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Sermon3/24/18 9:17 PM
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“ CCM: Music for 'Christian' Rebels ”
CCM music is music for churchgoing "Christian" rebels. While blues, jazz, pop, and country music are not centered around violence as certain styles of rock and rap music are, one cannot change the sexually promiscuous image of blues, jazz, pop, and country music. If rock music was founded upon rebellion from the beginning, so was CCM music. Unlike today's CCM music, the Old Protestant Hymns did not promote rebellion, but promoted Jehovah as The Righteous True God.

Sermon3/24/18 5:12 PM
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Government vs. God
W. J. Mencarow
“ Insightful! ”
The fact is that America broke all the Ten Commandments. Enough said.

Sermon3/22/18 12:33 AM
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“ The UN: Known For UNdermining ”
The United Nations, blasphemously undermining The Lord Jesus Christ since 24 October, 1945. That is why The Lord Jesus Christ intends on destroying this ungodly, wicked, and blasphemous organisation known as the United Nations during His Second Coming.

Sermon3/22/18 12:16 AM
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“ The Inquisition: Popery's Power Grab ”
The Inquisition was popery's primary means of grabbing power until it was phased out in 1826. Even too this day, the Vatican still defends the Inquisition, including that of the Portuguese and Spanish Inquisitions which extended outside of Europe. The Inquisition shows that popery is nothing but a bloodthirsty monster invented by Satan himself. Popery, past, present, and future, is indeed drunken with the blood of the saints and drunken with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

Sermon3/18/18 7:07 PM
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Witchcraft in the Church
Mike Hoggard
“ Not a coincidence ”
Once again, evangelicals are justifying their love for evil, especially the evil of witchcraft. Remember Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

Sermon3/18/18 6:17 PM
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“ Contemporary Pornographic Music ”
It would be more accurate to refer to Contemporary Praise Music as Contemporary Pornographic Music since contemporary praise singers are given over to fornication. Many CCM musicians are and have been divourced over adulterous affairs. Not to mention that Dan Lucarini withdrew from CCM music to avoid potentially adulterous affairs with the female "worship" singers, intending on preserving his marriage. Like the Olympics, both ancient and modern, CCM music is given over to adultery and fornication. We would be wise to remember the wise warning given in Hebrews 13:4 instead of working with these whoremongers and adulterers called CCM musicians.

Sermon3/18/18 6:07 PM
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Our Nation's Sexual Sins (3)
Albert N. Martin
“ American Adulterers ”
Fornication has become one of the biggest sins of America. In fact, some of the underdeveloped nations are reluctant to receive American missionaries due to American exportation of pornography and adultery in the American media. Of course, it is all about greed and the love of money. Remember Hebrews 13:4. God will judge all whoremongers and adulterers irrespective of what nation that they come from.

Sermon3/18/18 1:48 AM
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Man Of Steel: Man Of Sin
Jason Cooley
“ Putting the sinful in Superman ”
Superman, promoting human depravity in the name of "saving the world" since 1938.

Sermon3/18/18 1:45 AM
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“ WCC: World Coalition of Compromisers ”
The World Council of Churches, promoting compromise and apostasy since 23 August, 1948.

Sermon3/18/18 1:41 AM
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“ World Council of False Prophets ”
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. (2 Peter 2:1-3).

Sermon3/18/18 1:35 AM
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“ Theological Liberals: False Prophets ”
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15).

Sermon3/18/18 1:32 AM
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“ Mother Teresa: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing ”
Mother Teresa, during her occupation as a Roman Catholic nun, was a very high profile wolf in sheep's clothing. While she appeared as a "saintly figure" and "philanthropist" on the exterior, she propagating the damnable heresies of popery. This proves that Mother Teresa was a false prophet.

Sermon3/18/18 1:27 AM
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“ Mother Counter Reformer Teresa ”
Mother Teresa is most known for being the mother of Counter Reformers in the 20th century and onward. Mother Teresa being lionised by the world in the 20th century showed that she was hellbent on undoing the Godly Protestant Reformation. The wicked world, including today's evangelicals, also lionise this wicked false prophet falsely classified as a "saint." This shows that false prophets are overtly and excessively showered with good publicity. Remember the wise warnings about false prophets and false teachers in 2 Peter 2:1-3.

Sermon3/17/18 3:04 PM
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“ Popery: Scourge of the Earth ”
Satan has produced the largest scourge of the Earth ever to exist. It is known as popery. While the Roman Catholic Church, aka the Vatican, began with Constantine circa 28 October, 312 A.D., the real originator of the Roman Catholic Church is Satan himself. We know that popery is responsible for keeping people in Europe in bondage and ignorance for several centuries. This alone is proof that Satan is at work in the Vatican. Satan could not be more proud of his children called the popes. As of now, the fallen popes are being punished for their sins in Hell. We know that the day will come when the popes have their sins exposed at the Great White Throne Judgment and be cast into the Lake of Fire. Remember Revelation 20:11-15. The Lake of Fire is the final destination for every pope.

Sermon3/17/18 2:52 PM
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“ Centuries of papal aggression ”
Popery, producing papal aggressors called inquisitors against the common people since 1231 AD. This was way before the Spanish Inquisition circa 1 November, 1478 to 15 July, 1834. The real issue at heart is how Satan expanded popery to the uttermost parts of the Earth.

Sermon3/16/18 11:59 PM
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Man Of Steel: Man Of Sin
Jason Cooley
“ Taking the super out of Superman ”
The world is looking for counterfeit saviours. While the Superman character is a product of human imagination, the counterfeit saviour that the world is really after is the Antichrist. If there is one thing that the "S" in Superman stands for, it stands for super depraved.

Sermon3/16/18 11:51 PM
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“ Yoda: Zen Master ”
While this sermon mostly mentioned superheroes from comicdom, it also mentioned Yoda from Star Wars. The character called Yoda is nothing more than a Buddhist Zen master as evident in his mannerisms and overall design.

Sermon3/16/18 11:37 PM
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“ Centurys of papal aggression ”
Popery, producing papal aggressors called inquisitors against the common people since 1231 AD. This was way before the Spanish Inquisition. The real issue at heart is how Satan expanded popery to the uttermost parts of the Earth.

Sermon3/7/18 12:59 AM
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Super Heroes
Robert W. Reed
“ Super relativism and situational ethics! ”
These superhero stories are evidently rooted in situational ethics and relativism. Enough said.

Sermon3/6/18 7:37 PM
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“ In UNion with popery ”
The United Nations is in close partnership with popery. Rather troubling, devilish popery is manifest in many major UN-affiliated NGOs like UNICEF. Of course, the Vatican did not join the United Nations until 6 April, 1964, thus being conferred with permanent observer status. Of course, both the United Nations and the Vatican are both devilish to the core, being hellbent on bringing the Antichrist into the world.
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