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News Item1/1/2021 8:43 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Neil wrote:
Jim is playing the troll here, trying to start a fight over the KJV which was mentioned neither by the article nor the 1st poster.
Prov. 6:16,19: "The Lord hates ... he that soweth discord among brethren." [KJV, not needing Google Translate]
Spot on. Thanks

Psalm 120
Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue

Sharp arrows of the mighty, ...
.... I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.

News Item12/31/2020 8:56 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Thank you, Mike and Born again.

The church has lost its 'salt' and it is then good for nothing. This is why even governments clasify it as a none essential entity. All the charity work, (the good works we have been created in Christ Jesus to bear fruit with), education and social health support has been stripped from the hands of the church and placed in the hands of socialistic protocols of the state who can even dictate when and how the church can act, so the church is relagated to warm up high-maintenance complexs, and hollow, empty shell structures for three hours a week, cater for their own petty projects, and run their little amusing shows for Christmas, and similar occasions.

[Mat 5:13 KJV]

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

Sermon12/28/2020 6:07 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The Strength of the Remnant
Dr. Stephen Pollock
“ A timely word ”

News Item12/27/2020 8:20 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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WayneR wrote:
A thing I learned studying with the Watchtower Society prior to my conversion, be careful with a Bible version that removes or even adds just one letter. John 1: 1 see their New World Translation.
Next look up I Timothy 3: 16 in the KJV and the ending of Mark 16. Look up your own version and compare the NWT.
Study costs you time and effort. The Reformation Bibles v the Modern? The Received Text v The Critical?
WM 177: Jeff Riddle and James White Debate Mark 16:9-20
Debate Follow Up: The Two Most Shocking Things Said By James White in Our Debates
WM 179: Refuting James White's Four Internal Arguments Against Mark 16:9-20
Taylor DeSoto Responding to 20 Common Claims Made Against the TR
If the longer ending of Mark is God breathed, imagine removing it. Or removing GOD from I Tim 3: 16?
Serious business is a God breathed Bible version, so why the shorter e
Helpful. Thank you

News Item12/27/2020 8:10 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Thou shall not bear false witness.
Misrepresentation, malice, sarcastic irony and purposeful insult are works of the flesh. If you mortify the works of the flesh you shall live.

The word *even* in the Lord of the Sabbath has a copulative function but also a cumulative force.
There has to be a Sabbath for him to be Lord of it. He cannot be the Lord of something that does not exist.

Malcom Watts has a conclusive sermon on the topic here for any who would have ears to hear as usual.


News Item12/26/2020 7:24 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Sir, no need to prove what you ask as it is a mere straw man you fabricate which had never been implied on my part .

Perhaps you need to remember that this is a free speech forum in some measure somehow yet. So your opinion is welcome the same as mine or any body elses'. Perhaps the issue is about suppressing truth or facts you might not like, say intolerance.
My apologies for this direct talk.

Fare well

News Item12/26/2020 5:34 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Mike wrote:
It seems doubtful the multitude of the heavenly host appearing before the shepherds, praising God, we’re commanded to do so.
There should be a difference between biblical happenings taken at random as antecedents for future practice and custom, and specific biblical commands.

Sad that ceremoniously each year the preaching in many neo evangelical pulpits conveniently gravitates towards the doctrine of the 'incarnation' for the last 3 Sundays of December, only to be omitted for the next 11 months, while passages as Luke 2 and a Matthew 1 and similar, hibernate from year to year in the preachers's desks.

Being teaching the urgent need of the contemporary church, one wonders where is the Holy Spirit's guidance in this.

Instead the unbiblical church calendar prompts, while the biblically stablished day of worship and rest of the resurrection day is disregarded and/or neglected.

News Item12/26/2020 2:26 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:

BMcCausland, the post isn't about the issue of crafty preachers. It is about the blessing of the Incarnation and verses from the Word of God that should be the joy and rejoicing of our heart. Your message will not be seen by the preachers you disdain. There is always going to be problems in Christianity and so called Christianity that ought to be lamented. There is also a time to rejoice in the truths of Scripture and it will do us all well to focus on the joys we have in Christ and not just the problems that surround us
Fine, no stopping any from celebrating the incarnation on the 4th July, the 6th August or the 5 th April at least.

See how many will rush into celebrating the incarnation at least 5 times a year without musicals, heretical Carol singing, gifts, presents, commercial gain, drink, dinners, parties, extraordinary eating, lights, trees, trimmings, fuss, Santa myth, garlands, tinsel, or ornamentations.

Soon many would understand Xmas for what it actually is, a farse fervently defended by zealous Xmas worshippers, but 'disdained' using your word, by in spirit and truth worshippers

News Item12/26/2020 5:54 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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As His coming (birth) is not *commanded* to be honoured, celebrated or remembered, so the seasonal cult about the 'incarnation', though a true fact, is a propped trick many preachers craftyly preach about this time of the year to nicely fit along the season.

News Item12/24/2020 1:18 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Chrisgp from England wrote:
Lockdown is a term, as far as I am aware, that before 2020 was used exclusively in prisons, where the Governor of the prison thought there was going to be a riot, or one started, he would sound the alarm, lockdown would be shouted down the megaphone or loudspeaker, and the guards would close off all the prison areas locking them down, and any inmates found out of their cells would be jumped on, handcuffed, pushed to the floor, and the marched to punishment cells. This COVID 19 crisis has ceased to be treated like a medical emergency, but like a punishment mode, and has become an exercise in complete control, of government tyranny, and globalisation. However, God will have then in derision. Psalm 2.

News Item12/24/2020 7:15 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Looker on wrote:
B. McCausland, 😴zzz.

Sermon12/23/2020 5:26 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Political & Religious Intrigue
Rev. Paul A. Backhurst
“ Significant message ”

News Item12/23/2020 12:47 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Looker on wrote:
Sixty percent of the victims are female.In a culture that promotes misogyny and sexual harassment, not unlike the patriarchal cults of America and a couple of ‘pilgrim’ commenters on this site. 🤮
New moniker, same pal

Sermon12/20/2020 4:10 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Quite interesting ”

News Item12/18/2020 11:33 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Neil wrote:
Welfare without accountability is the real Opiate of the Masses. So those who promote it are no better than drug dealers, for once the shame of unearned income is lost, it is rarely regained. And I think Progressives know that people on welfare will never vote for candidates who would curtail or eliminate it.
Which is why welfare recipients should not have the right to vote in jurisdictions paying them benefits, for it amounts to Conflict of Interest. For the same reason, corporations with gov't contracts should not be allowed to finance election campaigns.
Straight thinking

News Item12/16/2020 2:56 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
SA ... Great example!

Sermon12/14/2020 10:16 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ James Thomas ”
The Christian church at the time of the council of Nicaea, 325 AD, was known as the 'Catholic' (universal) Church, meaning with this the existant *universal* Christian Church of that day, this is the Christian church that had come out from all the persecutions, but was not yet the Roman Catholic church. Hence the topics of the Canons discussed demostrate so. This was because the bishopric of Rome was not yet dominant over the others, as the bishops of Antioch, Alexandria, Aelea and others had the same say. The point is that the Christian church at that point had already departed from the biblical patterns and was on its way through the years to gave place and become the church known as the Roman Catholic church.

News Item12/12/2020 9:26 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John Lee wrote:
... there are plenty of other people on this forum who read Bibles other than the KJV. Have a go at them, if you are genuinely concerned about it.
John, it would be beneficial to stablish that the aim for posting is not to go for or against people, but for truth.
Say in answering to a topic the aim is to establish a stand for truth and righteousness for the benefit of reading subjects, not to win petty skirmishes

The risks sustained by the thought for thought translations are too high to keep silent in this day of church prevarication, characterised by great faith in method rather than in the righteousness of God's Holy Spirit, - the average Christian Church convinced that easy-read texts might render better 'convert' results.

God revealed his *words* for us to be kept, and reserved his *thoughts* for himself as they are too deep to be totally perceived by terrestrials.

When the Bible speaks of God's *thoughts* it means his utter design, but when a message is passed to man, the wording is not that he passed to us his *thoughts*, but his *words*.

On the other hand, the imaginations of man's thoughts are vain and on basis of that it is worthwhile as much as possible to keep them on check in translation.

News Item12/11/2020 4:07 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John, telling truth and confronting individuals with real facts is not meant to belittle. The true intend is to bring people to account for personal responsibility before God and against their own consciences and souls.

True, there are no original autographs, but there is a body of historical evidence, partly demonstrated by over 5000 pieces of extant copies that agree towards the reliance on what it has become the TR underlying the AV.

Yeah, it would be desirable to have a just revision of the AV to make justice to a number of details, but where are the trusted scholars who would do that without bias and with earnest love and purpose as the divines of 1611 did?
Regretfully, scholarship is in the hands of the liberals nowadays. Meanwhile let verity stay in the camp while divine preservation takes over.

Take care

News Item12/11/2020 2:37 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John, What about the underlying text of all these 'perversions'?

You are ready and willing to sacrifice principle for convenience or pragmatism.

In bible matters this is NOT a valid currency.

Yours is the talk and arguments Mr Lincoln held here long ago. It appears time has won you to his sway.

Relativism has gripped your time.
How have you changed!

Btw, most of the issues you detail in your last post are details of little significance, mere pretexts affecting little, but rather on the other hand you skirt over and omitt the important true doctrinal compromising flaws such texts sustain, or lead to.

John, for a while, some here have pointed out you as riding two horses on the same topic, say as being for and against an issue ambiguously and simultaneously. This makes you either a troll or an unstable believer. You cannot sit on two chairs at once.


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