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Sermon Knowing the All-Knowing God | Wayne Conrad
"What a wonderful reminder that knowing about God is not actually knowing..."
-35 hrs 
Sermon READ WITH ME // Philippians 1 // 1 HOUR reading... | Steven Lee
Daniel Chamberlain from Fort worth
-36 hrs 
Sermon 1 Samuel 31 | Rev. Ryan Speck -39 hrs 
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Sermon5/6/18 10:39 PM
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“ Super Effective Sermon! ”
A super effective sermon reproving the spiritual powers of darkness clearly manifested in the Pokémon world.

Sermon5/6/18 1:39 PM
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“ Rocking Out Rock Music ”
Rock music, since its inception, has promoted rebellion to authority in all forms, especially narcotic usage as in the case of acid rock. We must also remember that many rock musicians like Kurt Cobain have died from both drug overdose as well as suicide. Drug overdose as well as suicide is a common death not just in rock musicians, but rap musicians, blues musicians, country musicians, and many other prominent pop musicians. Though narcotic usage and lasciviousness are associated with these pop musicians, society continually, but irresponsibly, puts them on a pedestal, not considering the unintended consequences of doing so. Even then, pop music not to be undone for marketing lasciviousness and narcotic usage.

Sermon5/6/18 1:27 PM
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“ WWE: Marketing Extreme Depravity ”
WWE (formerly known as WWF) and other pro-wrestling promotions have been marketing extreme depravity since the beginning with disastrous consequences. We are all aware of the fact that many high-profile personalities in the pro-wrestling echelon have used narcotics before, even overdosing on them to the point of death as well. One such example is Elizabeth Ann Hulette (aka Miss Elizabeth born on November 19, 1960-May 1, 2003). Even then, WWE not to be undone for promoting extreme depravity in the form of over-the-top violence, narcotic usage, lasciviousness, and even demonic occult activity.

Sermon5/2/18 12:21 AM
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“ Insightful! ”
While some of the productions produced by Disney superficially appear as artistically inspiring, the stories are laden with occult content. Not surprising, Disney now owns the Star Wars Universe. This means that the force of mythical pantheism is strong with the Disney company. With Disney owning the mythical Star Wars Universe, it means that Disney will be teaching both children and adults about the supposed "wisdom" of the "light side" of the Force as well as making a lot of money off of it in the process.

Sermon5/2/18 12:14 AM
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“ Super sinful false gods ”
This sermon really puts the sinful in superheroes as in super sinful false gods of the heathen. The fact is that superhero stories in comicdom are the equivalent of modern mythology. Instead of Achilles, it is Superman. The result is the same myth, but repackaged.

Sermon5/2/18 12:03 AM
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“ William Tyndale-Renowned Protestant Reformer ”
Though William Tyndale was a man of renown, he used his renown for the purpose of advancing the wisdom of the Protestant Reformation by translating the Bible into the English language. Of course, William Tyndale is not the only notable Protestant Reformer of England. So was John Wycliffe of the 14th century.

News Item5/1/18 11:40 PM
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Pope John Paul II, like every other Roman Catholic pope, believed and propagated a false gospel of salvation through works, namely sacramental salvation. Therefore, it is not a coincidence if Pope John Paul II "pummeled" himself in a feeble attempt to be "absolved" of his sins.

Of course, Pope John Paul II is now being punished for his sins in Hell due to believing and propagating sacramental salvation to all seven continents on the Earth.

Any false gospel adding works to salvation is a sure guarantee of eternal punishment in Hell. We must remember that the false gospel of salvation through works is not just limited to popery, but also to apostate evangelicalism. In fact, most evangelicals do not believe that salvation is by Faith in Christ alone, which is rather troubling in and of itself. This is why we must proclaim that Salvation is by Faith in Jesus Christ alone and His Finished Work on the Cross of Calvary by His Blood and Death.

Sermon4/30/18 12:50 AM
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“ Idolatrous hero worship ”
Once again, we see the idolatrous practice of hero worship manifested in the realm of superheroes. While we do commemorate the Heroes of The Faith mentioned in Hebrews 11, we must not go to the extent of hero worship, for Jesus Christ is The Author and Finisher of our Faith as He was of the Heroes of The Faith in Hebrews 11. This sermon really defeats the hero worship of sinful superheroes like Superman and Batman. While we should be Christian Heroes, The Greatest Hero of All is The Lord Jesus Christ.

Sermon4/28/18 11:09 PM
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“ Star Wars: Tales of Pantheism ”
The central theme of Star Wars is what is known as "The Force," a pantheistic entity collectively connected to all living things. While Star Wars may appear artistically creative on the surface, the stories are laden with pantheism. This was clearly admitted by even the likes of George Lucas. The general assumption of the Star Wars stories is that the "good psychic powers" practiced by the "heroes" always defeats the "bad psychic powers" practiced by the "villains." As of now, the mythical Star Wars Universe is known under the common ownership of Disney. Most of us are aware that Disney makes many productions with superficially high artistic quality, but are rooted in the occult. Indeed, the force of Star Wars is strong with the Disney company, but it is the force of mythical pantheism. Never forget the wise warnings about the occult in Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

Sermon4/24/18 7:22 PM
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“ Taking the super out of superheroes ”
When you see superheroes like Superman and Batman, you do not see an innocent little lamb. You see a depraved heart hellbent on violence, especially violence in the name of "saving society." Superheroes and supervillains are repackaged pagan deities in their respective pantheons (the superhero and supervillain pantheon applies to Marvel, DC, and many other major comic publishers pertaining to superheroes). The speaker also correlates sinful superheroes and supervillains with the Nephilim in Genesis 6. No doubt that fallen angels possess the same powers as the depraved and sinful superheroes and supervillains.

Sermon4/22/18 9:57 PM
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“ Mother Teresa: Enemy of the Protestant Reformation ”
Mother Teresa (26 August, 1910-5 September, 1997), remained an avowed enemy of the Protestant Reformation throughout the 20th century. Even to this day, she, Mother Teresa, is still hailed as a supposed "saint". The world's uncritical praise of Mother Teresa is a sign that the world sees the Protestant Reformation as a "heresy" in need of being forgotten. However, the Protestant Reformation has not, and never will be forgotten since it advanced making the Bible known to the common readers, thereby enlightening their understanding and producing wisdom in their hearts.

Sermon4/22/18 9:42 PM
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“ William Tyndale: Renowned Protestant Reformer ”
William Tyndale (1494-6 October, 1536) was a Godly Protestant Reformer during the 16th century. Although William Tyndale gained renown and notability for translating the Bible into the English language, he pursued lowly service. We must remember and continue the work of the Protestant Reformation for making Biblical Truth known and believed by the common readers.

Sermon4/21/18 11:13 PM
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“ Defeating the sinful pride of national patriotism ”
Let us not forget that Jonah was commanded to preach to Nineveh. Remember the story of Jonah.

Sermon4/19/18 11:12 AM
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“ Defeating the sinful pride of national patriotism ”
Let us not forget that Jonah was commanded to preach to Ninevah. Remember the story of Jonah.

Sermon4/15/18 6:12 PM
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“ Patriotism = Sinful Pride and Idolatry ”
We are not supposed to be patriotic towards any nation since Jesus Christ issued the Great Commission in Mark 16:15. That means that we must send missions to every nation in the world.

Sermon3/30/18 6:08 PM
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“ WWE: No remorse for promoting sinful violence ”
WWE wrestlers are characterised by their depraved desire for violence. In fact, in 2012, Brock Lesnar, more like Brock The Brute Lesnar, said that beating people up makes him happy. There is something wrong with people taking pleasure in pummeling others for no apparent reason. In fact, Psalms 11:5 clearly states that the Lord detests the wicked and those who love violence. WWE should not be called World Wrestling Entertainment, but Wicked Wrestling Enterprises because it promotes the wicked love of violence.

Sermon3/29/18 10:55 PM
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Celebrity Status: The Lust of the Flesh ”
Celebrity status is nothing more than the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Remember the sobering warning of 1 John 2:15-17. This should show us why we must not be thought of as "celebrities." The problem with celebrity status is not so much being well known since there are well known people who are deemed as pariahs by society at large. The problem with celebrity status is respectability in reputation, particularly since the desire for respectability in reputation is a sin, not just of pride, but of covetousness. In other words, the desire for respectability in reputation is the sin of pride and idolatry.

Sermon3/29/18 10:23 PM
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“ Billy Graham: A Rebel From The Very Beginning ”
With the passing of Billy Graham on 21 February, 2018 at the age of 99, it serves as a warning against false prophets uniting the world in rebellion. Of course, Billy Graham was a liberal apostate rebel from the very beginning since he leaned towards apostasy by promoting Roman Catholic Fulton Sheen in 1944. This liberal rebellion against Sound Doctrine expanded throughout most of the 20th century and it still grows today in the 21st century. In most of today's churches, preaching The Righteous Judgment of The Lord like in 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 is now unwelcome in most churches. Compromise in today's ministries may begin on a small scale, but it becomes larger as it goes unopposed. May we wisely oppose any compromise of Sound Doctrine for the sake of "unity."

Sermon3/29/18 10:10 PM
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“ World Council of Churches: Liberal Traitors ”
The World Council of Churches is an organisation run by liberal traitors. Enough said.

Sermon3/29/18 12:55 PM
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The Olympics' Public Defiance of God
Rev. Trevor Kirkland
“ The Olympics: Paganism and Greed ”
While the Olympics Public Rebellion against The Lord is mostly manifested in its promotion of paganism, especially during the opening ceremony, the other major sin of the Olympics is that of avarice. If we connect the dots on Olympic greed, we see that the Olympics, namely in its athletes, promote fornication and adultery. The problem with the Olympic events is not being so much talented in an athletic activity best suited only for recreational purposes and exercise, put how Olympic sports is a profession characterized by the sin of greed and adultery. Another way to put this. The Olympic Games, promoting the love of money since 776 BC.
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