believe the way Christians (so-called) whore after the cult of Roman Catholicism. Your message was right on. May the Lord bless your stand.

Sermon4/20/05 5:20 PM
Jim Palmer from N. Ireland  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
When many "evangelicals" are being snared in admiration for the pomp and popularity of the current "bandwagon" of the papacy, these sermons are vital for true christians to hear and heed as they truly expose the ugly harlot behind the makeover! Well done Rev Brown!.. Keep the faith!

Sermon4/19/05 5:03 AM
A Former Roman Catholic  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The stage is set for the giant to awake and plunder the world. Rome has looked to this day since the end of Second Vatican Council. They could not do it with Paul 6th for he was a man who suffered depression and was not capable to fulfil the plan of Vatican II. John Paul I was sickly and unable to set in place key cardinals all over the world so they had John Paul II to begin the process and the next pope will conclude it. The Roman Church will rise to a power that the world can only tremble at as this new papacy will clear the way for the end and Revelation fullfilment.

Sermon4/18/05 2:03 PM
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“ Great Movie! ”
I thought it was a great movie! [ Ian Brown's Response ]: Thanks for your comment, Stan. Evidently I don't share your enthusiasm. Viewers of this page may wish to take a look at my message on 'The Pope's Favourite Bible Verse?' Under the second main heading I outline the impact Gibson's blatant Mary worship is having on 'evangelical' Protestants ... .

Sermon4/18/05 10:18 AM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message! ....A "must hear" sermon!....Listen, learn, and be warned about the coming one-world-religion and the uniting force of the ecumenical movement!

Sermon4/16/05 8:30 PM
Jack from Northern Ireland  
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“ Gives it Straight! ”
People may place their bets and cardinals may cast their votes, but - as this great sermon reminds us - "whoever the next Pope may be, in common with all the other occupants of this office, he will automatically become THE GREATEST USURPER on the globe!"

Sermon4/16/05 9:20 AM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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“ Excellent Preaching! ”
Amen brother! Excellent preaching! May God continue to bless your ministry as you defend the great truths of God's wonderful Free Sovereign Grace, and expose the false doctrines of popery!...1 Timothy 4:1 says.. ¶Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils... We see this taking place today before our very eyes!

Sermon4/15/05 12:31 PM
Brian Kibbe from Monson, Mass, USA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Another Exellent message of truth from Brother Ian Brown. I thank the Lord that He has servants today that are not afraid to preach TRUTH. The false teaching of the church of Rome is not spoken of often enough. They are not brothers but are THE biggest deceivers that are leading people to hell. We need to stand together with those who will not compromise with Catholicism but rather reject it and cling to the truth.

Sermon4/12/05 6:10 AM
Former Son of the RC Church  
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“ Timely Message! ”
The Papacy will now show its true colours. I can honestly say as a former ardent Roman Catholic that there is a terrible time ahead for true Bible believing Christians. John Paul II put in place the mechanism for the next pope to work on. This is the way of the papacy. It glories now in the death of John Paul II, for it stirs up the people towards religious fervour like nothing else can do. I say that the world will witness in this new papacy the awaking of the sleeping giant of Rome and many will wonder after it and fall prey to its seductive influence. Watch what I say and see it unfold before your eyes as the beast begins to move.

Sermon4/5/05 7:24 AM
James from Northern Ireland  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent. Very well put together, lots of detail. Very informative. I learnt a lot of new information which is going to be very useful. Thank you.

Sermon4/3/05 7:25 PM
Rodney from South Australia  Contact via email
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“ A must hear Sermon! ”
A well researched, well preached and well received message. If you listen to just one sermon on sermon audio make this the one!

Sermon4/3/05 9:26 AM
Geoff from uk  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Well done Rev. Brown for standing for the true faith in this day of liberalism when every so called "evangelical" is so nicey, nicey (don't rock the boat mentality is all around us). RECOMMENDED TO ALL!

Sermon4/2/05 9:05 PM
Daniel Lee Ford  
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“ Outrageous Claims exposed! ”
"Holy Father" is only used once in the Bible; Jn.17:11: God the Father's title. New York Catholic Catechism, under Pope: "The Pope takes the place of Jesus Christ on earth...by divine right the pope has supreme and full power in faith and morals over each and every pastor and his flock. He is the true Vicar of Christ, the head of the entire church, the father and teacher of all Christians. He is the infallible ruler, the founder of dogmas, the author of and the judge of councils; the universal ruler of truth, the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by one, God himself on earth." In encyclical, "The Reunion of Christendom" (1885), Pope Leo XIII stated that the pope holds "upon this earth the place of God Almighty." Council of Trent declared: "Sitting in that chair in which Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, sat to the close of life, the Catholic Church recognizes in his person the most exalted degree of dignity, and the full jurisdiction not based on constitutions, but emanating from no less authority than from God Himself. As the Successor of St.Peter& the true and legitimate Vicar of Jesus Christ, he therefore, presides over the Universal Church, the Father & Governor of all the faithful" This is Arrogant blasphemy!

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