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Rev Brian McClung | Glengormley, Northern Ireland
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Rev. Brian McClung
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The miseries of God's everlasting hell
Series:  Evangelistic Sermons  · 47 of 224
1/1/2012 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Matthew 25:41
        SUNDAY - PM
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It is a sombre and sober subject to commence a new year with but I believe the Lord has directed me to preach this evening upon the subject of 'God's everlasting hell'.

The word 'hell' doesn't appear in our text but it is evident that it is this awful place that is spoken of in these words.

The subject of hell ought not to preached upon lightly. It is a sombre and sobering subject. There ought not to be any sense of self-satisfaction or self-vindication about souls going down into hell. It matters not who they may be in this world. Remember the teaching of the God's Word in Ezekiel 33:11: Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Let us not be among those who would take pleasure in seeing souls cast into hell.

Yet it is the reality whether men and women like it or not that multitudes will indeed be cast into hell. As Psalm 9:7 states: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. The puny creature may shake their fist in the face of God if they wish but they are only increasing their damnation and hastening their souls on to that awful place.

As we consider God's everlasting hell may it awaken the sinner to flee to Christ and the saint to labour to see souls saved from going to hell.
SERIES 47 OF 224
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Rev. Brian McClung
God's everlasting hell

Evangelistic Sermons
Sunday - PM
Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian
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Rev. Brian McClung
God's everlasting hell

Evangelistic Sermons
Newtownabbey Free...
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