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Sermon10/10/2020 11:44 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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Psalm 131 The calm smooth soul
Rev John E. Cropley
“ Comforting message ”
Yes, I too have found solace in this psalm during these unhappy times when it seems like God's judgment is on all the earth. Thank you.

Sermon9/23/2020 2:48 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Very encouraging! ”
The second half of this lecture is very exciting. He talks about some of the great movements forward in the church which Jesus Christ brought about, sometimes through terrible persecutions, sometimes through one brave man like John Wycliffe or John Hus, or through one missions-minded community like the Moravians. Very interesting to hear that 2019 saw the largest gay pride parades ever around the world. And in 2020 God has humbled the world with the coronavirus, recession, etc. The speaker says that after pride came a fall.

Sermon8/21/2020 12:09 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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What Christians Must Do to Save America
Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.
“ Very timely ”
This message was given 5 years ago, but it is still what we need to hear in 2020. Instead of hating our political opponents, we should be on our knees before the Lord, repenting of our own sins and praying for our nation. And then we should be doing deeds of love toward those we believe to be our enemies. If we would ever do these things, then God would forgive our sins and heal our land.

Sermon6/29/2020 2:42 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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Be Followers of God
Elder John Wallace Thrower
“ Energetic preaching! ”
It was a pleasure watching the video of this sermon. This preacher is really passionate about God's word and about exhorting people to follow it. I feel challenged, convicted, energized and motivated.

Sermon6/15/2020 3:39 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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My Times are in Thy Hand
Dr. Kenny Baldwin
“ So encouraging! ”
Thank you so much. The Lord really ministered to me today through your words. I'm going through a time of physical pain and disability, and this morning I was wondering how I am going to make it. But then I listened to your sermon and the Spirit of Christ used the words He gave you to lift me up out of the darkness and make me look up to Jesus. Even the physical pain hurts less now. I praise God for speaking through you to His hurting sheep.

Sermon5/28/2020 4:37 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
This sermon and part 2 are a wonderful overview of Ezekiel. He teaches us that the true temple is Jesus Christ, as the Lord Himself said in John 2:19. The Israelites of Ezekiel's time were profaning the temple, according to God, and so His wrath was upon them. At the crucifixion, Christ the true temple was profaned by man and by God since He had been made sin for us (2 Cor 5:21), and God's wrath was upon Him. The true temple was destroyed in His death and burial. But, like the temple in Jerusalem during the time of Nehemiah, He was raised up again. Praise be to God!

Sermon5/11/2020 6:00 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This was so good. I agree completely that God is preaching a sermon in this pandemic. And I pray that the church and the lost will all learn the lessons He wants us to learn, as this pastor has said.

Sermon4/27/2020 8:49 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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An Uncomfortable Truth
Dr. Stephen G. Myers
“ Very sobering ”
If we American Christians ever really looked at our sins honestly (our individual sins and our corporate sins), we would stop being so shallow and would hang our heads in shame and repentance.

Sermon4/27/2020 1:40 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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None Greater, None Nearer
Brian Borgman
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes, the most important thing in the world is to know God. Thank you for this excellent reminder.

Sermon4/19/2020 8:13 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Good message ”
Thank you for the good warnings and exhortations. Yes, I believe we are in a time of judgment. I'm surprised it didn't come sooner.

Sermon4/19/2020 1:42 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's so good to hear preachers who are not afraid to preach the truth about God's judgments. He is right; we need to examine ourselves and repent, and we need to acknowledge the national sins that are bringing God's judgment and pray for change. And he is right that few people seem to be asking why God is bringing this pandemic on us all. May the Lord send His Spirit and bring about repentance and conversions all over the world.

Sermon4/19/2020 12:29 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Good message ”
Thank you for this message. You are one of the few preachers I've heard who make a direct connection between this pandemic and the monstrous sins that the world has increasingly embraced, especially abortion and sexual perversion.

Sermon4/10/2020 9:48 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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The Man of Sorrows
Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes I’m so thankful for the submissive obedience of the Lord Jesus, whose heart was to do the will of His Father, even though He trembled at it. Good sermon for this Good Friday.

Sermon4/10/2020 11:21 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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The Christian's Exodus
David Groendyk
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very good sermon for Good Friday.

Sermon4/9/2020 8:55 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Why do we have so few preachers like this in our day? Probably because we would not tolerate them. The crowds swarm to false preachers like Joel Osteen who preach "Peace, peace" when there is no peace.

Sermon4/2/2020 3:56 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I wholeheartedly agree with the first comment. The Lord God is giving the entire world an enforced rest, since most people have ignored and broken the 4th Commandment for so long. And He wants His people to spend much time during our isolation from the world in humble, fervent prayer to Him, confessing our sins and begging for revival in the churches and conversions in millions of unbelievers everywhere. Thank you for this Biblical exhortation.

Sermon3/27/2020 10:16 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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A Biblical Response to a Plague
Rev. Andrew Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon for this time as the Lord visits the whole world with the pandemic of this coronavirus. Please Lord, send Thy Spirit and move Thy people to repent and pray. Save many lost souls during this time of fear and insecurity. Let them find Jesus Christ as their eternal safe place.

Sermon3/23/2020 12:39 AM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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God Speaks in the Storm
Alexander M. Paunovic
“ Very good ”
Very good sermon for these times. I've had similar thoughts about the Sabbath. It seems like the Lord is forcing the whole world to take a Sabbath rest for awhile. May He use this time to drag lost souls to Himself and to convict believers about all the idols in our hearts.

Sermon3/1/2020 4:52 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Listen, grieve and repent ”
There is so much in this sermon that should make all who claim to be Christians hang our heads in shame and ask for God's power to repent and do right. And for each church to repent and start exercising careful discipline for the sake of the individual and for the purity of the church. As the pastor says, churches should not be known for their free doughnuts, rock concerts and games, but for their holy fear of God and as places where God dwells in a special way. May the Lord lead each of us to repentance, in our own hearts and in our churches.

Sermon2/28/2020 4:15 PM
B Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder of the importance of "koinonia" - true fellowship - among believers. You are right - we American Christians really struggle with this because of our selfishness and individualism. It's wonderful to hear about the prison ministry and how God does away with racial divisions among the prisoners who attend the Bible studies.
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