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Survey11/1/06 10:23 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Morea Dionus,
And the disciples spoke much of....?
Jesus Christ. How about that.

And the disciples studied the Word of God and learned much of and about......
John Calvin, Oh I'm sorry he wasn't even born.

As to preachers in pulpits it may be quite good for every single one of them to consider prayerfully what.....
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, requires of them for that matter what He requires of us too.

And just so I am quite clear because I am not a Calvinist doesn't mean I am an arminian but that is part of the problem here isn't it that Calvinists act like if you are not a Calvinist you must be an arminian.

Survey11/1/06 9:28 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
God drawing does not mean God has made the sinner alive before new birth in the way Calvinists who have given me their beliefs teach in election, irresistable grace, etc.

But yet once again, where is Jesus Christ in all of this discussion on the 5 points of Calvinism? He seems quite left out like what is at state, what is really important is whether or not a person is one of the elect.

...and thou shall call His name JESUS: FOR HE SHALL SAVE His people from their sins.

Survey11/1/06 8:09 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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You are quite right studying Scripture is far more important than studying the thoughts and opinions of men.

And those who fail to point people to studying the Scriptures for themselves such as Roman Catholics and other false religions are most likely suppressing the reality that the Scriptures will expose their errors and set an individual free from their control.

This kind of reminds me of the woman who wept over Jesus' feet, how dare she a wretched sin think she had any business among the educated religious elite.

Survey11/1/06 7:54 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Please understand I am quite aware of the Free Presbyterians and that they profess to be Calvinists - yet they do not hold their Calvinism above Christ do they, and neither did Spurgeon. From what I understand Spurgeon got himself into a lot of trouble with the Calvinists of his day. Perhaps you might like to call them hypo (less than full blown) Calvinists.

And yes some professing to be Calvinist have some quite excellent sermons may I say despite Calvin.

Paul told us that we see through a glass darkly why then would we be forced to think that Calvin, how many years after the apostles, figured it all out and if we disagreed with him we must be wicked and damned?

As to ignorance of Calvinism this is one of the same arguments Roman Catholics use when people refuse to bow to what Rome teaches.

Let me say this it is Christ whom we should study, learn from and about, that we might grow in faith in Him and proclaim Him not John Calvin among the nations this is somehow quite lost when we focus on TULIP rather than on Him. Calvin did not die for me, faith does not come by hearing TULIP does it but rather by the Word of God desn't it.

Survey11/1/06 7:16 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike, PA
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:44

This verse does not say that God only draws the elect with irresistable grace does it. But it does say that lost sinners on their own cannot come to Christ.

Mike don't forget Jesus taught in a parables concerning the feast where people where given invitation that people made excuses of not coming to the feast they were invited to, apparently they could resist and did.

Perhaps you've never witnessed an individual under great conviction of sin who holds to a the pew in front of them to keep from coming forward at an invitation to come forward at a meeting and recieve the Lord Jesus Christ - the very same kind of thing.

But I've never witnessed someone who has never heard Christ Preached (this can be in writting by the way) who has never "felt" the conviction of sin ever crying out to Him to save them from their sins.

From what I hear of many Calvinists God has to make them alive first, like they have to become alive spiritually before they are born again, before they can have saving faith - How ridiculous is that.

Survey11/1/06 6:55 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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A brief testimony here:
I was raised Roman Catholic and was told if I ever left Catholicism that I would die and go to hell.

It seems Calvinists act the same way that if anyone ever dares to leave 5 point (TULIP) Calvinism they must not be one who is persevering (the P in TULIP) and therefore must not be one of the elect and have to be on their way to hell.

What kind of mind control is this! Jesus told us that His sheep hear His voice and that He knows them and they follow Him and that no one is able to pluck them out of His hand.

I would plead with any of you who feel the oppression of TULIP to remember that Jesus Christ is quite capable and willing to keep you and you do not have to bow to man made theology to have His love and approval in your life. It is not that you have to make yourself persever but that He who loved you and died for you will perfect that which concerns you.

Survey11/1/06 6:47 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike, PA
5 Point (TULIP) Calvinists like to define Total Depravity as the total inability to choose to respond to the gospel of Christ when they hear it.

Well if they are so incapable of responding, because they are like a dead person physically, Calvinists seem to forget a truly dead person (physically dead) can not only do nothing good but also nothing evil. They can't eat or drink or sing or ride a bicycle or sit down - nothing.

Now if you wanted to say a lost person is quite incapable of saving themself from sin you would be much more accurate and we do see lost people attempting to do this very thing in Roman Catholicism and other religions so Calvinism makes a serious error in presuming lost people are incapable of responding to the gospel.

Sometimes the respond is humble thankful acceptance and at other times furious hatred against Christ but if they where so incapable of responding there would be no response one way or the other.

And along with this Calvinist like to proclaim if a lost sinner were to accept God's gift of eternal life that somehow the sinner not God gets the glory. This is quite ridiculous. God rightfully gets the glory when a lost sinner by faith receives this exceedingly precious gift of eternal life that the Almighty so graciously gives.

Survey10/31/06 3:59 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike, PA
If these wretched lost sinners were as dead as the 5 Point TULIP people make them out to be they could not even choose to sin because they would be so absolutely dead.

But again where is Jesus Christ in all of this? Shall we argue and argue over the 5 Points of Calvinism and in these 'discussions' leave Christ outside the church knocking to be let in?

Maybe we should leave Him outside after all if I remember correctly He dealt severly with the Pharisees who turned the temple into a robbers den and would He be any less thorough in doing a thorough cleaning up of the mess we have made of our meeting places? where we show so little real love for Him, for Scripture, for prayer, for each other let alone a lost and fallen world that desperately needs to hear of Him and see people demonstrate with their lives He is worthy of love and obedience and service and adoration and praise.....worth more than our very lives.

Survey10/31/06 10:19 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Discerned Believer,
I am not a Bible translator and in the little I know of Hebrew and Greek even the King James does not alway carry the depth of meaning the Hebrew and Greek carry. I ran the phrase and found during the construction of the tabernacle the people where made willing
but the real issues being discussed concerning salvation are quite a bit deeper than just one verse here or there but rather have we so come to know Jesus Christ in the new birth that we now love Him and obey Him and sadly that quite imperfectly and always with much repentance and confession of our own sins for our often times of sin and failing Him and hopefully also with much growth as we like new born babes long for the sincere milk of the Word and grow thereby.
Please understand I am aware I am not quoting word for work the KJV here so if anyone wants to check the exact wording they are more than free to.

Let me say this Jesus was quite aware of the wretchedness of the woman who wept over His feet and yet her love for Him - May we learn from her example and especially how the Lord dealt we her. It may just be that we also should weep at His feet that He who is so Holy would willingly die for us who where so guilty and and so often failed Him.

Survey10/31/06 9:25 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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So what is more important if we can even talk about it this way, election as Calvinists teach it or that Christ died for us according to the Scriptures as God Himself demonstrates His own love for us?

I seem to recall the Bible says, God is Love NOT that God is election.

Survey10/31/06 8:51 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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L Green,
So just what does the Committed Calvinist preach to the lost?

That he cannot possibly be saved if he/she is not one of the elect and still God loves them having predestined that He will eternally damn them and rightfully so because of their sins which they have no hope of being forgiven of because of limited atonement and not being elect? And if he is one of the elect it doesn't matter what he/she does or how evil they live because God will irresistably draw them, even against their will because they have no ability to choose (which would also mean they would have no ability to choose sin but that would be another matter) because they are elect.

How twisted is that?

Survey10/31/06 8:11 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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J Calvin,

From what 5 Point TULIP people tell me you teach Limited Atonement, correct?

That would mean you would never go to the lost and tell them that Jesus Christ loves them and died for their sins because they may or may not be one of the elect.

And further you may label me as a heretic because I will go to the lost and can tell them whether they would ever believe it or not that Jesus Christ loves them and died for their sins and that they must needs repent and believe in Him. And if they do rejoice over them and with them for their salvation, the change the Savior makes in their life at new birth and likewise if they reject the message weep and mourn at their wretched sinfulness and lostness.

Survey10/31/06 7:58 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Thank You, But you don't have to believe God's sovereign election as Calvinists teach it and become a Calvinist to believe these verses, let alone to believe the message of the cross and be saved by Him who gave His life for us do you. And still are we focusing on what you call God's sovereign election or on the person of Jesus Christ? He is quite alive and is not merely a mental abstract.

And if we have come to know Him, He does quite change ones life!

Survey10/31/06 7:41 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I must agree with you the Scripture is Truth now matter how men attempt to twist it to say what they want to make it say.

And yes, frightfully when men attempt to force Scripture to make it say what they want to make it say they oppose the Truth, literally they can get to where they oppose Jesus Christ and have no real love for Him.

Survey10/31/06 7:24 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Lime Green,

This helps to validate the Calvinist position which gives ALL the glory to God.
End of Quote

Somehow in all these discussions the professing Calvinists seem to say so little about the Worth of Christ, of how much they did not deserve the salvation He provided in His shed blood, how radically He changed their lives to where they now love people they once hated, to where they now hate the sin they once loved and how His Word, Scripture has become to them a greater treasure than all the learned writtings of the famous and popular religous men through the centuries combined.

Why to listen to some Calvinists it is like we cannot possibly understand the Bible unless we have the right (Calvinistic) commentaries.

And God somehow gets all the glory in this?

Survey10/31/06 6:56 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
Some more about offense.
Are we offending God with our arguements for and against Calvinism? When as those who profess to believe in Jesus Christ we seem to set Him aside in all our discussions.

He really does know a lot more about salvation and obedience to God than Calvin, Luther, Wesley, Whitefield, Watts, Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Rick Warren and even the Pope. And if anyone understands what wretches we truly are He does.

Is it not high time that if we profess to believe in Him that we actually love Him as our first and foremost love? He quite deserves this don't you think. The Word of God tells us, how much more shall the blood of Christ cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the Living God.

It should (figure of speach) take our breath away that Christ died for us and that He is risen from the dead and truly break our hearts that we allow ourselves to be distracted from Him and treat others He died for so unkind.

I quess I could ask this, "Does your Calvinism make you love Christ more to where you obey Him and love others, even your enemies, with the same love with which He loved you or does it cause you to think you are one of the elect and anyone who doesn't agree with your Calvinism is evil and to be hated?"

Survey10/31/06 6:42 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike, PA
It seems to always be an excuse among Calvinists that any who cherish TULIP as more valid than Scripture (which to them MUST be brought to conform to TULIP) are HYPER-Calvinists

Yet if I may humbly suggest those who hold to Christ, who hold Scripture as Truth, who are genuinely born again of the Spirit of God, can simply be called Christians.

Consider the focus of much of the discussion here is it to lift of Christ and encourage one another to love Him, to obey His Word, to proclaim Him to the lost that they might be saved or is it to convince people to become Calvinists like if you are not a Calvinist you must be disobedient to God, a moron, or a heretic?

Please understand I am quite aware that not all who call themselves Calvinists behave this way but then again some do.

As to offense have we forgotten that Jesus Christ had to die for us that we might be forgiven? Have we forgotten such things as, 'Thy word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee'?

Do you really want to hear what a non-Calvinist may say in reference to your question or do you merely want to trap me to admitting Calvinism? It is quite simple we cannot go to God uninvited, sinner have no desire for Him you know, but when He draws us we then have the ability to come or not

Survey10/30/06 6:09 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Lime Green,
You pretty much illustrate the point I am trying to communicate which is 5 Point TULIP Calvinists are so quick to leave Jesus Christ and rush to Calvin as if Calvin's teaching about election are so much more important to them than the Son of God who died for them that they might be saved.

It has been my observation that Calvinists act like 5 Point TULIP Calvinism is true Christianity yet John C was born how many years AFTER Christ had risen, assended into heaven, sent the Holy Spirit and had been preached by the Apostles. Why it is as if the 5 P T C's would reinterpret Scripture to say that the believers where first called Calvinists at Antioch.

So do we have a different gospel here one that teaches Christ came to save not sinners but the elect, and the elect only, the rest where predestined to be damned in hell eternally with no hope of ever asking God for His mercy?

And if you know this kind of Calvinistic election just what kind of spirit taught it to you? It seems a quite different Spirit than the one who along with the Bride of Christ says, 'Come' and 'whosoever will let him take the water of life freely.'

Survey10/30/06 5:26 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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What's the matter Lime Green? I don't understand. Isn't Jesus good enough for Calvinists? or does He have to bow to the 5 points of TULIP before He will be good enough for them.
Would you mind terrible clarifying?

And by the way if a Baptist and non-Calvinists believes in Him, recieves Him do you begin to imagine He is unwilling to save them?

Survey10/30/06 5:20 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Lime Green,
There is nothing in Scripture requiring us to choose between Calvinism and Arminianism.

Yet there is much that instructs us to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who loved us and paid the death penalty of our sins with His own precious blood. The Holy Spirit will glorify Him, not Calvin, not Wesley and Whitefield, not Augustine let alone C.S. Lewis or Rick Warren.

It is not high time that we be filled with the Holy Spirit who will teach us and guide us into the truth of the Son of God, who He is, what He has done, who God Himself makes us to be in Him at new birth, and witness Him to a lost and fallen humanity that He has given His life so that they may be saved?

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