Always a blessing... hear such testimonies. I so enjoy the FPC preachers. It's all of grace; & praise the Lord for His mercy toward helpless & hopeless sinners.
This is a much needed sermon here in Canada and the US. Thank you for your faithful exposition on this matter. I am praying for your ministry in Canada.
Great Sermon! I’ve followed this man of God on radio (Conference Echo’s) here in N.J. starting back when Rev. Greer preached in Pennsylvania until the present in Ballymena. Being an organist myself, I love the singing and playing of those great Hymns and Psalms singing of this congregation. May God receive All the Glory!
Imprecatory Prayers: Indictment Against Popery It is important to note the Imprecatory Prayers in Psalms 05 (Psalms 5), Psalms 10, Psalms 17, Psalms 35, Psalms 58, Psalms 59, Psalms 69, Psalms 70, Psalms 79, Psalms 83, Psalms 109, Psalms 129, Psalms 137, and Psalms 140 in response to the Vatican and the liberal World Council of Churches.
Elijah on Mount Carmel: Deadly Force Authorized In 01 Kings 18 (1 Kings 18), particularly 1 Kings 18:40 (01 Kings 18:40, Elijah was given authorization by Adonai to utilize deadly force against the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves. We also realize that Elijah would have utilized deadly force against the Catholic popes, the papal clergy of the Vatican, and the theological liberals if he, Elijah, were still around. At this time, we are not authorized to use deadly force against the papists and the liberals, but preach repentance to them in hopes that they will repent of their errors. Of course Elijah's Use of Deadly Force against the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves only foreshadowed The Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19 where Yesu will use deadly force against the rebel soldiers partnering with the beast and the false prophet. A podcast like this is a plea for papists and liberals to repent, lest deadly force be used against them during The Battle of Armageddon.
Believers Unequally Yoked with Catholic Churches While the Roman Catholic Church is an infidel institution as are all other liberal churches, there are some believers who are attending Catholic churches and liberal churches, but it is because these believers are backslidden and ignorant. This sermon is a wake up call for ignorant and backslidden believers to come out of the Catholic Church and all the liberal churches, including those associated with the World Council of Churches, so that they not be partakers of the transgressions of the Catholic church and the liberal churches in partnership with the Catholic Church. Worth noting Revelation 18, especially Revelation 18:04 (Revelation 18:4).
Popery: Octopus of Satan Popery is literally the octopus of Satan which stretches its suction cup-clad tentacles to every major corner of the planet Earth. As we know, cephalopods like octopi are commonly known for possessing suction cups on their expansive tentacles. Also, the tentacles of cephalopods like octopi possess a brain inside of their individual tentacles, allowing the tentacles to operate in an independent manner of each other, yet together toward the same objective. A podcast like this exposes this slimy cephalopod of Satan called popery!
Papes catholiques: enfants bâtards de Satan Compte tenu des damnables hérésies du papisme, cela signifie que les papes catholiques sont vraiment des enfants bâtards de Satan qui sont sans Le Châtiment d'Abba Père. Selon Hébreux 12, seuls les croyants nés de nouveau sont soumis au Châtiment d'Abba Père. Un sermon comme celui-ci montre à quel point les papes nus ainsi que le papisme lui-même sont vraiment des bâtards spirituels d'inspiration satanique.
Papismo: Monstruo de Satanás Aquí hay una declaración muy perspicaz de Juan Calvino extraída de uno de sus principales extractos:
El papismo no es más que un monstruo formado por los innumerables engaños de Satanás, y eso que llaman Iglesia es más confusa que Babilonia. (Comentarios de Juan Calvino sobre el Evangelio de Juan Vol. 01).
Lago de fuego: el verdadero destino del papismo Y vi un gran trono blanco y al que estaba sentado sobre él, de delante del cual huyeron la tierra y el cielo; y no fue hallado lugar para ellos. Y vi los muertos, grandes y pequeños, de pie ante Dios; y los libros fueron abiertos; y otro libro fue abierto, el cual es el libro de la vida; y fueron juzgados los muertos por las cosas que estaban escritas en los libros, según sus obras. Y el mar dio los muertos que estaban en él; y la muerte y el infierno dieron los muertos que estaban en ellos; y fueron juzgados cada uno según sus obras. Y la muerte y el infierno fueron lanzados en el lago de fuego. Ésta es la muerte segunda. Y el que no fue hallado escrito en el libro de la vida fue lanzado en el lago de fuego. (Apocalipsis 20:11-15 RVG).
European Union: Organization of Rebellion This sermon clearly demonstrates that the European Union is an Antichrist organization in rebellion against The Lord. The European Union flag was designed by Mary-worshiping Catholic rebels. Mariolatry is rebellion against The Lord and the European Union is a reflection of that Satanic rebellion. Worth noting Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20.
Great Sermon! Thank you for your Watchnight message. I listened on the Internet this morning and was very encouraged. Looking forward to a deeper walk with Jesus in the New Year for His people - thankful that He has begun a good work in us and will continue on as we prepare for his return. Thankful to for the technology we enjoy - yet so important that we use it for God's glory. Happy New Year to you and your congregation. Love in Christ, Beth Chaney
Great blessing. This was a touching report. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to hear it and watch it. May the Lord bless this work team and this church, and the work in Uganda, with much fruit, for His Name's sake!
Great blessing. I was blessed watching to this report and my heart was warmed. I thank the Lord for the work there. May the Lord bless it with much fruit!
Convicting message Thank you. The part about exposing the invisible darkness and viles in our hearts is so convicting and so humbling. Recognizing what we are and despite that, Christ loving us...floors me. What else do I want to do? Live my life for Him