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News Item11/13/06 11:59 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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By Your Standards, Not Elect
You appear to be a Catholic so let's just ask you is it Roman Catholic Teaching that the RC eucharist is litterally the body and blood of Chriat physicaly present whereby an obedient Catholic is to bow down and worship rhe RC Eucharist as if it is Jesus Christ Himslef physically present? Only to be in the Catholic for about 15 minutes after eating "him?"

This is simply not a maybe issue if the Roman Catholic Church is right on the RC euchrist everyone of us ought to bow in worship before it and if they are wrong it is a blasphemous idolatry a sin of such seriousness that God Himself say is an inquity of those who hate him.

Survey11/12/06 6:55 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Please forgive me being an ignorant Yankee (of things English and Scottish) I had no intention of saying anything offensive to you.
God knows I appreciate your honest and humble stand for Christ. Thank You.

Survey11/12/06 5:36 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I believe you are speaking of Richard Bennett. In his testimony he describes being under great conviction because of Jesus's own words, "And the Scriptures Cannot Be Broken" and goes on with his struggle and ultimately of being saved by grace through faith.

Bro. Bennett may be a Calvinist but listen carefully and you hear in his testimony and other messages a love for Christ, for the Scripture, for the lost, not just lost Catholics, but the lost,

that is quite seemingly missing in thosw who "...who describe themselves as "calvinists" but deny there is an offer of mercy to sinners in the gospel, who see themselves justified from eternity (rather than elected in eternity past and brought to repentance and faith and justified in time)and who make the ground of their hope their belief that they are elect (else there is no mercy promised in the gospel) rather than Christ. ..."

As to studying history of battles and martyrs with the enemies of the truth Yes! This would be of benefit. Let's not forget Luther in this for he set a great example of a much less than perfect man standing upon Scripture in face of the Roman Pope of his day.

News Item11/12/06 5:15 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Jim Lincoln,
Don't be too sure that former Cathlicis or Muslims have that much interest to those devoted to these religions.

Speaking of Catholics by experience openly or subtily they are taught to hate, despise, view as of the devil, ingratefull traitors, have lost their mind been deceived by wicked protestants those who have rejected and left Catholicism. Such people used to be put to death and soon may be again.

They have also been taught (falsely) by experts in twisting straight forward reading of Scripture into meaning something quite different to the flow of context - And don't forget falsely taught to think their clergy knows so much more than they do so they must be right even when it goes against their conscience and if they disagree with them they must be in frightful sin.

Can they be reached? Sure! but it will be very much in answer to prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit please seek God for what only He can do and rejoice over each on that He brings to salvation.

Survey11/12/06 2:49 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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For want of a better word I also am a Baptist and I have to agree with you I see an enormous falling away going on in far too many Baptist Churches.

As a former Roman Catholic I've observed one of the schemes they use to draw the naive back to Rome is "Church History" when if we would look at O.T. history in Scripture we would see men departing from the Word of God and suffering the consequences and God bring them back again and men being blessed. Catholic history is really the record of increasing apostasy.

So it seems similar with us today we don't merely need reformation to a "historically good time" but to Scripture itself. For instance no matter how good or bad we might like to view Whitefield and the Wesleys they both exibited a passion for Scripture and it was the Word of God by the Spirit of God that did such an outstanding work in the heats and lives of men.

Then it seems with Finney and others even to Rick Warren in this day who increasingly mixed the teachings of men that we've seen less and less of the work of the Word of God and the Spirit of God Changing the Hearts and Lives of men.

Survey11/12/06 2:06 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I have already testified that I am a former never to be again Roman Catholic, would you now have me substitute a Catholic Pope for a Protestant one?

Canons of Dordt???
Sorry but I have simply never found in Scripture where I was obligated in the least to such things nor the Canons of Orange for that matter.

But doesn't Jesus say,
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

I think I have a problem, and rightly so, when anyone makes their own personal interpretation out to be more authoritative than Scripture and binding upon others whether they like it or not.

Survey11/12/06 1:48 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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We sure have a lot to learn and grow up into as children of God. You mentioned to me having a friend who is also a former Catholic and told me of the expression 'every protestant and his dog' thinking they had the duty and the right to instruct him in what to believe or not.

I think you are a precious sister to me in Christ and it grieves me to see my 'brothers' give you grief. What is important to me is that you are saved, that you openly express your love of Christ that your words demonstrate one who is listening to His voice. You didn't have to make yourself perfect before Jesus would love you and accept you and the rest of us would do better to remember that too.

Survey11/12/06 1:38 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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They teach that God must get their permission prior to salvation
End of Quote

How ridiculous and can I say distorting of what those who believe you can loose their salvation by living in sin teach.

They might be quite wrong (I in no way think Scripture teaches one whom Christ has saved looses their salvation, gets severely disciplined YES! but not loose their salvation) but I do not believe it is right to missrepersent them either.

As a personal word of testimony I am a former never to be again Roman Catholic and believe going over board and falsely missrepresenting Catholicism in no way helps Christians to Separate Biblically with Rome nor assists in winning Catholics to Christ. Worse it is sin against God.

Survey11/12/06 12:29 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Our precious wee colleen, b.a., has said it quite well

But then I would say,
for the just shall LIVE BY faith, not sit by faith. And this faith they live by must needs be in Jesus Christ who is ALIVE not buried and locked away in some theological library.

Survey11/12/06 11:10 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Precious sister who have blessed my heart with your comment.

....who describe themselves as "calvinists" but deny there is an offer of mercy to sinners in the gospel, who see themselves justified from eternity (rather than elected in eternity past and brought to repentance and faith and justified in time)and who make the ground of their hope their belief that they are elect (else there is no mercy promised in the gospel) rather than Christ. such doctrine negates the need to strive to enter in, in obeying the gospel. ....
End fo Quote

You have put this in quite excellent terms. God knows I appreciate this.

News Item11/12/06 11:02 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Step right up and become part of the one world religion with blended services of all religions prostituted together under the the authority and approval of the Papacy.

They will of course make it sound so good, so sincere, so spiritual, so tolerant and don't forget to have world peace. Why! Anyone who will disagree with them must be so against world peace that they will deserve to be put to death.

This will probably bring about a serious separation of those who hold to Jesus Christ ALONE knowing He is worthy, more than worthy of life itself and those who emptily profess Him.

Survey11/12/06 8:25 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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We are indeed while in this mortal flesh so imperfect and have so much to learn and grow up into as children of God. If the Father demanded instant perfection of us we would all surely be damned. I am so thankful that He gives me His very own righteousness in Christ as a gift and disciplines me that I may share His Holiness and not just blindly continue on in sin.

Survey11/12/06 8:18 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Just becauses someone gives mental assent to thr 5 points of Clavinism does that mean they are actually one of the elect?

Here in the U.S. we have a frightful error among the evanglicals of substituting a proffession of faith as evidence for salvation rather than a changed life.

If your "Calvinism" has not brought you to the new birth in the Holy Spirit, God Himself changing you into a child of God than it is a quite worthless religious counterfeit for you.

By the way not Calvinism, not Roman Catholicism, nor Arminianism (whatever that is) makes anyone a child of God, being made a child of God comes only in recieving Jesus Christ and being born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man BUT OF GOD.

It will take a quite personal encounter with the living God not an advanced degree in theology.

Survey11/11/06 9:45 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
May I ask you since you are one who is fairly fervent in your 5 Point Calvinism have you ever given thought that your belief that you are “elect / predestined” has robbed you or side tracked you from real personal appreciation that Christ died, had to die for you because there was no other way for you to be forgiven?

Kind of like since in your belief you had no choice in the matter you just go along with it and therefore what you really appreciate is that you are “elect / predestined” almost like you were never a that bad a sinner because you were “elect & predestined” not that you ever desperately needed to be saved from your sins and there came that day when under the conviction of your sins against Him, God flooded your life with godly sorrow and brought you to repentance and abandoning all hope of saving yourself but only that Christ had died for sinners such as you and that in hope against hope you cried out to Him and He heard you and saved you giving you new birth.

If I am missing your appreciation of being saved from your sins please do your best to put your appreciation of Christ willingly suffering into words so I don’t misunderstand you. Thanks

Survey11/11/06 1:03 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Sorry for the miss type.

HE deserves to be our first and foremost love.

If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
1 Cor 16:22

Survey11/11/06 12:55 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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In the Spirit of a brother you've missrepresented me.

...total inability TO RESPOND TO God, total inability TO RESPOND TO the conviction of the Holy Spirit...

So I do not define being totally unable to save oneself from your sin is being totally unable to respond to God, they are not the same thing.

Further "arguing" this way can distract us both from the cross and the debt of love we owe Christ and sabotage our witness of Him who willingly gave His life for us. After all it is He who is central to being saved, to being born of God, of having the gift of God eternal life.

Also when you disagree with me that is one thing but I believe God Himself bears witness to the worth of Christ and that we deserves to be our first and foremost love.

If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
1 Cor 16:22

Survey11/11/06 11:53 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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By the Holy Spirit Paul wrote,
I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. 15So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.

I believe it is quite safe to observe that each of us who are saved, born again of the Holy Spirit, recipiants of the gift of eternal life in Christ likewise have such a debt to witness and proclaim the gospel of Christ to everyone everywhere and something that should be a great joy for us who know we are forgiven of so much, especially when God allows us the exceeding privlege to see others come to faith in Christ too.

Survey11/11/06 11:35 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Not being a 5 Point Calvinist I do not define "Total Depravity" as total inability to respond to God, total inability to respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit but rather in terms of being totally wretched, a sinner, and TOTALLY UNABLE TO SAVE ONESELF, OR CHANGE TO BE HOLY, OR KEEP ONESELF SAVED.

Therefore I look at salvation as being entirely from the first to the last as being of the GRACE of God, as being the GIFT of God and purchased at great cost to Himself, a gift which utterly changes the worst of sinners into a new creation, with a new nature, a child of God forever, who Christ Himself keeps by His own almighty power and faithfullness. And yes I believe Scripturally if we are a child of God we are to grow up into Him in every aspect of life, ultimately conformed to the image of His Son Jesus Christ and this growth will show more and more in obedient love for Him.

Having said all this, may we keep by God's grace, Jesus Christ as our first and foremost love and take fresh appreciation of Him who died for us on the cross and follow Him who is so worhy of all our love, and trust, and obedience, and proclaimation, preaching and witness, who is worth even more than these mortal lives which are so short in face of eternity.

Survey11/10/06 11:04 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I did not claim she had perfect doctrine.
End of Quote

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.

Sounds quite serious to me, this thing about doctrine BUT I forgotten (not really) you have already claimed you do not believe God's record.

Survey11/10/06 10:58 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I quess we must be utterly inferior.
But then I believe you know:

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

And again:
For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence.

Thank God for the cross!

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