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Phoenix Free Presbyterian Church
Rev Wagner Interim Moderator  |  Phoenix, Arizona
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"New evangelicalism: Apostate liberalism"
Unspecified name
New evangelicalism is really theological liberalism. Of course, theological liberalism existed way before Harold Ockenga began a...
Rev. David Mook | New Evangelicalism
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Sermon4/20/2024 7:01 PM
Julia Orozco from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico  Protected NameFind all comments by Julia Orozco
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Rev. Craig Vosekalns
“ Excellent reminder! ”
This is a wonderful reminder of WHY we forgive: because God has forgiven us in Christ. God's forgiveness is immediate, complete, and eternal. Let's forgive others as God has forgiven us!

Sermon7/7/2023 5:09 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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Commending What God Has Condemned
Rev. David Mook
“ A Response To The Death of Tim Keller ”
This sermon is much needed in response to the death of Tim Keller (23 September, 1950 – 19 May, 2023) on 19 May, 2023 at the age of 72.

Sermon10/26/2021 5:12 PM
S Casey from Colorado  Find all comments by S Casey
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The Will of the Lord be Done
Rev. Stephen Hamilton
“ Really Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this wonderful message Preacher Hamilton. It was a tremendous blessing to be able to hear it. I hope many more people will also hear it.

Sermon9/2/2021 8:42 AM
Sam Rafeedie from Orange, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sam Rafeedie
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this sermon. It was true blessing to me.

Sermon12/9/2020 2:49 PM
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Mythology's Masquerade
Rev. David Mook
“ Bible Stories: Prophecies ”
Many churches take many famous and well known Bible stories like those of Moses in Egypt to turn them into "character lessons" like Aesop's Fables. It is amiss to treat famous Bible Stories in both The Old Testament and The New Testament as "character lessons." Of course We The Lord's Saints should demonstrate The Fruits of The Spirit, which are noted in Galatians 5:22-23. These well-known Bible Stories in both The Old Testament and New Testament are prophecies and their culminations. The Old Testament was a foretelling to events that would come into fruition in The New Testament. This sermon is a response to cleverly devised fables, especially those which are called Aesop's Fables.

Sermon7/31/18 9:28 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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Shock Troops for the Papacy
Rev. David Mook
“ Jesuitry: Devilish Practice ”
This sermon reveals why the Jesuit Society is devilish to the core. It is also rather troubling how the devilish activities of the Jesuits had an impact on the development of Central and South America as well as Aridoamerica and Oasisamerica (the regions encompassing the Southwestern US and the northern portion of Mexico). No doubt that the indigenous peoples of Aridoamerica, Oasisamerica, Central America, and South America were in need of The True Gospel long before European settlement, but the invasion of the Jesuits in these regions only brought untold destruction and misery upon the early inhabitants. The good news is that the Jesuit Society is predetermined to be destroyed once and for all.

Sermon7/8/18 7:00 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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Shock Troops for the Papacy
Rev. David Mook
“ Jesuits: Die-Hard Papists ”
A sermon exposing the idolatrous, but die-hard loyalty to the pope shown by the diabolical Jesuits. The real issue at heat is that these Jesuits and the pope are really loyal to Satan himself.

Sermon6/21/18 12:43 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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Commending What God Has Condemned
Rev. David Mook
“ Liberalism and Popery: Condemned by God ”
The fact is that God has condemned liberalism and popery from the very beginning since both liberalism and popery are predetermined to be destroyed by God Himself.

Sermon1/6/18 10:43 PM
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Commending What God Has Condemned
Rev. David Mook
“ Insightful! ”
Tim Keller has spoken highly of Roman Catholic authors known for preaching a false gospel of salvation through works, denying Faith in Christ alone. If Tim Keller recognizes Roman Catholicism as a legitimate brand of "Christianity," could Tim Keller start teaching salvation through works? Given that many evangelicals and their organisations are already partnering with the Roman Catholic Church, they are already denying Faith in Christ alone for salvation, thus adding works to salvation. Remember the Pearls of Wisdom spoken by the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians in Ephesians 2:8-9.

Sermon12/3/17 11:58 AM
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Apostasy's Global Testimony
Rev. David Mook
“ Great Sermon! ”
Some of us have experience theological liberalism growing up. Whenever you mention that The Lord is a Righteous Punisher, the theological liberals respond by saying that we should not even remotely discuss the subject of Judgement. They insist that God is too "loving" to righteously punishes humanity for their sins. The whole teaching on universal "love" is licentiousness in disguise. If people are led to believe that God never judges and is only love, they will end up believing that they can sin with immunity. Unfortunately, the Biblical Doctrine that The Lord is a Righteous Punisher, like outlined in 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, is unwelcome in today's churches. It shows us that many churches are compromising sound doctrine just so that they can be in conformity to the world.

Sermon11/25/17 6:11 PM
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“ New evangelicalism: Apostate liberalism ”
New evangelicalism is really theological liberalism. Of course, theological liberalism existed way before Harold Ockenga began a particular brand of theological liberal called new evangelicalism in 1948. Although typical new evangelicalism is not as liberal as the emergent church, it is a step in that direction. Of course, liberal apostasy has existed since the time the New Testament was written. It, liberal apostasy, has grown in the 20th century and still continues to exist in the 21st century. Apostate liberalism is like the snowball rolling down the mountain. It keeps growing larger until it eventually implodes. Rest assured, the apostate liberals will be judged at the Great White Throne and cast into the Lake of Fire. Until then, we must warn people about this insidious apostate liberalism known as new evangelicalism.

Sermon11/21/17 6:56 PM
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Commending What God Has Condemned
Rev. David Mook
“ Great Sermon! ”
While Tim Keller appears to promote the Protestant Reformation which John Calvin was committed to, he (Tim Keller) is actually a liberal seeking to undo the Godly Protestant Reformation by promoting Roman Catholicism. The fact that evangelicals are partnering with and promoting Roman Catholicism in spite of its damnable false gospel of salvation through works shows that we need to take a stand for Biblical Truth. One day, Tim Keller will be judged by the Lord for promoting theological liberalism and Roman Catholicism. Thus, as the sermon is titled, Tim Keller is commending what the Lord condemns. Yes, the Lord does condemn theological liberalism and Roman Catholicism.

Sermon5/8/16 10:07 PM
Hank, Deerfied Beach from Florida  Find all comments by Hank, Deerfied Beach
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God's Power in a Humble Vessel
Rev. David Mook
“ Strong Sermon! ”
We could use another Jonathon Edwards today to give preachers someone to emulate to show the love for Jesus Christ.

Sermon9/9/14 2:59 PM
DL from Oklahoma  Find all comments by DL
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for preaching the truth about Billy Graham.

Sermon9/9/14 8:34 AM
DL from Oklahoma  Find all comments by DL
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The Props of False Religion
Rev. David Mook
“ Great Sermon! ”
So true!

Sermon11/7/13 5:36 AM
Faye from Atlanta, GA (USA)  Find all comments by Faye
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Here it is!! -- revealed by the August 2013 Monthly Bulletin found on the website of Thomas Road Baptist Church (Lynchburg, VA). It reads "FATHERS BRING YOUR KIDS TO THE BALL PARK -- ON SUNDAY, August 11th, we will be leaving at 11:00 a.m. and taking a bus from the Thomas Road parking lot to see The Washington Nationals play the Philadelphia Phillies. The cost will be $40 per person. This price will include a spot on the bus, lunch for the trip and a ticket to the game." This Sabbath desecrating church is a well-known Southern Baptist (Arminian) church estab. by Jerry Falwell, Sr. that boast of a membership of over 24,000. Huge in number because it caters to the flesh. And, the same holds true for Liberty University (enrollment of over 100,000 students, with reported net assets of over 1 billion dollars, and LU’s motto is “Training Champions For Christ”) founded by Falwell and Elmer Towns. Go to YouTube.com and type in Liberty University Anthem and view what the school is broadcasting to entice students to enroll. As long as you have breath, Pastor Mook, continue to contend for the faith and disrobe the “wolves in sheep clothing” of which one of them is Billy Graham.

Sermon8/29/13 5:08 PM
some woman from wisconsin  Find all comments by some woman
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Preparing Before Death
Rev. David Mook
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank you for this lesson

Sermon8/16/13 6:18 PM
Lyn from Austrakia  Find all comments by Lyn
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Marriage Defined and Defended
Rev. David Mook
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this sermon. This is foundational and vital teaching.

Sermon8/14/13 4:08 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis , TN.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Infiltration and Dialogue
Rev. David Mook
“ Great Sermon! ”
I thank God for your continued fighting stance on God's holiness and righteousness! Amen!

Sermon4/30/13 8:14 PM
Bobby pitts from Kansas city  Find all comments by Bobby pitts
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The Fiery Voice of Savonarola
Rev. David Mook
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great overview. Savonarola is overlooked, possibly because of less translations and publishings. Preacher gives a healthy look at his failure of packaging his discernment of current events as a future telling prophet. His Christian piety is wonderful, not trusting in Himself, but in the life of Jesus.

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