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Sermon11/19/17 4:00 PM
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Are There Ghosts On Earth?
Jeff Arthur
“ Insightful! ”
From a Biblical Perspective, ghosts, hauntings, and every other name for paranormal activity and beings are really caused by demons. We must realize that we as Jehovah's people are in a spiritual war again these beings of darkness, all of which are devils assuming many different facades. We must also remember that greater is He (Jesus) that is in us than he (Satan) that is in the world. Please read 1 John 4:4.

Sermon11/18/17 10:34 PM
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“ Insightful ”
Another thing to note is that Captain Jack Sparrow and many other male characters in the POTC series like Will Turner and Hector Barbossa are men with long hair. 1 Corinthians 11:14 teaches that long hair on men is a shameful thing. Not to mention that the POTC series also focuses on the undead. There is no doubt that there is a spiritual war going on, but it is between the Kingdom of Light and the powers of darkness.

Sermon9/23/17 1:29 AM
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“ Insightful! ”
Superheroes and supervillains, even the secular ones, are based on mythical gods, especially those of Greek mythology, the main theme behind the DC/Marvel pantheon of superheroes and supervillains. Of course, these so-called superheroes and supervillains are known for their depravity.

Sermon9/20/17 1:38 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
We all remember Martin Luther visited Rome and observed the rampant immorality and lawlessness in that city. In fact, Charles Dickens' "Life," (by Foster, Volume II, page 274) said that Popery is "the most horrible means of political and social degradation left in the world." Popery has indeed caused political and social degradation left in the world, mostly because of its damnable false gospel of sacramental salvation. Also, Protestant Reformer John Calvin said of Popery that, "Popery is nothing else than a monster formed out of the innumerable deceptions of Satan, and that what they call the Church is more confused than Babylon." Indeed Satan is the father of popery and all of the Roman Catholic popes.

Sermon9/19/17 10:44 PM
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Super Heroes
Robert W. Reed
“ Insightful! ”
Superheroes and supervillains both share one thing in common. They both are characterized by a sinful heart. Both are just two different sides of the same coin.

Sermon9/18/17 12:10 AM
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“ Insightful! ”
Remember this verse. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8). Yes, that means Roman Catholics and their pope, who are idolaters, shall have their part in the Lake of Fire.

Sermon9/17/17 11:55 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
Many people, including evangelicals, claim that Mother Teresa was the official "spokeswoman of sainthood." We know that Mother Teresa was recognized for her prestige and respectability by the world when she was alive. We also realize that she, Mother Teresa, was a false teacher who propagated damnable heresies like sacramental salvation due to being a Roman Catholic nun. 2 Peter 2:1-3 gives us a clear warning about false teachers and the damnable heresies promoted by them. Roman Catholicism was not the only damnable heresy of Mother Teresa, so was that of universalism. Even though Mother Teresa propagated universalism, a damnable heresy, Jesus Christ clearly decreed that He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life in John 14:6. According to John 14:6, The Lord Jesus Christ decreed that He is the Only Way to Heaven. We must never compromise with apostate inclusivism.

Sermon9/17/17 1:24 PM
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“ Full of insight. ”
Here is something to think about in regards to superheroes and supervillains. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9).

Sermon9/17/17 12:47 PM
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“ Insightful! ”
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. (Luke 6:26).

Sermon9/14/17 1:26 AM
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Super Heroes
Robert W. Reed
“ Practical insight. ”
The speaker also mentioned that superheroes tend to promote violence as documented by a professional psychologist. It is because superheroes are known for their obsessive guardian mentality. Even if superheroes restored order to the world, they would still create more problems in society than correct them. The other issue is that allowing superheroes to be guardians of society would cause them to use their power for corrupt purposes, even in the name of "rescuing society" and "restoring order." No amount of humanistic reconstruction of society, even by sinful superheroes, can change the sinful heart of humanity. This verse from the Bible reveals the real human heart, a sinful one. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9). The Only Sinless Hero is the Lord Jesus Christ, the True Saviour.

Sermon9/14/17 12:22 AM
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Robert W. Reed
“ Practical wisdom! ”
Today, pro sports and its athletic stars are known for their excessive respectability in the public eye, but pro sports is nothing but a pigpen of filth. This is one of the reason why pro athletes are generally spoiled. Not to mention that they are way overpaid in terms of their salary. Also, pro athletes are given excessive adulation in society in spite of the fact that pro athletes frequently engage in all kinds of lasciviousness, including the very act of fornication. With regards to pro sports, we should heed the warnings of the Apostle John in 1 John 2:15-17. Of course, pro sports will one day cease to exist from all of society.

Sermon9/13/17 1:15 AM
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The Olympics
Robert W. Reed
“ Something that needs to be heard. ”
Even though society puts Olympic athletes on the spotlight of stardom, the reality is that these Olympic athletes are really spoiled rotten. In fact, many of these Olympic athletes are overt fornicators and adulterers. Should the Olympics even be put on the pedestal given that it is given over to many vices, not just fornication, but greed as well? We must also realize that the Apostle John in 1 John 2:15-17 warns us about relishing the empty vanities of the world. The empty vanities of the world do indeed reflect the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Finally, those empty vanities will disappear and cease to exist. No matter how many prestigious accolades are acquired by people, those things will never last for eternity and will all be gone.

Sermon9/12/17 11:50 PM
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Super Heroes
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
The world of superheroes is one where there is no peace, just perpetual warfare all the time. It's ironic how today's professing Christians idealize the superheroes in spite of the humanistic philosophy entrenched in the entire superhero genre.

Sermon9/11/17 4:44 PM
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“ Something worth paying attention to. ”
The World Council of Churches was founded in 1948 to promote ecumenism between the Roman Catholic Church and apostate denominations. Surprisingly, the World Council of Churches even recognizes the so-called "spirituality" of the non-Christian religions like the nature worshiping paganism. Despite the World Council of Churches recognition of non-Christian religions, the Bible in Isaiah 8:20 says that there is no light in the world's false religions. In other words, there is only darkness in the non-Christian religions. Of course, the World Council of Churches and the Vatican are planning on bringing the Antichrist and his one world religion. We are warned about the one world religion of the Antichrist in both Revelation 13 and Revelation 17. The good news is that Jesus Christ will dispose of the Antichrist and his associates as we read about in Revelation 19:11-21.

Sermon9/11/17 4:32 PM
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Satan And Demonic Activity
Rev. John Greer
“ Worth paying attention to. ”
Demonic spirituality is evident in both the non-Christian religions, and apostate Christendom, like Roman Catholicism. Yet, today's evangelicals are openly justifying their involvement in the spiritual realm of the demonic when Ephesians 5:11 requires us to oppose the demonic realm. We must also realize that demons also appear as seemingly benign "spirits" with many different appearances like animal spirits or Roman Catholic "saint figures" or Mary (a "Christianized" name for the demonic mother goddess worshiped in Mystery Babylon). This is not a coincidence since Satan also appears as an angel of light as we are warned about in 2 Corinthians 11:14. Still, we must also be of good cheer since Christ Jesus has overcome the world, including the spiritual realm of the demonic.

Sermon9/11/17 4:07 PM
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“ Something to think about. ”
The speaker in this sermon mentioned that the Olympics is known for promoting nudity, including athletes being dressed in provocative attire as seen in some of the events, like the leotards in gymnastics, bikinis in beach volleyball, and one piece swimsuits in diving, water polo, swimming, synchronized swimming, etcetera. Also, Jesus said that looking upon a woman with lust amounts to committing the act of adultery in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5. Also, Isaiah 47:1-3 says that displaying the bare thigh is a sign of nakedness. This sermon shows that the modern Olympics is very much centered around the very act of fornication and adultery as it was in ancient times.

Sermon9/11/17 3:47 PM
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“ Something to think about. ”
Although the POTC movies has an amazing musical score, they do contain objectionable content like the consumption of alcohol called rum. We must understand that pirates, including Captain Jack Sparrow, are sinful people in need of Jesus as their Saviour. Yes, even Captain Jack Sparrow is a sinner who needs Jesus as his Saviour.
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