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News Item11/21/06 8:42 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Arthur Scottland,
Thanks for the peaceable response.

Yes, salvation does take more than just our seeking, it actually starts with God's seeking that which is lost. But please let's not cut out of our Bibles too quickly the promises which the LORD has given us such as...And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

News Item11/20/06 11:08 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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You already know that I'm NOT a 'Calvinist' but I thought you 'Calvinists' took everything as predestined by the will of God and that you all just have to accept whatever comes, even Bush & Blair embracing the Muslims.

Please I am not trying to be mean but don't you think you just might want to seek God and cry out to Him for mercy considering this mess in the world?

I watched the video of this woman. It saddened me that she is a secularist but the things she brought out should have already been quite well know by any head of state, and a matter of much prayer by 'our' churches.

News Item11/20/06 8:34 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Are you asking about Apostasy?
If so O.T. history gives the heartbreaking cycle of people whom God has delivered turning away from Him over and over again and His dealings with them to bring them back to Himself.

If you are talking specifically about the Purpose Driven or Church Growth Movements there are excellent Christians ministries that have thoroughly researched this and documented their findings.

www.sermonaudio.com has several messages on this.

www.crossroad.to has some excellent articles.

Richard Bennett, who is on SermonAudio by the way, a former Catholic priest, has an excellent article on his site where Rick Warren misses it on man's greatest need.

www.sliceoflaodicea.com has many articles on the matter.

and you may want to check out Cross Talk on VCY America as they have archived radio programs on this and related subjects.

Hopefully your own research will more than answer your questions and help you to pray for the people this affects.

News Item11/20/06 2:54 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Certainly the discussion starts with Rick Warren's praise of Syria yet it should not take a rocket scientist of a theologian to see Rick Warren and his popularity and his cooperation with evil touches far more than just Syria.

Kind of like even though we mention him, Satan, from time to time we really don't want to be confronted with his purpose and where he is driving those under his influence to go.

Or perhaps if we are not Purpose Driven we just want to "Celebrate Apathy" after all it is just the signs of the times or it is all predestined so we pretend nothing we do matters.

News Item11/20/06 2:16 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I thought I was done with my comments to you but I feel compelled to make one more.

We live in a time of "pick and choose christianity".

For example someone like James Dobson can champion the posting of the 10 Commandments while at the same time practise ecumenism whereby he supports and even encourages and joins with Roman Catholics who practise idolatry, which is an iniquity of those who the LORD says hate Him.

We simply cannot and must not have a "pick and choose christianity" of our own making or Satan will have one of his servants in the disquise of a servant of righteousness on a cause we care about (one example abortion) come in to seduce us into spiritual adultery against Christ.

I would think anyone with a heart after the LORD is quite troubled with politicans and evangelists who cozy up with Muslims, Mormons and even with homosexuals, especiallly when they join in so called interfaith worship with them.

News Item11/20/06 2:02 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Hopefully to wrap my comments.

Rick Warren and other false teachers like him have such a large following because they are truly serving Satan the god of this world with their enticing deceiving counterfeit of Christianity which is going in the direction of a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion that will ultimately have its greatest "Celebration" in its worship of The Antichrist and the taking of his mark.

News Item11/20/06 1:43 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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This "Celebration of Apostasy" is a quite planned thing, after all it gives people a very religious way, even an entertaining way to pracise a form of godliness, making God to be whatever YOU want Him to be while you deny the power thereof, literally denying Jesus Christ's authority to be Lord, and to be obeyed, in every area of your life not merely church on Sunday morning, or what Bible translation you use.

You may have noticed how many people got caught up in the Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. Popular (made Gibson millions)after all what Christian would dare to say anything against such a dramtic depiction of the Lord's suffering and death?

Yet it deviated from Scripture into apostate Roman Cathoic mysticism and few warned of this because it was so utterly "popular" before it ever hit the movies being hailed by so many Religious Celebrates who should have known better but went along with what was popular.

This "Celebration of Apostasy" alows people to decieve themsleves God is really working - sinners weeping at how brutal the beating of Jesus real was, large crowds "partying" at so called " Christian Concerts" and even hundreds coming forward at large stadium events because they want to go to heaven when they die.

News Item11/20/06 1:22 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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What I meant was (is) that I find it hard to comprehend how someone like Rick Warren draws so much attention and attracts such a large following.
end of quote

I've beeb thinking on this for awhile so here goes where I am at the present.
Refer to Psalm 2

Those in leadership in 'our' churches have many who are literally conspiring together against the LORD and against His Annointed. Similar to the Pharisees they want God to be what they make Him out to be because deep down they hate the thought of obeying His commandments.

Along with this Satan has enabled them to "Celebrate their Apostasy" giving them popularity, and fame, and don't forget great wealth from the world system under his (Satan's) inluence and control. This "popularity" has an enormous deluding affect on people at large because if it is so popular, on TV (even Foxnews Channel), in Wal-mart, not to mention in "Christian" Book Stores they assume to their own hurt it must be right.

If we are tempted to think Satan does not have influence on the peole running TBN, or Moody Radio, etc. try to get a speaker who exposes false teachers With Evidence, not rumor, of their betrayal of Christ by name on these "Mega-Christian" networks and see how far you get or how quick they can hank him right off.

News Item11/18/06 7:10 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Jesus cared enough to warn the disciples regarding the Pharisees should we not also warn of the false teachers of this day?

Survey11/18/06 6:25 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,
Get real, of course it is not!

I never said that did I. So kindly don't accuse me or insinuate something to me that I never said.

Beside you shouldn't forget that with God all things are possible.

Survey11/18/06 5:29 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,
TULIP is man's intrepretation of Christ's teaching and you all seem to do an outstanding job of making it of your primary importance.

Joe, I am a former Roman Catholic and I simply do not need a "Protestant Pope" in exchange for a Roman one. If you all don't like it that I do not bow to your 'Calvinism' I would suggest you get over it. I am quite comfortable with Sola Scriptura over Calvin, Thank You.

Survey11/18/06 5:23 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Too bad you where "predestinated" to be a 5 Point TULIP instead of just being a wretched sinner who could in simple child like faith believe God and His exceedingly precious promise of the gift of eternal life.

But I quess you've been all educated out of the idea that God has actually made such a promise that sinners could believe in and be saved.

Survey11/18/06 5:07 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

Somehow my first response got lost n the posting

Total depravity (Calvinist term)
Sinners cannot save themselves quite true but you must read into the verses what they do not say that they are unable to repsond to God's conviction and invitation and by faith seize upon His promise like their lives depend upon it.

Unconditional Election (TULIP term)
Yes, Christ chooses sinners but you must read into the verse your own interpretation that there are no terms uon which God chooses, such as humility, godly sorrow, repentance or faith.

Limited Atonement (term of Calvinists)
This goes quite against what the Holy Spirit, who knows quite a bit more in the matter than all the 5 pointer ever dreamed, moved John to write,
My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

I quess you all kind of missed that part not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.

Survey11/18/06 4:51 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

The verses you quoted in no way teach God's grace is irresistible. They do speak of something quite supernatural but that is a different thing.

Besides Scripture teaches us,
Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.

Now if His grace as you all want to make it out to be (irresistible) every single last sinner should be saved, but they are not are they.

It is the perseverance, the keeping, of Christ that ensures the believers salvation but by wording as they have 'Calvinsts' subtlely take the emphasis off the character and faithfulness of Christ and of God to fulfill His promises and put it on man as if somehow a 'Calvinist' will endure to the end, with so much for the glory of God.

Survey11/18/06 4:19 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

Jesus taught this,
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

If you care to notice He emphasised those who heard and acted upon His words versus thosewho did not.

Yet 'Calvinsts' such as yourself make the emphasis election/predestination and deny that men who hear, you notice both heard, have any abiliity to act on His Word which is something quite different than they of themselves can work their way into heaven or invite themselves there.

If anything the parable about the marriage feast speaks of those who will make excuse not to cme to Him which would also be quite different than having no ability to respond to His invitation.

Survey11/18/06 2:17 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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As to the wisdom this world did not understand it was the Cross, not TULIP, don't you think?

Survey11/18/06 2:07 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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You greatly miss my point you all preach emphasise TULIP while the Holy Spirit emphasises Jesus Christ.

And you don't need to believe TULIP to be saved and be part of the elect, predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son Jesus Christ and know in Him the gift of eternal life do you.

Shame on you for making it seem that sinners must be 'Calvinists' to be saved.

Survey11/18/06 1:54 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,
A simple question, does a person have to believe 5 point Calvinism to be saved?

No! Are you sure?

So just what and more importantly in Whom must they believe?

Now are you going to find fault with Jesus for all the wretched sinners He has saved who were not '5 Point Calvinists' and never will be?

And you want to accuse me of not abiding in the doctrine of Christ because I don't bow to you all's definition of the Sovereignity of God, Election and Predestination but rather let God Himself in the context of Scripture define them?

Survey11/18/06 11:28 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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It seems with some 'Calvinists' thankfully not all they make TULIP (Election)out to be more important than Christ with comments such as
The "fruit" and witness of the True Christian is the Reformed Doctrines of Grace.(TULIP) These are the Biblical Doctrines of Christ and His Apostles.
end of quote

Which would problably surprise the apostle Paul who moved by the Holy Spirit wrote to the Corinthians,

For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

Seems Bro. Paul was deficient to not mention TULIP here if it was so important don't you think?

Survey11/18/06 9:36 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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That is your claim.
But you did not answer my question or questions.
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