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News Item4/15/13 4:55 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, us  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hey Rufus,
I was reading the comments at the CP where this article is published and one of those commenting pointed out how that statement makes Christians look like dualists (sp?). Scripture is full of the Sovereignty of the Lord - He isn't some helpless bystander waiting for men to choose Him as Savior while the world goes to hell. We were all blind before regeneration, but I don't want to give glory to Satan by saying he rules the world. However, I will do some additional study on the Scripture you posted.

News Item4/15/13 3:17 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, us  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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The author states that Satan is the god of this world and that he has blinded the pro-aborts. Satan is on a leash; Jesus Christ is Lord and King of both Heaven and Earth and sits at the Father's right hand. Read Psalm 2 for a better perspective on the sovereignty of God and what will happen to rebellious nations. Her article would have been so much better if she had the right perspective.

Sermon4/11/13 8:43 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL - united states  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Bible Survey - Leviticus
Peter Hammond
“ Great Sermon! ”
Clarification: At approximately the 20 minute mark, Dr. Hammond gives his opinion on the importance of the church calendar. I am Reformed Presbyterian and believe in the Regulative Principle of Worship and while I might differ with Dr. Hammond on the importance of the church calendar, I agree with him on the holiness of God and the importance of the believer's heart and actions before God during Worship.

Sermon4/9/13 11:23 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL - united states  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Bible Survey - Leviticus
Peter Hammond
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent teaching! Appreciate the teaching on the Regulative Principle for Worship. Please continue to share these wonderful sermons at SermonAudio. It is food for our souls!

News Item4/3/13 9:27 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Sen. Kirk has long been known as a liberal. The IL GOP is to blame for putting this man in office, as well running weak-kneed candidates for other positions. Frankly, I think the Church in Illinois is also to blame for campaigning and voting for Republican candidates. May God forgive me for my past efforts which included handing out campaign lit for George Ryan (R) who turned out to be a criminal. There really isn't a dimes worth of difference between the Dem's and Repub's.

News Item4/2/13 3:31 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I am shocked that it took him this long to voice his true beliefs... The GOP in Illinois should be shunned.

News Item3/27/13 6:46 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, us  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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In response to Dustinthewind: Instead of shaking the dust off your feet to this forum, perhaps you should consider the forum as iron sharpening iron. I enjoy reading the comments and have learned a great deal from the participants.

News Item3/14/13 7:32 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Christopher, please be sure to share with us a link to your website... You can email me a link, if you would like.

News Item3/14/13 5:08 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Are there any Reformed Christian leaders giving a Biblical critique of the selection of the new pope? If the media is correct that 1 out of 4 Americans is Roman Catholic, we had better get busy sharing the Gospel and telling others the truth. Also, I want to thank and praise the Lord for those commenting on this post.

News Item3/14/13 10:21 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I was surprised at the coverage given to the election of a new pope by the local media and the lack of questioning or information about the history of the Jesuits or even why the superstitious rites such as the wearing of red shoes, etc. Shouldn't Christians be questioning these things and asking for Biblical qualification for all the pomp and superstition?

Sermon2/15/13 1:53 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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The Scriptural View of Abortion
Dr. Mark Allison
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise the Lord for Dr. Allison! This is one of the most powerful sermons on prenatal child-killing that I've heard! May the good Lord be pleased to bless this message and move many to listen and heed it's message to the American Church.

News Item2/14/13 5:00 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Responding to WWJD?'s first post:
I've been where you appear to be spiritually and will pray for your knowledge and faith to increase; then you will understand why Reformed Christians are quick to defend the faith and correct faulty/false teaching. Who knows but that you will also join our ranks.

News Item2/13/13 8:45 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hey folks, Perhaps the best course of action would be to not participate in the gov't school system and forbid your child from attending its parties and proms. I remember the increase of young women seeking abortions a month or so after traditional proms while I was protesting at the notorious "Hopeless" abortion mill in Granite City, Illinois.

News Item2/8/13 7:58 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I read this article and the arrogance of President Obama is astounding! My sincere hope and prayer is for his true conversion to Christ and for the American people to stop being so naive as to believe this man has a relationship with the Living Christ! The Lord has told us to judge a tree by its fruit and President Obama's fruit is rotten to the core. Of course he didn't feel like they prayed - his god doesn't exist.

News Item2/4/13 5:20 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Well, after dealing with our local Humane Society, taking a crash course on dog training, plus hiring a professional trainer for 6 weeks, and spending close to a thousand dollars on a dog within 2 weeks, all I can say is raising children was much easier!!! So, for the young men and women who might be reading this, please get married, have a baby and get a goldfish for a pet...

News Item2/4/13 10:45 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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No, Jim, I wasn't referring to 1 Tim. 1:9-11... I was thinking more along the lines of Romans 13 and the Disciples who declared their ultimate allegiance to Christ, not the state.

News Item2/3/13 4:08 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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We just got a 5 month-old puppy and believe me, she's just as much work as raising children.

News Item2/3/13 4:04 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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In spite of the tyranny of the Lincoln Administration and the bloody civil war, the good Lord used these events for good to end the practice of man stealing in America. I was going to say "slavery," but it looks like we're in servitude/slavery to the feds.

News Item2/3/13 9:12 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Mr b is right... I've been speaking out against gov't tyranny for many years and I plan to continue; this girl isn't going to lie down and accept it.

News Item1/30/13 2:02 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Let's not forget why the Dem's have been and are in charge of Illinois... Former GOP Gov. George Ryan was released from prison today for corruption crimes and will now reside in a halfway house. Plus, our GOP chairman supports gay marriage... My advice is for downstate to secede from Chicago.
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