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News Item11/5/19 1:41 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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I'm for that.

The Holy Spirit gives discernment to any man willing to do the will of God. Not pastors having their own biases.

There are pastors in the South who believe certain others are descendants of apes. There are pastors in the North who believe only certain others have biblical knowledge. There are pastors who support candidates regardless of their relationship with the one true and living holy God who support candidates based on outward appearances. There are pastors who, although regenerated, gravitate towards those who most likely resemble themselves, or have the same earthly values.

Civil governments are ordained by God for the unruly, lawless individual who, like a horse, need bits, bridle, spurs, and whips to steer them in the right direction.

When our Lord is given pre emminence in the church he purchased with his own blood, hearers are humbled and drawn to the one lifted up; so that men will be saved.

We, the servants of God, would see Jesus. Not another who comes in his own name or the name of one who does not see the hearts of all sinful man. Only God knows the lustful and lust-filled hearts of all men.

Who wants to hear the names of Cory Booker, Mitch McConnell or Trump when gathered for worship or fellowship with the holy. Psalm 133.

Sermon11/5/19 12:36 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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No Title
Bruce Baugus
“ Great Sermon! ”
Can you explain what seems to contradiction in the following passages? “And he killed James the brother of John with the sword… But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Go shew these things unto James, and to the brethren. And he departed, and went into another place…” (Acts 12:2, 17). James has been killed. What can be shown to him? Are there two James'?

Sermon11/1/19 1:37 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Great Discoveries ”
This is such a great survey uncovering treasures hardly found in other teachings I've read. Thank you for your contribution; rightly dividing the word of truth. This bolsters our faith and equips us for giving answers to skeptics, nay-sayers, scoffers, and refuting doctrines that are clearly of the anti - Christ. It came to mind that Luke, being a physician, attended to the medical needs of the apostles and other persecuted followers who were beaten by the Jews. If this is true, they had to tell him of how they got their battle scars; especially Paul. I wonder what Paul told him. Just a thot.

Sermon10/31/19 12:04 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Is Your Bible Missing A Witness?
Pastor Joe McKnight
“ Great and Assuring Sermon! ”
So good. It would have been nice to have the PDF. This needs to be memorized in order to witness to JW and Mormons more effectively. Oh that (men) would praise the LORD (for) his goodness, and (for) his wonderful works to the children of men! (Psalm 107:8, 15, 21, 31). How precious to know that Jesus shed his blood for us, washed us, and has given us the witness of the Spirit that we now are the children of God. Praise him to the highest.

Sermon10/9/19 2:11 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Glorious in Holiness
Robert McCurley
“ Glorious Sermon! ”
There is something very "consoling" about all of pastor McCurley's sermons. It is truth! He has studied to rightly divide truth as found in the Word. One can discern that this is not an opinion of man. Hebrews 4:12; John 7:17; 17:17.

Sermon10/6/19 6:41 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Behold Thy Face in Righteousness
Elder Ronald Lawrence
“ Satisfying Sermon! ”
Very comforting and reassuring message.

Sermon9/23/19 1:04 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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War, Wealth and Worship
Nicholas T. Batzig
“ Insightful Sermon! ”
Worthy of listening to. May God bless Nicholas T. Batzig and all who listen.

Sermon9/17/19 12:04 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Purifying Sermon! ”

Sermon9/12/19 1:05 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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3 - Holding Fast to the Word of Life
Ronald Kalifungwa
“ Life Giving Sermon! ”
Wonderfully refreshing and needful.

Sermon9/12/19 11:11 AM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Who is Worship for?
Dale Van Dyke
“ Great Sermon! ”
Well done.

Sermon9/3/19 12:29 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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The Beauty of God: A Definition
Timothy Broussard
“ Super Great Teaching/Sermon! ”
What a message! Super edifying even to hear of the beauty of our Lord. Makes you want to run faster to be in the presence of this matchless one; Jesus. Yes Jesus is his name. Such a beautiful name. Such a beautiful name. And he is altogether lovely. Pursue this One with all your strength.

Sermon9/2/19 12:10 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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The Edifying Use of Prayer
Geoff Banister
“ Great Sermon! ”
Well done and edifying.

Sermon8/24/19 11:33 AM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Excellent Teaching! ”
Wish I had PDFs. Scripture is made plain for the hearer. This is worth repeating to others. Thank you. Thank our great God and King.

News Item8/16/19 8:40 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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We are not confused. We are evil sinners. We are being judged. The truth is that God is so merciful until we see him as one ignoring our conduct. We've become proud and numb as if God's "love" protects us from hurt, harm and danger.

It's true that "It is because of the Lord's mercies we are not consumed." But the wicked think God's owes this to them because he's a God of love, love, love. The cross reveals the love and the mercies of God. It also reveals his wrath and judgment. This is what needs to be broadcast from our pulpit -our disgusting, vile behavior.

Sermon8/15/19 2:20 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Who is this man. Part 1
Bill Foote
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very well done. Blessings have been given to all who believe what the records says about this one - Jesus, God's uniquely born Son. Blessing to all who hear this message from the Word of God. May God richly bless pastor Bill Foote with an enlargement of his preaching audience.

Sermon8/13/19 12:45 PM
Yolanda  Find all comments by Yolanda
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The Son & The Cross
Jeremy Walker
“ Excellent Preaching/Teaching ”
Certainly this pastor has given God the glory in exalting the person and the work of redemption in his Son Jesus Christ. There needs to be a PDF available to us. It is worth memorizing every word he has preached, even though we can find it in the Word of God. We can never get enough of hearing about this matchless, marvelous, beautiful Saviour God has delivered over to death for his people. He is altogether wonderful, amazing, and worthy of all our affections. Behold him! Thank you Jeremy Walker. God has blessed this listener. He will bless others. And I pray that he will continue to enlarge your borders.

Sermon8/10/19 2:28 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Excellent Teaching ”
Excellent teaching. I am wondering now if the White Nationalists chant "Jews will not replace us" is due to faulty teachings some Christian churches/pastors have about the Jews.

Sermon8/8/19 4:38 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Judge Righteous Judgment
Robert McCurley
“ Sight and Sound ”
Another great sermon by this young man God has raised up at this time when the church is asleep and our children are not being saved because righteous discernment is lacking among Christians.

Sermon8/8/19 2:03 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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The Rise and Fall of Kingdoms
Robert McCurley
“ Excellent Teaching ”
My heart is filled with excitement each time I listen to this pastor/teacher's sermons, and those found in The John Knox Institute. These sermons are absolutely precise in bring out the truths of God's holy Word. Thank you young man. Thank God for you Robert McCurley. Your teaching increases thirst for things holy, the righteous of Christ and his kingdom. Glory to the God of heaven and honor to his Son Jesus Christ. Glory to the Holy Spirit who is faithful to exalt our Lord in our hearts.

Sermon8/8/19 1:13 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Revival and Missions
Dr. David B. McWilliams
“ Necessary Teaching ”
This is a much needed sermon. May God move our hearts towards declaring his glory so that the world will know how great he is.
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