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Survey11/29/06 4:50 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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May Li.,
Perhaps it has something to do with those who will pray for the lost that God might convict them of their sins and give them to Jesus, that believers would petition the Father to send laborers into the harvest who will preach the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit, even if they are ridiculed, spit upon, tortured and killed. Think.

Or does prayer mean something else also to the 5 Pt Calvinist too?


Survey11/29/06 3:28 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Would Nicodemus be able to understand when Jesus said, the world, he would not have had a problem thinking "Jew and Gentiles!!!"

Survey11/29/06 3:24 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Please do not take offense. I know you call yourself a Calvinist but you simply do not behave and act like non-Calvinists must be somekind of wicked arminian heretics, so I am not talking about you.

With the attitude some Calvinist communicate it is like they are denying,

"It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

And instead are insisting, The Elect shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, properly interpreted according to 5 point Calvinism.

And in so doing they act as a hindrence to people simply reading for themselves the Scripture and learning from God as the Holy Spirit gives them understanding of the truth in understandable words that do not have to be "mystically" interpreted is right there in front of them.

How it must grieve the Holy Spirit to see people claim over and over again what He moved the writes of Scripture to put down say that it really doesn't mean what it says, think.


Survey11/29/06 3:11 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Here is something for you to ponder. Before Calvin, even before Augustine, what did the word "world" mean to Nicodemus?

Please understand to say "world" meant "elect" to a Jewish man who had never heard of John Calvin nor the 5 Points is a gross twisting of reality. It is also insulting to claim that Jesus said things and didn't really mean what He was saying. Why would you do that? Think.


Survey11/29/06 2:57 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,
I had just read your response before needing to leave home and just returned so I haven't read through all the various comments are yet.

However, Joe, I did not ask you how limited the prayers of Jesus are but how limited the love of God is. Certainly Jesus prays for those who draw near to God through Him and No! And when He prays for His disciples He makes a distinction between them and the world. But does that mean God had no love at all for the world????

"Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish."

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."

The way you switched from the very key verse regarding the love of God John 3:16, 1 John 4:10, Romans 5:8 reminds of the garden where the serpent said to Eve, "Yea, hath God said", Think.

Survey11/29/06 1:03 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

You still have not told us how limited the love of God is after a good truthful look at the cross.

Survey11/29/06 12:52 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

But if you really want to know how limited the love of God is, "look at the cross", and then tell us how limited the love of God is.

Survey11/29/06 12:43 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

Scripture tells me,
"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"

My hope and it is Praise God! a most certain and sure one is that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, even a wretch like me, and being raised from the dead He, the Son of the Living God, is more than able to.

Also Scripture tells me,
"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain."

Joe since you have already shown that you would do such a thing in arguing John 3:16 doesn't mean what it says by your actions you have already told me it would be a vain thing to answer your questioning.

You have pretty much made up your mind and you really don't want anyone to change your beliefs, do you, think.

Survey11/29/06 12:32 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

I think your understanding of the love of God, and for that matter the Word of God, the justice of God, along with the grace of God, etc.

is what is quite limited.

Survey11/29/06 12:14 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

Do you realize what you are doing? Your comments show that you presume that you can tell Jesus Christ what the words that He said mean. This is the same kind of thing the Pharisees were doing with the Sabbath and the Law of Moses.

Let me suggest if the theological system you have thought was accurate and correct has motivated you to do such a thing you just might want to reconsider and repent


Survey11/29/06 12:09 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Society for the Abolition,

Have you not read your own Bible?

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

Interesting Jesus seems to give people a choice in the matter. Too bad it doesn't redily comform to those whose dogmatic theology demands a different opinion, think.


Survey11/29/06 12:05 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,

Just looked that the 5 Solas that you gave me.

I simply had another list of the 5 basic beliefs of the "Protestant Reformation" which only touched on 4 of them that is all.

Would you like to say Church Leadership should omit preaching speaking on personal repentance?????

As to Soli Deo Gloria, Soley to the Glory of God, are you bent out of shape that God just might be glorified in the reality that He is worthy to be trusted in for salvation by those who cannot save themselves, and that those who trust Him and are saved by Him might just now love Him out of gratitude for His undeserved love?

"Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins."

Seems you are quite zealous for God but your knowledge of Him is twisted with having to comform to a particular theological dogmatism, think.


Survey11/29/06 11:57 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Joe Calgary Alberta,
Don't remember seeing your questions.
Let me take a look back.

And while you are waiting remember,
"For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16

Survey11/29/06 11:52 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Yamil Luciano,
I've been thinking about John 3:16.
A preacher in Chattanooga gave 4 basic thoughts for Biblical Interpretation that applies here.
1- What does it say - the World
2- What does it not say - the Elect
3- What would it have meant to those who hear it first (in this case Nicodemus) - the World both Jews and Gentiles
4- What does it mean to us today - The "Elect"????
the World, Jews and Gentiles?

I have to think if any promoting a theological system cannot get it right on something so clear as this what else have they not gotten it right on? And even more why would they promote it?


Survey11/28/06 9:22 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Faith arises out of our human nature?
I'd never have thought that after all doesn't the Holy Spirit who moved Paul to write Romans move Paul to write, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

In my simple words faith comes by hearing the Word of God, which is Truth, spoken by the Almighty Sovereign Creator and Ruler of the Universe and is therefore entirely trustworthy as He is faithful to make good His Word.

Apparently the Holy Spirit gives us understanding hearing the word of God is what gives/produces faith it is not an act of human will that some falsely claim that it is.

And if you all cannot get it right on where faith comes from what else do you not have it right on? Think.

Survey11/28/06 9:15 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Please I hope you understand I was not beginning to think of you or anyone else who calls themself a Calvinist who shows like you do such obvious love and appreciation for Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose again on our behalf in the comments I made.

As to idolatry, if I exalt my beloved Baptist Church, or Fundemental Baptist Teaching as the only true Christian Church/Teaching to which everyone else must bow in alligiance or be called heretic you might hopefully understand where I am coming from when it comes to making idols of men, their teachings and the movements named after them.

Again I apologize that this kind of discussion can lead to misunderstandings because like with Roman Catholics who are quite false they nevertheless do have a knowledge of some of the basics of God, example the Trinity and the Virgin Birth and the people I have had trouble with are those similarly who have a certain knowledge of Christ and who then dogmatically make their own beliefs on par with Scripture if not actually superior to it, maybe not with their words but their attitudes and treatment of others.

You need make no apology to me. God knows I appreciate you and your faith and even now your undeserved graciousness to one such as me.

Survey11/28/06 6:41 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I'd love to stay and respond to your utterly false claim Billy lover of the Pope believes like I do but I have a meeting.

You all have a problem and it isn't that you are reading for yourself the Word of God and trusting that God, who truly is Sovereign, just not in your opinion of what that may be, has said what He means and means what He says.


Survey11/28/06 6:37 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Yamil Luciano,

Pathfinder, former never to be again Roman Catholic here. Having been raised Catholic it has allowed me to have some quite up front and personal observation of Out And Out Idolatry in motion. It is a horrible heartbreaking thing to see sincere Roman Catholic people bowing in worship to their "Beloved Idols". And just speak ill of one of their "Precious Idols" and you might see the hatred they really have of the Truth.

And now another group bows to it Idols, not made with stone and wood but with the intellect of man, and if anyone tilts one of their precious false beliefs it can make them quite upset.

Rome burned those she viewed as heretics (goes along with those who refused to bow to her idols by the way) and Geneva likewise sought to compel its subjects to do likewise.

Survey11/28/06 6:20 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Sola Scriptura –His Holy Written Word has the very authority of God Himself above all Leaders and Traditions to teach, literally to command us in what we think, believe and in how we live.

Personal Repentance – Something no one else can do for us, not even God. He may grant you repentance, even so convict by the Holy Spirit that you know you will perish in hell if you don’t. It is a turning from a self centered disobedient living for yourself to now live under the authority of and for Jesus Christ. Far more than attending church or getting religious.

Grace Alone – Being in hopeless guilt before Him, your repentance doesn’t save you from your sins. God Himself must do this – forgiving, cleansing you of sins, giving you new birth in the Holy Spirit, making you His beloved child forever. Things impossible for anyone else in heaven or on earth to do for you

Faith Alone – The only way we may receive the gift of God eternal life. God must provide and give it and He does. We must trust Him for it.

Christ Alone – Jesus Christ Himself saves forever apart from any works of righteousness we might do or others imagine must be done for us. He The Good Shepherd Himself now keeps, teaches and leads us in the working out of our salvation not the earning of it.

Survey11/28/06 6:18 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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My following post will be short and cover imperfectly the 5 Key Beliefs of the Reformation. You might notice they are simply not TULIP but they are quite Biblical. Again if I have worded them poorly in the space available I apologize but I do not apologizing to holding Jesus Christ and Him Alone for my salvation and not to 5 Point Calvinism. Thank You Very Much
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