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Sermon3/6/18 7:20 PM
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“ Popery: Recipe for Disaster ”
In what is called Latin America today, the unfortunate result is that countries like Cuba, which are now predominantly Roman Catholic, are not only unstable, but also desolate in their infrastructure. Let us not forget the words of warning spoken by Charles Dickens. I believe the spreading of Roman Catholicism to be the most horrible means of political and social degradation left in the world. -Charles Dickens The unfortunate sight of infrastructure in Latin America being desolate is proof that popery causes the most horrible means of political and social degradation left in the world. Long before popery set foot in the Americas, the land, though fertile, was populated by natives in need of the True Gospel to deliver them from the spiritual darkness of paganism. Even more troubling today is that popery is recognised and endorsed by global political and religious organisations like the United Nations and the World Council of Churches. Until then, popery is predetermined to be destroyed once and for all.

Sermon2/27/18 5:32 PM
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“ Super depraved! ”
This sermon shows that superheroes are not innocent after all. Superheroes are super depraved in heart.

Sermon2/26/18 10:11 PM
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“ The Lake of Fire: The Pope's Future Home ”
Remember Revelation 20:11-15. Every pope is headed for the Lake of Fire. God will expose the sins of every pope and condemn them to a fiery eternity in the Lake of Fire. For now, all the fallen popes are being punished for their sins in Hell.

Sermon2/25/18 11:00 PM
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“ The pope: enemy of God ”
Every Roman Catholic pope is the enemy of God. Enough said.

Sermon2/21/18 7:33 PM
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“ Thought invoking ”
The only name that can break demonic curses is The Name of Jesus Christ enough said.

Sermon2/21/18 5:28 PM
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“ World Council of Popery ”
Never forget the wise warning of John Calvin. Popery is nothing else than a monster formed out of the innumerable deceptions of Satan, and that what they call the Church is more confused than Babylon. - John Calvin

Sermon2/21/18 5:26 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Remember the wise words of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Sermon2/21/18 5:25 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Never forget the wise warning of Charles Spurgeon. That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors. - Charles Spurgeon

Sermon2/20/18 7:41 PM
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“ UNsafe ”
The United Nations has become even more dangerous than it was before because it is now headed by a Roman Catholic Secretary General known as António Guterres. Then again, the United Nations has always threatened the very existence of the Protestant Reformation since it began in 1945.

Sermon2/15/18 5:15 PM
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“ Analytical ”
It is ironic how America touts to be a land of equality and liberty, but there are Indian reservations across the land. Is that really liberty and equality? We should not become so politically correct to the point of blaming people of Caucasian descent for withholding special opportunities for ethnic minorities, including American Indians, but at the same time, we must reach out to ethnic minorities and provide them with the needed representation.

Sermon2/14/18 3:55 PM
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“ Heart of Popery = Factory of idols ”
Never forget the wise warning stated by the Protestant Reformer John Calvin. The human heart is a factory of idols.

Sermon2/13/18 9:30 PM
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The Reformation in Italy 1
Rev. Gregory McCammon
“ Insightful ”
In Foxe's Book of Martyrs: Chapter VI: An Account of the Persecutions in Italy, Under the Papacy, Italy is identified as the centre of popery, the seat of the pontiff, and the source of the various errors which have spread themselves over other countries, deluded the minds of thousands, and diffused the clouds of superstition and bigotry over the human understanding. Unfortunately, the Protestant Reformation, while adopted by some Italian born inhabitants, did not take root in Italy given that most Italians preferred popery over Protestantism.

Sermon2/13/18 9:19 PM
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“ Full of insight ”
As a result of the Spanish Inquisition, present day descendants of native tribes in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania have not forgotten about the atrocities committed against them by the conquistadors. They still spark a public outcry against monuments of popish conquistadors in places outside of Europe like the Yucatan peninsula. The obvious fact is that these invaders from papal Europe called conquistadors were brutal towards natives because of their faith in devilish popery.

Sermon2/7/18 11:53 PM
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Sports Evangelism or Hot Air
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Pro Sports: Demeaning to one's sensibility ”
Pro sports is not for the sensible and sober-minded. Just pointing out the obvious.

Sermon2/7/18 3:26 PM
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Super Heroes
Robert W. Reed
“ Super Sinful Pride ”
There is something obvious about superheroes mentioned by the speaker in this sermon. Superheroes, like Superman and Batman, are full of sinful pride, especially the pride of prestige, the pride of respectability, and the pride of reputation. While Our Lord requires us to walk in a more lowly direction, the superhero stories cater to sinful pride. Thus, being a superhero is just being sinfully prideful. Remember the wisdom of Proverbs 16:18.

Sermon2/7/18 1:21 AM
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“ National Patriotism = Sinful Pride ”
National patriotism is sinful pride since it elevates one nation above others. We also must proclaim the Gospel to all nations. Also, The Lord chose Israel, not America, to represent Him. Despite America not being rooted in monarchy, favouring a republic, the idea of a republic is unknown to Scripture. We observe the Royal Monarchy of Jesus Christ, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May His Majesty, The Lord Jesus Christ be proclaimed to all nations.

Sermon2/5/18 12:26 AM
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“ Insightful! ”
The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition have nothing to do with Biblical Christianity. They have everything to do with popery though. The Spanish Inquisition of 1 November, 1478 to 15 July, 1834 did not just remain in Iberian soil. It, along with its extensive brutality, was exported to the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania by means of the conquistadors pushing the papal bull called Inter Caetera of 1493. As a result of the invasion, you can now find Roman Catholic monuments outside of its epicenter of origin in the Vatican. Once again, popery seeks absolute control of the world, even by coercive and violent means. Fortunately, popery does not and will not reign supreme. While the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment weakened its influence, it, popery, will be destroyed during the Second Coming of Christ.

Sermon2/3/18 1:00 AM
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Sports Evangelism or Hot Air
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Pro Sports: Pornography for the masses ”
Pro sports, given its propensity for athletes, particularly female athletes being dressed in immodest attire as well as sensual skintight outfits, is just another name for pornography. Enough said.

Sermon2/3/18 12:47 AM
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The Christian and Pop Music
Rev. Peter McIntyre
“ Pop Music: The Music of Lasciviousness ”
Pop music has been about sexual lasciviousness since its inception during the 1950 decade. Female pop stars like Kelly Clarkson, though musically talented, reflect their sexually promiscuous lifestyles not just in their pop music, but in their immodest attire in the form of leather catsuits, leotards, thigh bearing one piece bathing suits, etcetera. Remember 1 Timothy 2:9.

Sermon2/2/18 11:28 PM
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“ Parachurch social gospel. ”
Parachurch ministries are not, and never were, authorized by Scripture. Parachurch ministries are propagators of the social gospel. The social gospel, being a false gospel, infers salvation through works.
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