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Survey11/18/06 8:52 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

How can we say we love Jesus Christ and believe in Him if we refuse to obey His commandments? One of the multitude of reasons we should love God and keep the 10 Commandments, not just the letter but the spirit, is that these commandments are wonderful commandments. Even lost sinners know the world would be a far better place if people kept them.

For that matter in heaven they will be perfectly kept which is one of the reasons being with Jesus there will be so wonderful.

Survey11/18/06 8:39 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Do you call anyone who is not a 'Calvinist' an Arminian Anarchist?

Or just those who believe an indidvidual hearing the Word of God under the conviction of the Holy Spirit can be brought to conviction, godly sorrow, repentance and in faith, which God gave them, can actually choose to cry out to God to save them BEFORE they are actually born again of the Holy Spirit and made alive to God?

Not being a 'scholar' I had thought arminians falsely believe someone can loose their salvation?

Besides do you have some kind of problem that people can believe in Jesus Christ who is the Only begotten Son of God. who died for their sins at Calvary, was buried, rose again from the dead in His own body for their justification, and thank God for Him and His shed blood, and now love Him and treasure Him as worth more than their very lives? Things you do not have to be a 'Calvinist' to believe do you. To the point I have asked you, "Do you have a problem with God, that He can and does bring people to salvation quite apart from 5 Point TULIP Calvinism"? Do you thank God for their salvation or resent it?

Survey11/17/06 7:39 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Wow! Talk about straining out gnats and swallowing whole camels!

God, who rightfully has authority over life and death commands Abraham, a man He has brought into covenant with Himself to offer Isaac as a sacrifice and Abraham obeys, God sparing Isaac just in the nick of time.

Years later God does not spare His Only begotten Son, just in the nick of time but offers Him as a sacrifice for our sins! Wow! Knock me off my feet and onto my face before God! As it has been said, 'Love so amazing demands my life, my all!'

Please if it is all right with you all 'Calvin scholars' lets not hide the cross behind "TULIP". Thanks, I'd appreciate it.

News Item11/17/06 6:35 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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By Your Standards, Not Elect,

Since you brought up the word logical, is it logical, and I am not trying to be mean to you because I know it must be painful to you,

but is it really logical to you to worry about celibacy for Roman Catholic Priests until you first get to the truth of who God is and whether or not the Leadership of the Roman Catholic Church has misrepresented Him to you, and they have.

Please don't missunderstand the pain in this, God wants you to know the Truth about Him, about His Son Jesus Christ and has written a book through men moved by the Holy Spirit so we can know, The Bible. But as precious as His Word is it will mean nothing to you if you let "experts" rob you of reading it for yourself falsely convincing you you cannot possibly understand it. When God is so mericful and faithful to make Himself real to those who seek Him with all their heart.

Jesus said,
If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

Listen to Him, what He says in Scripture and you'll know for yourself.

Survey11/17/06 5:51 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Since you seem to be knowledgeable of 'Calvinism' why would God have to give them over speaking of Romans 1 since they where already 'not part of the elect' and already unable as 'Calvinists' claim to respond to God?

I thought with 'Calvinism everything was already 'predestined' so why should it matter when they 'had no choice' in the first place?

After all they had no choice in not bing part of the elect did they or should I say did they?.

Survey11/17/06 5:18 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Honestly, I am speaking for myself here, just because I am not a 'Calvinist' doesn't mean I believe in a DIY (do it yourself) salvation and it is offensive when 'Calvinists' misrepresent those who are not 'Calvinists' of doing this.

Yes, I am aware some false teachers see Jesus's death and resurection as only a second chance. I am not talking about them.

News Item11/17/06 5:10 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Fuller Seminary and Notra Dame are not exactly known for being faithful to Scripture. Please don't get angry with me but I think eating worms on 'Fear Factor' is less harmful than these two and "Veggie Tale" Christianity.

If I recall correctly Fuller agreed not to try to convert Muslims to faith in Christ for a period of two years to get some federal faith based money that was being offered to them. Like we really need experts of this caliber.

News Item11/17/06 4:57 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Until a Catholic is saved, born again of the Holy Spirit (something that does not happen in infant baptism) they will not understand the things of the Spirit of God.

They may be quite devout and utterly religious but what else do they have? Rituals? Indulgences? Supposed means of grace. Therefore it makes sense to them (at the same time it puts them into bondage to fear) to do all sorts of things to merit enterance into heaven (well actually only purgatory, which of course doesn't exist). WHEN eternal life is a FREE Gift.

Their religion, the very leaders of their religion have misrepresented to them Jesus Christ and the sufficiency of His completed work on Calvary

And have turned them from Scripture wherein God Himself reveals to those who heed His Word who Jeus truly is, what He has done, who God Himself makes us to be forever in Him at new birth in the Holy Spirit - and turned them to "T"radition and a supposed infallible Papacy and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

They must be born again.

Survey11/17/06 4:36 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
We simply cannot determine whether a theological view from scripture is true or not based upon who comes to your door now can we?

That is right and I agree. But neither should we conclude someome is right because they're popular and have preached to large audiances and millions have bought their books.

MY comment was for this reason, 'Some 'Calvinists' like to maintain 'Calvinists' are the biggest soul winners when by experience only a few such as Ian Paisley seem to be with many more unknown 'Baptist types' actively witnessing of Jesus Christ and Him cricified, buried, and risen again from the dead for sinners that they might be saved.'

Things you all don't need to be a 'Calvinist' to believe and thank and love God for.

News Item11/17/06 4:22 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Not Elect,
I notice you are not actually claiming that I am ignorant of just what the Catholic Church teaches.

But let's take Allah for instance. Allah is simply NOT God, he is simply NOT The Almighty Creator and Ruler of everything and every living being that exists by any stretch of anyone in his or her right mind, no matter how much Muslims might like to claim Allah to be.

Therefore one might worship God but not Allah or one the other hand they might worship Allah but not God.

From Catechism of the Catholic Church
Officially Approved by Pope John Paul II

841 The Church’s relationship with the Muslims. “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.”
end of quote

So if those in authority in the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church are wrong here, and they are, it must mean they are lying? delibrately teaching what they know to be false? and that without any excuse for they claim they have the authority to tell people what Scripture means and should therefore not miss it on the very basics of who God is should they?

Survey11/17/06 2:47 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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What makes you think 'Calvinists' have correctly defined the Sovereignity of God?

I don't seem to recall any 'Calvinists', despite how they claim to be so evangelical, witnessing to me when I was lost. Just those "Baptist Types" who believed anyone could call out to God for salvation.

News Item11/17/06 2:38 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Not Elect,
If The Roman Catholic Church, which claims to be The Pillar and The Ground of the Truth with an Infallible Pope no less cannot get it right on the difference between a lifeless piece of bread (RC eucharist) and Allah is not God (CCC 841) then is it any surprise they would make a mess of their own priests with their requirements about celibacy?

Far before we need to talk about celibacy we must get it right on who God is and is not.

Survey11/17/06 12:32 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
As to warning sinners to flee the wrath of God, to repent and believe in Christ (not just empty lip service but a faith that loves Him and follows Him) this is a quite loving message.

As to preaching God's love for sinners it is simply not that God loves them which would enormously misrepresent His love but that He loves them with a love for them in that while they are yet sinners Christ died for their sins and such a love for them in their fallen rebellous state against God demands repentance and faith and gives no excuse to contine in their sins and no hope of escaping the judgemnt due their sins if they do.

After all even though God has such great love for them He is just and loves the Son enough He will never allow those who have rejected Him and the blood He shed for them any place in heaven. Please do not make the justice of God as being independent or in contradiction of His love. I may have worded this poorly.

Survey11/17/06 11:52 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
Excuse me but you are sounding like an 'arminian' (whatyever that is) like the wretched sinner might have a choice in the matter of repentance and faith.

Survey11/17/06 11:40 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
Your logic breaks down for if as 'Calvinists' teach the elect are "saved" no matter what they do or don't do why would the elect have any need to come to repentance lest they perish since they are already elect requiring nothing of them in the matter of salvation, nothing at all in the matter.

Also scripture does say,

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Notice it is NOT written who will have all the elect/predestined to be saved.

You may if you wish preach, God forbid, He only loves the elect and hates everyone else. As for me I will continue to preach, God loves you and does not want you to perish in your sins.

Survey11/17/06 10:57 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Yes, you heard me making comments about Rick Warren being in Syria. I quite disagree with this man and believe him to be one of the foremost false teachers of this day, truly one who practises a form of godliness (religion) but denies the power thereof.

I hope I did not fumble in what I was trying to say.

Survey11/17/06 10:39 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
If a single man comes to know and loves a precious single woman and asks her to marry should he suddenly decide she is a frightful hag if she says no and hate her?

If he really loves her he must respect her choice don't you think or perhaps his love for her wasn't real love in the first place. And more so if that was the kind of 'love' he had for her she would be better off finding a man who truly did love her.

Perhaps you all have forgotten Scripture does say,
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Could that promise have anthing at all to do with,
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

So will you all 'Calvinists' tell me I am in error for preaching to sinners things such as, God loves you and does not want you to perish in your sins?

News Item11/17/06 9:15 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Thanks Dan from Tennessee, his servants do disquise themselves as servants of righteousness don't they.

News Item11/16/06 9:22 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Speaks as of the world, while he sounds so spiritual and so religious, and the world listens to him? We really don't have to wonder why as this fallen sinful world loves sin more than righteousness and is being groomed to welcome and worship the antichrist when he is revealed.

Therefore for the people of God, 'Come out from their midst and be separate.'

Survey11/15/06 9:54 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I have already stated that I am not a Calvinist.

Yet Scripture speaks of election and being predestined so if any of us are to be Biblical we must needs understand as best we can what God Himself means in these terms and not how men twist them.

b.a. made a very good statement. Perfect, no, but very good, especially about some having their faith in election rather than in Christ.

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