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Sermon10/17/16 8:59 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Liberating! Very helpful for witnessing and living the Christian life

Sermon10/6/16 9:29 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Lessons In Leadership
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
One of my favorite sermons as it points me to the word of God for solutions to crisis in my life and the church. The key for me in this sermon is in times of fear do I panic and seek my wisdom for a solution or by faith apply the word of God. My soul is often overtaken by fear and panic. I find that my faith is weak if not absent when this is the case. The more I fear,less faith I have; the more faith less I fear. "It is the office of faith to impress upon the soul the invisible things of the world to come, thereby encouraging against the fears and dangers of this present world" (John Flavel

Sermon9/17/16 10:45 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I listen to PW when needing a good spiritual talking to This sermon challenges me to know God's love and keep myself in his great love. "Preach to my heart and not let my heart preach to me" (MLJ)

Sermon8/31/16 2:00 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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A Tender Indictment
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
I love preaching that takes serious our relationship with God Pastor takes a back seat to no one Very challenging I can see progress in my life I used to serve God more out of compulsion and now do so out of love for him

Sermon7/29/16 10:51 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Sword Jesus Brought
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wowwer! Great contrast between world and Christian. I used to have relationships and things of this world above Christ. It is still a battle with having my life crucified to the world but I'm getting there! Christ is the pearl of great price, the treasure in the field. Very sound and truthful preaching.

Sermon7/22/16 10:38 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Spirit of Discontent
Ken Jones
“ Great Sermon! ”
Really is good- He must have me in mind when he preached this! Great point about Adam before the fall, how he was taken down by one tree among many; how much more stuff is there around us now to tempt us to think we need Christ plus....

Sermon7/19/16 8:32 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr Jones is like a spiritual father to me. God used him to open my eyes to truth of Jesus. I first came across MLJ in one of his books and realized the seriousness of the gospel.

Sermon7/14/16 8:29 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is so good! The world applies circumstances to determine who God is-the Christian does the opposite: he/she begins with God and his character and then evaluates their circumstances rightly.

Sermon7/7/16 9:11 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Content in the Arms of God
Brian Borgman
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen, you look and sound great. Praying for your continued progress physically and awesome preaching. God loves us too much to live a trial free life- difficult thought but oh how true.

Sermon6/20/16 9:34 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Practice of Worship
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
I like pastor's definition of worship:living a life that exhibits God's worth. It's really pretty simple as pastor explains these verses in Heb 13:1-6. I am often too introspective of my walk. I was encouraged by the practical steps he lays out and believe that a life lived out of these verses will be a contented life.

Sermon6/8/16 5:54 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Who Can be Compared to Thee?
Rev. David Kranendonk
“ Great Sermon! ”
Lots of amens in this sermon. Can't help but love God more for opening my eyes to know him

Sermon6/2/16 9:15 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Call To Endurance
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Why would one lay down their life? As Jesus did, so we can inherit the promise of eternal life. I do have hindrances in my life which I try to justify, that weigh me down. Am I intentional in the race, an active participant or merrily a passive bystander. Am I a good steward of the deposit God has entrusted to me-his word and doctrines. Lots of good challenging thoughts and practical application.

Sermon6/1/16 9:14 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Faith's Grand Narrative
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Faith is the same from start of Bible to the end. I was also encouraged by fact that faithful saints were not perfect yet kept believing God. Its great to be a part of God's story and the end is nearer than we think.

Sermon5/25/16 9:05 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks, I needed the challenge. Only faith in God's love for us can satisfy our need to be loved.

Sermon5/23/16 9:11 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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God's Sovereign Purpose
Chipita Sibale
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen and amen! Great doctrinal truth and exaltation of God

Sermon5/13/16 10:01 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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A Life of Thankful Worship
Steven Cole
“ Great Sermon! ”
We always have something to be thankful for and to sing about- God never changes and my life is hidden with Christ in God. Glad to see your sermons on SermonAudio,encouraging and abounding in truth.

Sermon5/1/16 8:37 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Practicality of Predictive Prophecy
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Why study prophecy and how is it relevant to my life today? This is excellent and encouraged me to know that all God's word is relevant. Many of these prophecies in Daniel have already come to pass- what about what God says about the future- Great White throne judgement, Heaven and Hell? These too will come to pass.

Sermon4/28/16 2:10 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Lord have mercy on our beloved servant. I'll be praying for you-love you brother

Sermon4/28/16 8:15 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Gift of Faith
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was interested in knowing the difference between faith in general and the spiritual gift of faith. This was very helpful and challenging.

Sermon4/27/16 9:59 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Life That Pleases God
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
It's interesting that God commended the saints of old, not necessarily for their martyrdom, self denial,or courage but for their faith. Its faith that pleases God! I need to remind myself of this regularly. Faith plus nothing of my own pleases God. And he does this work in us while we cooperate. Isn't God and his word awesome!
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