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Sermon2/26/2020 10:38 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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Doug VanderMeulen
“ Very good ”
Good sermon. It was interesting to hear what workers at suicide hotlines are trained to say to people who call in. In these times when we have an epidemic of what they call “deaths of despair”, we should have training like that in our churches.

Sermon2/24/2020 3:42 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this strong exhortation to gather together in corporate prayer meetings. Undoubtedly, one reason our churches are so weak these days is because we do not pray enough, or for the right things. May the Sovereign Lord send His Spirit to revive us.

Sermon2/21/2020 4:35 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon highlights the astonishing power of unbelief to make people blind to the truth, even when it's right in front of them (the healed man in this instance). It makes me think of Romans 1:18. Peter and John said, "We CANNOT stop speaking" about Jesus. As the pastor said, that power comes from the Holy Spirit, v. 8, and the motivation comes from having been with Jesus, v. 13. May the Lord fill each of us with His Spirit and move us to spend time with Him in corporate and private worship, and make it impossible for us not to speak about Him.

Sermon2/20/2020 3:06 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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There Is No Other Name
Brian Borgman
“ Great Sermon! ”
Such good expository preaching! And such a good, strong warning at the end to anyone who believes there are many ways to heaven.

Sermon2/19/2020 8:46 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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Coping with Our Times
Rev. John Greer
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon on a verse that is so critically important for us to remember.

Sermon2/18/2020 8:42 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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Great is Your Faithfulness
Jared Olivetti
“ Very good ”
Very helpful perspective on suffering. Thank you for the reminders that God is the one who brings trials and that we need to continually preach God’s word to ourselves.

Sermon1/28/2020 7:51 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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The Gain of Dying in Christ
Mark Blalack
“ Amen! ”
Very comforting and encouraging. Those of us who are in Christ have no reason to be afraid of death. Beautiful quote from Charles Hodge. Thank you.

Sermon1/15/2020 6:16 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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Lame Man By The Beautiful Gate (Children's...
Rev. Arnoud T. Vergunst
“ Beautiful sermon ”
This is a beautiful sermon, and not just for children. I am in my sixties and I benefited greatly from hearing it.

Sermon1/7/2020 3:40 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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The Humiliation of Christ
Tawfiq Cotman-El
“ Praise be to God! ”
If you don't have time to listen to this whole sermon, just listen to the second half. It is a flowing doxology to the Almighty God and to his Son. May the Lord increase His Spirit in each of us and enable us to praise Him with this kind of passion and truth. At the end, there is a beautiful parable of Jesus traveling so far in order to save us, and the dreadful danger we face if we reject Him.

Sermon1/1/2020 9:50 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Brilliant sermon! ”
Wow! One of the best sermons I've ever heard on this chapter. It captured the passion of this portion of God's word - the crescendo of promises related by Gabriel, etc. I also appreciated the serious warning to unbelievers at the end.

Sermon12/29/19 9:34 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Excellent teaching ”
This pastor did a lot of research. I've heard many sermons and classes on Luke 15 before, but I learned many new things from this study that have enriched my understanding of this parable. Thank you.

Sermon12/15/19 2:59 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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Why the Son of God Appeared
Brian Borgman
“ Blessed Assurance! ”
One of the best sermons I've ever heard for the assurance of those who are in Christ. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and He paid for our sins in full on the cross. So when Satan tempts us to despair, as the song says, we must remember God's words that Jesus has made propitiation for all our sins and we must not be debilitated by shame and guilt any more.

Sermon12/5/19 11:19 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Fascinating ”
This lecture is fascinating and very encouraging. I learned a lot and am very grateful for God's mercy in spreading the true biblical teachings of Calvinism in recent history.

Sermon12/2/19 9:21 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Good beginning for Advent season ”
This sermon was a good antidote for the saccharine, meaningless messages that we hear on TV and elsewhere during this season. We need to remember why Christ had to come to earth - because of the fall of man. Thank you.

Sermon10/30/19 4:43 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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The Raising of Lazarus
William Hughes
“ Christ-Exalting Sermon!!! ”
I've heard many sermons on John 11 before, but this one takes a different focus. It has made my heart overflow with joy because of the love and almighty power of the Lord Jesus Christ. The first part was such an encouragement to continue trusting God even when His ways are mysterious and hard to bear. As one who became physically disabled a year ago, this preaching on the mystery of God's ways and His seeming delays to answer our prayers and His enduring love for us has been so helpful. And then there was wonderful preaching on resurrection, on Christ's power over sin, Satan and death. That made my heart soar to the heights! Then at the end was a strong warning to unbelievers. Oh that the Lord would make His voice heard in the hearts of all of our unbelieving loved ones! Thank you so much, Pastor, for this life-giving, Christ-exalting sermon.

Sermon10/27/19 10:12 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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I Am the Good Shepherd
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful! I learned a lot. Thank you.

Sermon10/6/19 8:45 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is one of the best sermons on affliction that I've ever heard. Such good medicine for the self-pity and depression that I have been struggling with since becoming permanently physically disabled. Thank you so much.

Sermon10/2/19 3:25 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Not at all what I expected. Much better, focusing on higher things. Mostly about Isaiah 53, the sufferings of Christ in our place. These are the fundamental truths that drive away self-pity and make me grateful to God for saving me from hell. That is more important than anything else, including physical disability and all the other sorrows of life in this fallen world.

Sermon9/23/19 12:30 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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Grumbling & Complaining
Brian Borgman
“ Very convicting ”
Wow, this was excellent, very convicting! I wish every professing Christian could be forced to listen to it. Every single one of us needs to hear this. May God help us to repent of this sin, which we all commit so frequently.

Sermon9/22/19 5:34 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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The Crowd and the Chosen
Damien Garofalo
“ Good message ”
One of the many important points in the sermon is that our first calling is to be WITH Him (Jesus). Another one is that the word Pharisee literally means "separated one". But God calls us to be in a group, the church. I know several people who call themselves Christians and seem to truly be believers, but refuse to go to church. As another preacher said, "How can you love the Head but despise the body?" I pray that all the Lone Ranger Christians in our nation would hear messages like this and that God would move them to come back into his church.
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