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Sermons of Dr. Ian Paisley
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley  |  Belfast, Northern Ireland
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"Powerful sermon!"
AmandaT from Newstead VIC Australia
Yes at times he is very loud but it is because this man is so very passionate about the Bible (as we all should be). I wonder...
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley | Paisley CD Series
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Sermon12/25/12 6:39 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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No Room For Christ
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Sad reality. ”
Oh, how true that people in the world and religious people have no room for the Christ of the Bible! And they have no room for the people of this Christ!

Sermon12/24/12 2:40 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Prefiguring Christ. ”
A message about how Samson prefigures Christ in 4 circumstances of his life, but not in his morality.

Sermon12/22/12 2:30 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Not by Might nor Power
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great reminder. ”
We must not trust in the intelligence of any man, nor in numbers, but in God, who, through the power of His Spirit can work His mighty deeds!

Sermon12/19/12 5:17 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Five Steps to Genuine Revival
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great error. ”
The comment made by FounderChurch is very dangerous. America in not God's New Jerusalem! The comment suggests that God has no true church now in the world, but that FounderChurch must create "absolutely a new model Church". It is not true. Christ is the Head of the Church and the King of Universe. He always had true witnesses in the world. There are true churches and true Christians in the world today. Does FounderChurch fight against all denominations?

Sermon12/18/12 12:23 PM
FounderChurch from Washington DC Metro Area  Contact via emailFind all comments by FounderChurch
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Five Steps to Genuine Revival
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is great to read the great sermons of the great men of God, BUT they are unsuitable to today, not because they are to harsh, but because they are not a harsh as they should be. Sin grows ever more powerful as time goes on, and it requires a stronger dose of God's Word all the time. This is where the Church has fallen down on the job. The Church must be Totally remodeled for today's needs. For every step we go forward we fall back two steps. We cannot go on like this. America, God's New Jerusalem is falling, and the Church is no help as it stands now. We can't put new wine in old wine skins, but must build anew. The old denominations are all worn out, and even to so-called new ones are failing to get the job done. So, we need absolutely a new model Church. Google "FounderChurch" for 7000 hits of new teachings for these times.

Sermon12/17/12 2:33 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Interceding for Intercession
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great lessons. ”
Powerful motivations and promisses for prayer.

Sermon12/15/12 2:19 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Heaven's Blest City
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Blessed place. ”
Blessed place prepared for us by our loving God! Oh, there will be no sin, nor the consequences of sin!

Sermon12/8/12 1:07 AM
BoyinChrist from Ontario Canada  Find all comments by BoyinChrist
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Fundamentalism vs. Apostasy
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great Sermon! ”
Only by the Grace of God, His Son and the in dwelling of The Holy Spirit, can Bless us with a Great Preacher like Dr.Paisley!!! Godly men like him are hard to find!!! Most of the Preacher's today are too worried about the numbers for "THEIR" mega Churches. Sad Really.... One of the BEST SERMON's I've heard!!! Praise God!!!!

Sermon12/5/12 3:30 PM
Jimmy from Texas  Find all comments by Jimmy
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Fundamentalism vs. Apostasy
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Greatings from Texas!!!! ”
Hey great sermon!!!Love it!!! I hope ya'all will be blessed in the Lord!!All should hear this!!!

Sermon12/1/12 2:34 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great truth. ”
Blessed be the Lord for His grace: Samson finished where he started.

Sermon11/23/12 2:23 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Five Wonderful Things
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great salvation. ”
Blessed message about the sufferings of Christ for our salvation and its fruits.

Sermon11/18/12 1:57 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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White Hot Passion for Souls
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great encouragement. ”
This sermon was an encouragement for me. So many around us tell us to keep silence about compromise! But Paul's example is a great one: we must speak for Christ's cause!

Sermon11/16/12 2:31 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Day of God's Power
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Power of the King. ”
Christ the King has all authority over the lives of all men and He is working efficaciously in the lives of His people.

Sermon11/12/12 6:59 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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60th Anniversary Historical Review
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great works of the Lord. ”
Yes, God did great things and God can do again great things today! We must seek His face in prayer and intercession.

Sermon11/10/12 8:14 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Light in darkness. ”
I watched today this entire service. I praise the Lord for His blessings and joys bestowed upon His people! Praise the Lord for the light arising in the darkness upon His people!

Sermon11/10/12 3:07 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great responsibility. ”
Ours is the way of separation, of no compromise!

Sermon11/9/12 2:51 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The History, Tragedy and Mystery of Samson
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great lessons. ”
Great lessons from this text.

Sermon11/4/12 8:26 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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William Mullan Memorial Service
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Unspeakable thankfulness. ”
When I started to listen to this sermon I didn't know what is awaiting me. I have no words to express my thankfulness to God to have the grace to listen to this sermon! I wish I could be there 31 years ago! I think it is not an exageration saying that this is one one the greatest sermons in Church History. Praise God for the grace given to this preacher on that occasion! My heart is full with praises.

Sermon10/20/12 9:34 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great blessing. ”
I watched this entire service and it was a great blessing and encouragement for me. The sermon was exalting Christ. It was good to see the faces of preachers whose sermons I listened to before. I praise God for all what He did for and through the FPC!

Sermon10/19/12 3:45 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Postman Who Did Not Strike
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Role of a preacher. ”
This was a blessed message from God to my soul. The preachers of the Gospel must preach the Word of God as it is, not to change its content. The postman delivers the letters, he is not changing the contents of the letters.

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