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Survey10/30/06 5:01 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Would you say it is rubbish that Jesus Himself said,
"And this is the Father's will which hath sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again the last day.

Apparently Jesus believes that once He saves a wretched lost sinner that He is quite capable to keep them and to raise them up at the last day.

Survey10/30/06 3:57 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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So can a Calvinist recognize Christ?

Is He a sufficiently expert witness of the Truth or does a Calvinist have to interpret Him through the 5 Points of TULIP and the writtings of Calvin and the Calvinists of the Reformation?

And just Who Saves anyway? John Calvin? Luther? or is it this humble carpenter Jesus whom God Himself has proven to be the Son of God by raising Him again from the dead.

So who will we love? Calvin? The Pope? Luther? or will we finally wake up and love the Son of God who loved us and delivered Himself up for us and prove it by keeping His commandments? One of which is to love one another by the way in case we are tempted to forget.

News Item10/30/06 3:51 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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And John if you are saved you will bring forth fruit in keeping with salvation won't you and if you bring forth thorns and thistles it was just empty religion.

Didn't Jesus tell us not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven? That is a very good place to check out if your profession of Jesus as Lord and if your believing that God has rasied Him from the dead was really from the heart or just out of wishful emotions.

Survey10/30/06 3:43 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike from PA,
Excuse me but you those you call a Calvinist don't fit the description of a "good" 5 Point TULIP Calvinist.

And Again I ask where has Jesus Christ, and what He Himself says, gone in all this? Don't we think that He is quite more important than Calvin and especially those who force Scripture to fit TULIP?

Did not Jesus Christ tell us that if we confess HIM not John Calvin before men that He would confess us before the Father? Perhaps we might just want to consider His suffering for us, His death for us, and once again hold Him as our first and foremost love worth more than anything and anyone else to us and thank Him for His shed blood and that He has promised the one who comes to Him He will in no way cast out?

Seems He has said that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him. So do we? Or do we argue over whether we are elect or even can a lost sinner cry out to Him to save them from their sins? Shame on us!

News Item10/30/06 11:25 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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John Yurich,
Does Jesus believe you are saved?

It really doesn't matter what opinion others have of you it really only matters what Jesus Christ Himself thinks of you.

Want to carefully prayerfully read the Scriptures for yourself and find out? Or do you want to make the Bible (take out it out of context) justify what you want to make it say?

Let God be true though every man a liar.

What then if some do not believe (what God Himself says in Scripture) their unbelief will not nullify the faithfulness of God (to keep His Word and fulfill it) will it?

News Item10/30/06 11:12 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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John Yurich,
With your logic you might say that you can go to a strip club because you like the music and the cigarette smoke and that you just don't look at the women.

Go ahead knock yourself out and attend the idolatrous assembly along with others who reject Christ's right to rule in their lives but please don't expect us to believe you know Him as the Savior who had power to save you from your sin.

News Item10/30/06 7:57 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Your comment also begs the thought who do we right here right now know better, or should know better since God Himself has revealed Him, Christ or Mary who God says so little about?

But still it will come down to whether or not a person will obey God and obey His Word or invent to themselves some other way.

Survey10/30/06 6:44 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Where has Jesus Christ gone in all our discussions? Are we talking about Him or the 5 points of Calvinism?

Does He not Himself tell us that if we confess Him (not Calvinism by the way) before men that He Himself will confess us before the Father BUT if we deny Him (not TULIP but Him) before men that He will deny us before the Father?

So did Calvin shed his blood for us? If he didn't than why are we so concerned with what he taught and the opinions of those who hold his teachings as more sacred than Scripture?

Is it not time we rediscover the Lord Jesus Christ and what Scripture teaches us of Him, of His commandments, His Requirements, His Ministry now... all we can possibly learn about Him and from Him that we might proclaim Him among the nations?

What kind of twisted message is it to go to sinners and tell them, 'if they are part of the elect it doesn't matter what they do or don't do they will be saved and if they are not elect it doesn't matter what they do or don't do they will be damned?'

Is this the message that "saved" you? Or did you hear that Jesus Christ died, Yes really died, for your sins (not for your lack of Calvinistic theology) and rose again and that He can save you from your sins and whosoever shall call upon His name shall be saved?

News Item10/30/06 6:30 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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John Yurich,
Suppose you are still sinning? Do you not know have you not heard that His name shall be called Jesus (holding the meaning Jehovah God is Salvation) because it is He who will save His people from their sins?

This is the One who has told us that we must, not it would be a nice thing, but that we must be born again, something that so changes us that we are a new creature, one whose heart has been changed from a rebellious fallen sinful nature to a heart that loves God and longs to obey and please Him and do you know one that actually gives evidence of this change in a changed life, one that evidences obedience to Christ and to His Word.

Now John if you are not so changed by Christ, and He has more than enough power to change us by the way doesn't He, than you are living a life of willfull sinful rebellion against Him and as to praying daily that He forgive you Scripture warns us:
Proverbs 28:9
He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

Apparently John, God Himself takes quite seriously whether or not a person will hear and heed what He Himself has said to us in Scripture. So once again let me put it clearly is Jesus Christ important enough to you that you obey Him?

News Item10/30/06 6:16 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Since Satan knows Jesus a lot better than any human living on earth why wouldn't you ask him to pray for you?

It is simply not a matter of those who knew Christ personally while He lived on this earth physically know Him better than those living here now, it is a matter of obedience. Jesus Christ Himself commands that we come to Him. No where in Scripture, the very Word of God, each and every Word directly inspired by God will you find (because it is not there) any commandment, any instruction, to pray to Mary or any example of an obedient believer doing so. Therefore to do so is disobedient to Christ and disobedient to the Word of God, Holy Scripture.

And if it is disobedient to Christ just what spirit is promoting and motivating fallen sinful men and women to practise such a thing?

News Item10/29/06 4:36 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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John Yurich,
If you think you can receive Christ as Savior with no change in your life from sin to obedience to Him knock yourself out.

As to knowing about Salvation I would humbly suggest that Jesus Christ knows far more about salvation than your minister, Billy Graham and Jimmy Swaggert combined and multiplied by 10. And Jesus apparently thinks that those who call Him, Lord, Lord, and practise sin (iniquity/lawlessness) must depart from Him because He never knew them.

Again, my friend your problem is not the Mass in Latin, shyness, protestant churches but Christ for in stiffing your neck agaist obeying Him who is worthy to be loved and served and adored and proclaimed you place yourself among the wicked you hate the idea of obeying Him who died and rose again that they might be saved.

No you really don't know much about salvation, about recieving Christ for if you did you wouldn't be in such willfull rebellion against Him and against obedience to His Word the Scriptures.

News Item10/29/06 1:30 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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The Commandments of Christ are quite good. Now if you think you can be saved by keeping them knock yourself out. It is quite impossible for God has shut us all up under sin, being born with a fallen sinful nature, that He might show mercy to all - in the salvation He Himself provides and gives as the free gift in Christ.

Please note that is a free gift, nothing we do to earn nor merit it. Yet reject His gift would leave us quite wretchedly guilty in our sins.

Survey10/29/06 7:17 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Paul Washer, one of the preachers on this site makes a very valid observation concerning American Christianity, that we have wrongly substituted as evidence of salvation a profession of faith rather than the fruit of a changed life.

In my observation this has brought about frightful consequences because in American Evangelism people now labor to get people to profess Christ and attend their church and not labor that and seek God that sinners might be changed, born again, SAVED FROM THEIR SINS to become obedient to God.

Jesus told us that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him. This is something that is quite missing in a false gospel of merely professing faith in the historic reality that Jesus died and rose again from the dead, which is something that Satan and all his fallen angels know too.

News Item10/29/06 7:05 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Alan from Chile,
If this cleric wasn't justifying rape where was his condemnation of Muslim men who where committing these rapes? This cleric seems quite silent on condemning his fellow Muslims and covering their evil wicked sin by blaming "immodest women".

Why with this kind of "logic" a gynocologist could justify rape of his patients because they exposed themselves in his examination room.

And how modestly should a women have to dress for this cleric and these "justified Muslim rapists"? How about total body bag? How about keep them locked up in their own homes with no contact with anyone outside?

News Item10/29/06 6:54 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Your really do not begin to understand salvation, the free gift of God.

"He has made the terrifying error of believing that he can be saved without making any effort, and he thinks I should make the same error."
End of Quote

Lance, you have missed it salvation does not have to do with effort but with change, one so beyond human ability that only The All Holy God by His Sovereign Power, Mercy and Grace can make. Lance, no matter what you do you will always be a sinner, you will sin against God knowingly and willingly because it is your nature, the fallen nature you inherited from Adam. You may know God exists but being dead in sin you will not know Him.

And tragically in your fallen sinful state all your religious efforts will only fuel sinful pride and make it that much more difficult (humanly speaking) for you to repent and forsake your false beliefs and humble yourself before God as a guilty sinner deserving death and the eternal hell and call out to the Christ you have rejected (idolatry is an iniquity of those who hate Him) to save you, to change you from your sins and give you the true new birth in the Holy Spirit and eternal life that infant sprinkling never gave you nor never could because no one can recieve Christ for us we must do so ourselves.

News Item10/28/06 6:29 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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John Yurich,
You really don't understand what it means to recieve Christ do you BUT NOT ONLY THAT you have become quite the master of side stepping the thought that one who recieves Christ is to actually obey Him or what they think is faith is a fantasy of make believe.

Shyness, what you like or don't like about different church services, what your brother's minister told you, they are really excuses aren't they.

Let me say again,
What are you supposed to do then?
First my friend you need to examine your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Is He important enough to you to obey Him? even if it seems to go against your feelings and your desires?

If He is not that important to you then it simply will not matter where you go to church or not will it?

But it will matter in the day of judgment when you have to give account of rejecting Christ's rightful rule over your entire life.

News Item10/28/06 1:44 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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You really don't understand salvation do you? Salvation is from sin, from disobedience to God and therefore from the wrath of God which He rightly has against rebellion.

When Jesus Christ saves a person then they will have a heart to obey God out of love for God and out of faith in Him that He is right.

Anyone who presumes they are "saved" and shows they rebel against obeying this Savior who saves from sin shows that something is terribly amiss in what they think is salvation.

Scripture teaches us, Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? God Forbid! Why ever would that be, John? Could it be that those who continue to practise sin are actually of the devil and are on their way to the eternal hell?

John, shyness isn't your real problem it is sin, rebellion against Christ, willfull disobedience to His Commandments, and against His Word.

News Item10/28/06 1:01 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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You are side stepping the issue. It is whether or not you actually are saved from sin by Jesus Christ and if you are saved He will have changed your life, especially your attitude as to whether you will obey Him on His terms or not.

News Item10/28/06 11:59 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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By the way, John, it is quite impossible to prove your love and faith in Him by obedience to Him and to His Word if you are not really born again of the Holy Spirit.

News Item10/28/06 11:52 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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What are you supposed to do then?
First my friend you need to examine your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Is He important enough to you to obey Him? even if it seems to go against your feelings and your desires?

If He is not that important to you then it simply will not matter where you go to church or not will it?

Remember He says, 'And why do ye call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not do the things which I say?'

It might be quite good for you to consider not if your brother's non-denominational minister says you are saved because you said a prayer but would Jesus Himself say you are saved because you have repented of your disobedience to Him and now prove your love and faith in Him by obedience to Him and to His Word?

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