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Sermon2/2/18 11:22 PM
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“ Full of insight! ”
Parachurch ministries like Campus Crusade (more like Campus Crusade for Counter Reformers now called Cru: Counter Reformation Union), Intervarsity, and many others are hellbent on undoing the Protestant Reformation. If there is one thing taught by parachurch ministries, since parachurch ministries are not authorized by Scripture, these parachurch ministries are propagating the false gospel known as the social gospel, the application of evangelical principles to social activism.

Sermon2/1/18 10:02 PM
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“ Wise! ”
We must not get sidetracked with national patriotism. True, The Lord did assign the nations of the Earth with boundaries like in Acts 17:26. While national populism in the many nations around the world is more accountable to the world's populace than globalism, there is still sinful pride in nationalist movements. The Tea Party Patriots is no exception. Sure, Great Britain did enlighten the world, but it was because of the Protestant Reformation.

Sermon1/29/18 9:49 PM
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“ Popery: Spiritual Degredation ”
I believe the spreading of Roman Catholicism to be the most horrible means of political and social degradation left in the world. -Charles Dickens Roman Catholic predominance in society is the cause of political and social degradation in the entire world. The advancement of the Protestant Reformation, on the other hand, produces a generation of enlightened people capable of being productive citizens in society.

Sermon1/29/18 12:58 AM
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“ Insightful! ”
While Mother Teresa was being showered with prestigious accolades like the Nobel Peace Prize in 17 October, 1979, the Protestant Reformer William Tyndale was burned at the stake on 6 October, 1536 just for translating the Bible into the English language. This is a contrast showing that Mother Teresa foolishly pursued worldly prestige and respectability, whereas William Tyndale wisely pursued lowly service and responsibility. Also, the church of Mother Teresa, aka the Roman Catholic Church, was responsible for the Inquisition against Bible-believing Protestants. The legacy of Mother Teresa left Calcutta in India and Tirana in Albania in a state of ruin, whereas the legacy of William Tyndale enlightened the understanding of Great Britain and future generations following afterwards. It is accurate to note that the legacy of Mother Teresa was one of misery in spite of all the prestige that she is showered with even after her passing.

Sermon1/28/18 4:03 PM
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Robert W. Reed
“ Pro Sports: The Lust of the Flesh ”
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. These three vanities are manifested in pro sports.

Sermon1/28/18 3:58 PM
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“ The Olympics-Golden in Greed ”
The Olympic Games, promoting the love of money since 776 BC. This means that Olympic athletes are winning medals in the sin of avarice. Not to mention that they are winning medals in the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Remember the sobering warning given to Timothy by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 6:10. Also remember 1 John 2:15-17.

Sermon1/28/18 3:52 PM
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Super Heroes
Robert W. Reed
“ Practical insight! ”
The speaker also mentioned that the female superhero characters tend to wear pornographic outfits. That would include Catwoman and Black Widow since both wear catsuits, especially if the catsuits worn by them are high neck. Even secular sources like Wikipedia acknowledge that catsuits, including those with built in turtlenecks, are garments associated with a sensual fetish, particularly one of sinful lust. Remember Matthew 5:28.

Sermon1/25/18 1:17 AM
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Sports Evangelism or Hot Air
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Pro Sports: The Pride of Life ”
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. All these things are manifest in pro sports and the pro athletes participating in them. Remember 1 John 2:15-17.

Sermon1/25/18 1:08 AM
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“ Being proud of nothing! ”
It is better to be proud of nothing, lest our foolish pride get the better of us. Being "proud" of something is sinful pride. The voice from Heaven recorded in Matthew 3:17 referred to His Beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. The voice from Heaven did not say that He was "proud" of His Son, but that He was well pleased with His Son. Being well pleased with something is not the same as being "proud" of something.

Sermon1/24/18 10:23 PM
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Robert W. Reed
“ Pro Sports = Pro Greed ”
Remember 1 Timothy 6:10. The love of money is the root of all evil. Pro sports is pro greed. That greed characterized by pro sports is especially manifested in the sexual lasciviousness of pro sports, including the Olympics.

Sermon1/23/18 6:37 PM
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“ Wisdom vs. prestige ”
Suffering, agony, and humiliation are the biggest fears of the prestigious because they will experience such things sooner or later. Remember Proverbs 16:18.

Sermon1/22/18 8:43 PM
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“ No hope in the pope ”
What The Lord will say to every Roman Catholic pope on Judgment Day before casting them into the Lake of Fire. Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Remember Matthew 25:41.

Sermon1/22/18 8:38 PM
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“ The pope-headed for the Lake of Fire ”
The final destination for every pope, including the Jesuit Pope Francis, is the Lake of Fire. Enough said.

Sermon1/22/18 8:36 PM
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“ The pope-biggest blasphemer of God on the Earth! ”
The Lord does not think highly of the prestigious, but blasphemous, pope in the Vatican. As we are told in 1 Corinthians 1:27, the Lord has chosen the lesser things to confound the mighty. That is why the Lord chose Protestant monarch James I to translate the Bible into the English language. That is why the Lord chose the Protestant Reformers. As of now, Pope John Paul II and all the other fallen popes as well as Mother Teresa are now being punished for their sins in Hell. One day, every Roman Catholic pope, Mother Teresa, and all Roman Catholics, will be judged at the Great White Throne and cast into the Lake of Fire. Remember Revelation 20:11-15.

Sermon1/22/18 8:27 PM
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Sports Evangelism or Hot Air
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Wise words! ”
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; (1 Corinthians 1:27).

Sermon1/22/18 8:19 PM
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“ Prestige-the shortcut to foolishness ”
The desire and pursuit of prestige is mere foolishness and worldliness. The world image of prestige is reflected in academia (P.h.D) and pro sports (Olympic medals, and championship titles). Remember the sobering warning of 1 John 2:15-17. Enough said.

Sermon1/19/18 6:12 PM
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“ Mother Teresa - Headed for the Lake of Fire ”
Remember the Final Judgment in Revelation 20:11-15. We must also realize that Mother Teresa will be judged at the Great White Throne and be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Sermon1/19/18 6:09 PM
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The Pope - The Antichrist
Rev. John Greer
“ No hope in the pope! ”
Every Roman Catholic pope, as well as Mother Teresa, and their Roman Catholic followers, are headed for eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire. Before that, the Roman Catholic popes, Mother Teresa, and all of the Roman Catholic followers, will have their sins exposed at the Great White Throne. Remember Revelation 20:11-15. The Lake of Fire is the final destination for all of the popes.

Sermon1/19/18 6:03 PM
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“ WCC - World Coalition of the Counter Reformation ”
The World Council of Churches, more like the World Coalition of the Counter Reformation, propagating the Counter Reformation and the Council of Trent since 1948.

Sermon1/19/18 5:59 PM
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“ UNfriendly towards the Protestant Reformation! ”
The United Nations, propagating the Counter Reformation throughout the 20th century since 1964.
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