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Sermon1/18/18 10:01 PM
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“ Mother Teresa - The Counter Reformer ”
Mother Teresa, one of the high profile Roman Catholic Counter Reformers of the 20th century. The works of Mother Teresa show that she was intent on propagating the Counter Reformation throughout the entire world.

Sermon1/18/18 9:47 PM
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“ Wise insight! ”
Mother Teresa (26 August, 1910-5 September, 1997), propagating the Council of Trent and its damnable false gospel of salvation through works since 1922.

Sermon1/18/18 12:17 PM
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Super Heroes
Robert W. Reed
“ Not so superheroes! ”
There is nothing innocent, nor "super" about the superheroes wearing ridiculous costumes. This sermon shows that superheroes are just as depraved in heart as the supervillains that they regularly square with. The only thing that is "super" about these so called superheroes is their heart hellbent on depravity, especially depravity in the name of "well-intentioned" objectives.

Sermon1/17/18 12:52 PM
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“ Words of wisdom! ”
False prophets, like Mother Teresa, the popes like Pope John Paul II, and liberals like Robert Schuller, go through life being showered with all the worldly prestige and respectability. The evidence that these false prophets can receive a lot of prestige by the wicked world is proof that they are without chastisement according to Hebrews 12:8. In spite of all the respectability and prestige offered by the world, these false prophets are later on punished for their sins in Hell, and eventually, the Lake of Fire. These false prophets, like Mother Teresa, thought respectable and prestigious in reputation, will be judged at the Great White Throne and be cast into the Lake of Fire. We must warn people that the pursuit and desire for prestige will result in the loss of wisdom and a direction to one's own downfall.

Sermon1/9/18 8:10 PM
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Demonic Activity
Rev. John Greer
“ Insightful! ”
According to Ephesians 6:12, we are wrestling against the spiritual works of darkness. However, we, who are with The Lord Jesus Christ, are on the winning side.

Sermon1/9/18 8:04 PM
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Satan And Demonic Activity
Rev. John Greer
“ Full of insight! ”
Demons are now making their presence known in liberal churches today. Remember 1 John 4:4.

Sermon1/6/18 10:49 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
Insightful mention of Campus Crusade. The one thing that parachurch ministries like Campus Crusade, Intervarsity, Navigators, and many others share in common is that they will not plainly point out the false gospel of salvation through works propagated by the Roman Catholic Church. It is very evident that Campus Crusade and Intervarsity are trying to reverse the Protestant Reformation.

Sermon1/6/18 10:43 PM
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Commending What God Has Condemned
Rev. David Mook
“ Insightful! ”
Tim Keller has spoken highly of Roman Catholic authors known for preaching a false gospel of salvation through works, denying Faith in Christ alone. If Tim Keller recognizes Roman Catholicism as a legitimate brand of "Christianity," could Tim Keller start teaching salvation through works? Given that many evangelicals and their organisations are already partnering with the Roman Catholic Church, they are already denying Faith in Christ alone for salvation, thus adding works to salvation. Remember the Pearls of Wisdom spoken by the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians in Ephesians 2:8-9.

Sermon12/24/17 5:10 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The UFO's are really caused by demons since these so-called "aliens" are really demons themselves.

Sermon12/23/17 5:37 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
Even the authoritarians promoting a police state recognize both abortion and gay marriage as a right. Enough said.

Sermon12/23/17 5:35 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
Even abortion and gay marriage are now officially recognized by the Libertarian Party. Enough said.

Sermon12/23/17 1:07 PM
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Ecumenicism of New Evangelicalism
Rev. John Greer
“ Insightful! ”
New evangelicalism is just another name for evangelical liberalism. Before the repudiation of separation from apostasy, new evangelicalism begins as a changing mood. This changing mood called new evangelicalism leads to repudiation of separation from apostasy, dialogue with apostasy, positive theology at the expense of the negative warnings of the Bible, exaltation of love and unity at the expense of sound doctrine, pragmatism in the ministry, a desire for respectability in reputation, an attitude of anti-fundamentalism, inconsistency and contradiction, dividing Biblical Truth into categories of importance and non-importance, exalting social and political activity to the same level as the Great Commission (aka the social gospel), and lastly, a mood of softness with a desire for less strict evangelicalism as well as pacificism and neutrality in regards to spiritual warfare. These factors all start with initiating a compromise.

Sermon12/17/17 10:02 PM
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The European Union
Rev. William McCrea
“ European Union-Babylon in Europe ”

Sermon12/17/17 9:43 PM
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“ Liberalism: Preparing the world for the Antichrist ”
Liberalism in all shapes or forms is preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist. Enough said.

Sermon12/17/17 9:14 PM
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“ CCM: Music for liberal church-going rebels ”
Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is music for liberal church-going rebels. Enough said.

Sermon12/17/17 3:14 PM
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“ Liberal spells rebel! ”
One cannot spell rebel without spelling liberal.

Sermon12/9/17 11:28 PM
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The European Union
Rev. William McCrea
“ Great Sermon! ”
The European Union is nothing more than a vehicle of popery. Its current headquarters are in Brussels near Vilvoorde. We know that Vilvoorde outside of Brussels in present day Belgium is where Protestant Reformer William Tyndale was burned at the stake on 6 October, 1536. The European Union was started on 1 November, 1993 457 years after the martyrdom of William Tyndale. One day, the European Union will be destroyed by The Lord. Let us oppose this instrument of popery called the European Union.

Sermon12/9/17 5:44 PM
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Satan And Demonic Activity
Rev. John Greer
“ Insightful! ”
We must be warned that demons assumes many different appearances. These include the benign, ferocious, and even monstrous of them. However, as long as we rely on The Lord Jesus Christ and are empowered by The Holy Spirit, The Lord gives us His Strength to defeat the demonic powers of the occult, paganism, Islam, Buddhism, New Age, Hinduism, Gaia Spirituality, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and even apostate evangelicalism as well as the many other demonically inspired false religions and spirituality presently active in this world. Of course, The Lord Jesus Christ will dispose of all the demonic and satanic powers in this world, thus restoring peace.

Sermon12/9/17 4:48 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
There is nothing wrong with creative techniques for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The problem is that today's churches are trying to appear relevant by using certain elements of the culture like rock music. This is just diluting the Gospel. Please also remember that Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El) is a so-called Kryptonian, an alien. Why would any church want to market a sinful humanistic superhero like Superman? The idea of "Superman" is based on Friedrich Nietzsche's humanistic philosophy of the Übermensch.

Sermon12/9/17 12:52 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:11-15).
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