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Sermon12/2/17 2:50 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
New evangelicalism has become the prominent mood of evangelical organisations like Promise Keepers, AWANA, Intervarsity, Campus Crusade, World Evangelical Alliance, and so forth. It is also clearly evident in popular evangelical personalities like Tony Campolo, Bill Hybels, Max Lucado, Chuck Smith, Billy Graham, and many others. As the speaker mentioned, new evangelicalism (theological liberalism) typically begins as a changing mood. This changing mood leads to the repudiation of separation from apostasy as well as dialogue with apostates, positivism, respectability in repudation, spiritual pacifism, and eventually, neutrality towards spiritual warfare. The speaker also noted that the first new evangelicals were the children of Biblical Fundamentalists. Unlike their forefathers, they were determined to start a new generation of evangelicalism which became known as the new evangelicalism. Of course, apostasy had been around since the days of the Apostles writing the New Testament Epistles for our comfort and our caution. Theological liberalism became the standard expression of apostasy throughout the 20th century onwards. We must not partner with compromise, lest we become liberal new evangelicals.

Sermon12/2/17 2:37 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We clearly saw in this sermon that Harold Ockenga started new evangelicalism in 1948 as rebellion against doctrinally sound Biblical Fundamentalism. This liberal rebel known as Harold Ockenga started new evangelicalism with a repudiation of separation from apostasy, including theological liberalism. This repudiation of separation from apostasy lead to today's evangelicals adopting the following factors. 01: Dialogue with apostates. 02: Positive theology at the expense of the negative warnings of the Bible. 03: Exaltation of love and unity at the expense of sound doctrine. 04: Pragmatism in the ministry. 05: A desire for respectability. 06: An attitude of anti-fundamentalism. 07: Inconsistency and contradiction. 08: Dividing Biblical Truth into categories of importance and non-importance. 09: Exalting social and political activity to the same level as the Great Commission. And lastly, 10: A mood of softness with a desire for less strict "christendom" as well as pacifism and neutrality in spiritual warfare. New evangelicalism (aka theological liberalism) has taken evangelical churches and ministries by storm. Today, it is very popular with churches, even though it is apostate. We must be more concerned about what is Biblical than what is popular.

Sermon12/2/17 2:22 PM
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Is the emerging church dangerous?
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Emergent Church-Emergent Liberalism ”
The emergent church is theological liberalism taken to the extreme. Not all new evangelical (theologically liberal) organisations are associated with the emergent church, but they are a troubling step in that direction.

Sermon12/2/17 2:12 PM
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“ Wise words! ”
Back in the Protestant Reformation, the Protestant Reformers knew that parternship with the Roman Catholic Church was an act of treason. Today's evangelicals are traitors since they are now in partnership with the Roman Catholic Church. Of course, these treasonous liberal evangelicals will be held accountable for their treason on the Day of Judgment.

Sermon12/2/17 2:03 PM
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Liberalism and Jesus Christ
Dr. Curt D. Daniel
“ Great Sermon! ”
Liberalism is an act of treason. We must remain faithful to the fundamental doctrines of the Bible lest we become liberal traitors.

Sermon12/2/17 1:59 PM
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“ Wise insight! ”
Being theologically liberal is an act of treason against Christ. We must not become liberal traitors against the doctrine of Christ. Remember this warning in 2 John 9-11. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. (2 John 9-11).

Sermon12/2/17 1:55 PM
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The Olympics
Robert W. Reed
“ Pearls of wisdom! ”
Pro sports, including the Olympics, only encourages its athletes to purse prestige as opposed to wisdom. Here is a quote from the pearls of wisdom from Protestant Reformer John Calvin. If we are proud of our talents, we betray our lack of gratitude to The Lord. - John Calvin We know that the Olympics and pro sports incites it athletes to be "proud" of their talents, causing them to betray their lack of gratitude to the Lord.

Sermon12/2/17 1:35 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
More great pearls of wisdom gleaned from the Protestant Reformer John Calvin.

Sermon12/2/17 1:33 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It is rather frustrating when people openly showcase their prestige. However, those who value prestige, fear losing it through suffering agony. We know that agony is the greatest fear of the prestigious. We must not forget the following quote from the Heroic Protestant Reformer John Calvin and his pearls of wisdom. You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy. -John Calvin

Sermon12/1/17 11:52 PM
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The Allure of Prestige
Stephen Rhoda
“ Great Sermon! ”
Remember 1 John 2:15-17.

Sermon12/1/17 11:49 PM
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Respectable But Unsaved
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ Great Sermon! ”
The desire for respectability, though exalted by the wicked world, is something strongly condemned by The Lord. That desire for respectability is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Never forget the sober warnings against such vanities like the desire for respectability set forth in 1 John 2:15-17.

Sermon12/1/17 11:38 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Christianity Today Magazine has been recognized for theological liberalism since its first issue on October 15, 1956. Billy Graham, speaking at the annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals in 1971, said: “I believe that Christianity Today Magazine has played a major role in giving evangelicals that intellectual respectability and initiative that was so drastically needed 29 years ago.” Of course, that "respectability" acquired by evangelicals required them to compromise sound doctrine. In other words, evangelicals sold out to liberalism just to acquire so-called "respectability." Compromising sound doctrine for the sake of gaining "respectability" is an act of treason against Christ. Christianity Today Magazine, like every other theologically liberal organization and spokesperson, will give an account to The Lord for the souls destroyed by such theological liberalism manifested in such "respectable", but liberal organizations and personalities.

Sermon11/29/17 9:28 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
Although Pokémon is imaginary, it does have the potential to get people involved in dealings with familiar spirits. The definition of a familiar spirit is a demonic spirit familiar with a medium channeling them. We must remember that there were dire consequences for King Saul's dealing with a medium in 1 Samuel 28:3-25.

Sermon11/29/17 9:16 PM
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ALEPH - Better than yoga
Pastor Jonathan Campbell
“ Great Sermon! ”
Remember, Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 19:31).

Sermon11/29/17 9:13 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
While yoga has become a popular global sensation around the world, the plain truth is that yoga is demonic due to being rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is not only pro athletes justifying it, so is the evangelical church today. When will evangelicals learn that yoga cannot be made "Christian?" Evangelicals practicing yoga is evidence that today's evangelicals are becoming more and more attracted to the spiritual works of darkness. Remember, And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. (Ephesians 5:11). This sermon is exposing one of the many unfruitful works of spiritual darkness that is called yoga.

Sermon11/27/17 8:11 PM
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“ UN means UNfriendly ”
While the United Nations promotes Gaia Spirituality, it continues to attack Biblical Christianity because of the Exclusive Way of Salvation only found in The Lord Jesus Christ. While the United Nations promotes universalism, the Bible clearly states that The Lord Jesus Christ is The Only Way to Heaven in John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. What the Apostle John observed and recorded in the Book of Revelation is a prophecy about the very end of history, but the Book of Revelation has a victorious ending with peace being restored in the New Jerusalem. Until then, we are warned about the coming Antichrist in Revelation 13 who is the beast. That is why the United Nations is promoting inclusivistic universalism, also known as a one world religion centered around Gaia Spirituality. The reason for doing so is because the United Nations is preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist.

Sermon11/27/17 7:55 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
The European Union (EU) is an organization rooted in the damnable false religion of Roman Catholicism. It is evident given that the Vatican and the EU are in partnership with each other. Currently, the EU is situated in Brussels, which is in close proximity to Vilvoorde, the place where William Tyndale was burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Inquisitors on October 6, 1536. We know that the European Union, like its closely associated ally known as the Vatican, is an avowed enemy of Biblical Protestantism. The real issue about the European Union is that both the EU and the Vatican will bring the Antichrist into the world, pressuring the masses into worshiping him, the Antichrist, and receiving his mark, namely the mark of the beast. Until then, we must be sober and vigilant because as we are warned about in 1 Peter 5:8, Satan goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Sermon11/27/17 7:12 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
Antonin Scalia is hailed by Republicans as a champion for the U.S. Constitution, but the plain reality was that the fallen judge Antonin Scalia, though a Republican opponent of the Clinton and Obama administrations, remained a devout Roman Catholic all of his life, putting his faith in a false gospel of sacramental salvation, a type of works salvation. The whole talk about Republicans vs. Democrats is just a superficial distraction to the real issue at heart, which is that there is a spiritual battle between the Kingdom of Light and the powers of darkness.

Sermon11/27/17 1:19 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Prior to the Scottish-born monarch James I (James VI) authorizing the translation of the Bible, William Tyndale, a Protestant Reformer, worked on Bible translations in English. When Tyndale was burned at the stake, he said, "Lord, open the King of England's eyes!" These words spoken by William Tyndale prepared Great Britain to adopt the Protestant Reformation.

Sermon11/27/17 1:09 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Today's liberal denominations, namely those associated with the World Council of Churches, Baptist World Alliance, World Methodist Council, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Lutheran World Federation, and other liberal associations of denominations are responsible for the spread of apostasy in the 20th century. Of course, these liberal apostate organizations are just like the snowball rolling down the mountain. They grow until they implode at the bottom. Rest assured, these liberal apostate organizations are destined for destruction. Until then, we must oppose these liberal apostate associations of denominations since they are preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist.
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