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Hebron Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. David Park  |  Ballymoney, Northern Ireland
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Hebron Free Presbyterian Church 55 Market Street Ballymoney Co. Antrim BT53 6ED Northern Ireland
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"Heart searching message."
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania
Blessed and awful truths, at the same time! Oh, the sadness, the great sadness, of keeping away the blessings of God for the...
Rev. David Park | The Prevention of Revival
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Sermon1/29/2023 3:34 PM
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God's All Sufficient Grace
Rev. David Park
“ Great teaching for today's world ”
Encouraging message for the times in which we live. How to obtain strength for our struggles in our dark times

Sermon1/9/2023 11:15 AM
Cliff Neill from Mount Gilead, NC  Find all comments by Cliff Neill
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Missionary Challenge
Donald Fleming
“ Good and informative message ”
This is an inspiring message on the current work of God in some of the most difficult places in western Ukraine.

Sermon4/21/2022 5:53 PM
Cliff Neill from Mount Gilead, NC  Find all comments by Cliff Neill
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Judgement Day
Rev. David Park
“ Great Prayer Meeting service! ”
This is a wonderful service. Hebron FPC in Ballymoney, Northern Ireland has received refugees into their congregation from a Russian speaking Ukrainian church near the Ukraine-Russian border town of Stariy Saltov, northeast of the major city Kharkiv, Ukraine that is being heavily assaulted now by the Russians. Amazingly, in the providence of God, there is a member of Hebron Church (or a sister Free Presbyterian church) that is from Siberia and fluent in Russian. The prayer meeting service was conducted in both English and Russian. The translator did a very good job, and it was wonderful to sense the oneness of the congregation as the language barrier was swept aside. Praise God!

Sermon2/18/2022 5:14 PM
Patrick Gunning from DUBLIN  Find all comments by Patrick Gunning
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“ Great Sermon! ”
PRAISE GOD HE is mighty to Save.

Sermon1/2/2022 6:10 PM
Anne Glenn from Grace FPC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anne Glenn
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Testimony - Ford Arnold
Mr. Ford Arnold
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great testimony of Ford Arnold! I pray for their family each night!! May God bless them!!

Sermon8/8/2021 8:01 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Uganda Deputation
David Brown-UK
“ Useful. ”
It was good to watch this video and to listen to God's call to pray for people we never met, but heard of. It was good to hear about the news from the school. And especially it was good to see and hear sister Noreen about the work in Uganda.

Sermon11/8/2020 4:34 PM
Rev. Stephen Hamilton from Walnutport, Pennsylvania  Protected NameFind all comments by Rev. Stephen Hamilton
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“ What a blessing ”
We were touched and blessed by this service in memory of our dear brother Mr Cairns. The words from Revs Park, Barnes, and Douglas were very appropriate and stuck just the right note at such a time. Rev Greer's message on Stephen was a word in season,and turned our minds to glory, where the Lord's servant now dwells. The ministry of Alan Cairns continues through his many recorded sermons, books and pamphlets. Those of us who were his colleagues in ministry will continue to be inspired by his Christ-centred preaching, and his power in prayer. May we endeavour to make much of the Blood in our preaching as he did. "Live so as to be missed" was a quote from a man of God referenced by Dr Barnes. Dr Alan Cairns will surely be missed by the entire Free Church, and the wider Body of Christ. His work is done. Ours is yet to be completed. May we all work for the night is coming when man's work is o'er. We pray for Mrs Cairns, Frank and his family, and all who knew and loved the Lord's servant - Revelation 14:13

Sermon11/7/2020 3:47 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Such a blessed and rich occasion ”
It has been a privilege to witness such an unique occasion, repleted with grace and unction from above. All the senior ministers taking part honoured the Saviour as best as their theology could enhance it. We tasted a little of that verse that says, "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12

Blog11/7/2020 10:26 AM
Paul Hanna from Co. Down  Find all comments by Paul Hanna
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(Blog entry no longer available)
Revd Dr Alan Cairns will most certainly be
missed, however - he has gone on to his reward
now that his work has been completed.
May the LORD give His grace to those who
remain. His grace is sufficient for thee!

Blog11/7/2020 6:46 AM
Myron Baughman from Macon, Georgia  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Myron Baughman
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(Blog entry no longer available)
We've enjoyed listening to Dr. Cairns over the
years and have been blessed by his ministry. We
are thankful for his efforts in the Kingdom. We
are now looking forward to sitting with him at
the feet of our Dear Savior Jesus Christ, Lord
of Glory, in the heavenlies. To God be the

Sermon6/7/2020 3:13 AM
Addison  Find all comments by Addison
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon5/29/2020 1:53 PM
John Westover from Racine, Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by John Westover
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A Steadfast Church (Part 1)
Rev. David Park
“ I Am Thankful For Your Ministry! ”
I am an Independent Baptist pastor in Southeast Ohio who enjoys Free Presbyterian preaching. I first heard about Ian Paisley in Bible college. Then, I heard “Let The Bible Speak w/ Alan Cairns on the radio. If I’m searching for a topic on SA I will usually browse through the preaching of Free Presbyterian preachers. That is how I found your sermons. I just wanted to show some gratitude by telling you that your preaching is encouraging to me. Thank you for your faithfulness to our LORD.

Sermon10/17/19 8:23 PM
Jan from Spring Park, Mn  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jan
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Tender Words for Backsliders
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ SO Encouraging ”
I can't begin to count the number of times that I have been encouraged by this pastor. He has provided light during dark times in ways that very few others have been able to provide, including pastors, unfortunately. The Lord uses him in profound ways. I hope that this man of God, Pastor Mercer, is blessed 100-fold in return for preaching the Word with faithfulness, compassion and sensitivity, and for being an encouraging shepherd while he serves our Great Shepherd.

Sermon10/11/19 3:52 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Series on Revival (Message 12)
Rev. David Park
“ Heart warming message. ”
Oh, blessed accounts of God's working with power in former times. My heart was touched and warmed as I listened to these accounts. May the Lord have mercy upon us and work again such things in our times!

Sermon10/10/19 5:21 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Prayer for Revival
Rev. Timothy Nelson
“ Great blessing. ”
This message touched my heart today as a real blessing. I thank the Lord for speaking to my soul!

Sermon9/28/19 5:54 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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My Testimony
Noel Kelly
“ Great work of God. ”
I never heard a testimony like this. I thank the Lord for what He has done in this man's life and through him. May the Lord continue to bless the work in Uganda with times of refreshment and with consecrated people!

Sermon9/26/19 9:08 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Prophet of Revival
Rev. Stanley Barnes
“ Challenging. ”
This was a good and challenging message for my soul. I thank the Lord for it!

Sermon9/26/19 4:12 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Series on Revival (Message 11)
Rev. David Park
“ Heart searching message. ”
Blessed and awful truths, at the same time! Oh, the sadness, the great sadness, of keeping away the blessings of God for the garbage of pleasures and sin! Oh, the vanity and tragedy of it all!

Sermon9/25/19 10:16 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Promise of Revival
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great blessing. ”
I cannot say what a great blessing for my soul was listening to this message. I thank the Lord very much for speaking to my heart!

Sermon9/25/19 4:49 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Series on Revival (Message 8)
Rev. David Park
“ Useful. ”
This was, again, a great help for my soul today. Thank you!

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