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Survey11/8/06 6:49 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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My question was not to set you up.

It is simply that some thankfully not all but still some of our 'Calvinist Friends' show little of thankfulness of the forgiveness of God for their sins. Our precious sister BA being one of the exceptions to this.

It kind of goes along with 'previous pastors' that the lost have been hurt by. Kind of like these 'seminary graduates' have the gratitude of God's mercy to them personally all educated out of them and without this gratitude their "service" can be quite lacking in genuine love for the lost.

Thankfully this is not the case with all but heartbreakingly with too many.

Survey11/8/06 6:33 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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May I ask you a question?

Have you ever found anyone who had the slightest comprehension of Christ dying for their sins, because their sins were terrible enough to damn them to hell for all eternity that had absolute no emotion about how great God's love is for them in Christ?

I know some are likely to blast me about living by faith and not by emotions but I guess I will have to say there are times when you can claim to have faith without emotions and there are times I will show you my faith in my emotions. Things likes weeping and morning over sin, or rejoicing over the forgiveness of God and especially when a lost sinner is found and saved and born again of the Holy Spirit.

Survey11/8/06 6:21 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Come on and be real. We can understand the words that they are true, that they agree with the Old Testament prophecies, how God reveals His character in the Old Testament, we can trust them that they are true dispite any conflicting emotions,

But still they go beyond our comprehension in that HOW COULD GOD LOVE US WHO WHERE SO WRETCHED IN OUR SINS AGAINST HIM?

In short His love for us is totally beyond anything we ever did or ever could to merit it. And if ought to break our hearts over how without excuse we are to sin against Him

And further it ought to flood us with the desire (a quite God given desire, or in other words a desire quite in harmony with His revealed will) to go and tell everyone everywhere that we possible can (as He leads us) of His Son Jesus Christ!!!!

That they may know in Him too God's gift of eternal life.

Survey11/8/06 6:07 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I could write a book about 'previous pastors'. It seems there are so few pastors who actually love Jesus Christ for dying for their sins and now having a call of God and out of love for Him want others to come to salvation also.

Survey11/8/06 6:03 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Angus Toplady,
Salvation is very much a gift, and an quite undeserved gift purchased at a terrible price by Jesus Christ for us.

It is simply my observation that when anyone set the 5 points of their Calvinism into "Theological Concrete" whereby no one is ever allowed to carefully and prayerfully consider their accuaracy both of their definitions and the attitudes (fruit) they produce let alone have the liberty to choose not to take them as ones own (after all Scripture is quite full of wonderful doctrine on all sorts of subjects not just the 5 points the Calvinists have so focused on) the insistance on Calvinism is quite similar to the party of circumcision demanding the gentiles be circumcised.

In other words it can rob a person of the very faith in God Scripture will produce thank you by demanding a person have their faith (5 point Calvinism) out of the flesh.

Please remember here Jesus, not Calvin, is the author and the finisher of our faith.

Survey11/8/06 5:47 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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May God help all of us to wake up on the right side of the bed in the morning! I don't know about you but my flesh is frightfully wretched and I so desperately need His mercy and grace every single day.

Still how are things in Las Vegas? I would think the lost on 'the strip' give so little thought to God, their frightfully sinfulness, that God actually hates the sin they love so much and will judge it, and so tragically little thought that Jesus Christ died for them on the cross.

Survey11/8/06 5:39 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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BA may be a Calvinist, but she is not one who condemns non-Calvinists to hell is she. And honestly I believe we must appreciate her love for Christ because we all love Him so imperfectly while we are in these earthly bodies don't we.

And honestly I believe it will stand throughout eternity that it is way beyond our human understanding that God could so love us, the wretches that we have been and even now falling so short of the glory of God (we are pretty pathetic compared to the early Christians aren't we).

May God bless you way beyond anything you deserve with many people coming to salvation in your ministry. I believe you can find them all around you in Las Vegas too.

Survey11/8/06 5:29 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Hi ba!
It really is way over my head that God could love us so much that Jesus would pay the punishment, completely fully and forever that we deserved, the very wrath of God for our sins against Him but He did didn't He.

And I accept it too that not by works of righteousness that we have done that He saved us.

Survey11/8/06 5:14 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Angus Toplady,
I apologize for confusing you with Augustus Toplady. But dear friend have you forgotten God is Love and love that is not free to choose really isn't worth having.

Example a wicked man may hire a prostitue for money while a man blessed of God may ask a precious woman to marry him and hear her say Yes! or for that matter say No! for it is her choice and if he is a man of any character he will respect her choice won't he. And if this man had never asked her to marry him she would be legally powerless to walk into his home declare herself to be his wife and empty his check book, wouldn't she.

Now a woman of great character being asked by a man of great character may rejoice in being asked to be his man's bride but the asking would still be his and the accepting would still be hers.

If you somehow hate the idea that God who is love, so loves us that He gives people the ability to choose to reject Him than perhaps it is you who have a very dimished view of how awesome and wonderful and WORTHY God truly is.

By the way God being WORTHY of all our love is a very Biblical doctrine.

Survey11/8/06 4:33 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Angus Toplady,
That's quite a trick making a comment on sermon audio when you have been deceased how many years now? I sure hope none of your 5 point Calvin friends are having apparitions of you whereby they bring us word like certain Catholics claim of "Mary".

Our God (says the Psalm, verse the third) is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he pleased.
End of Quote

Now my Calvinistic friend die you somehow forget man was made in the image and likeness of God Apparently with the ability to choose, which was quite horribly demonstrated in choosing to sin without excuse by the way against God of all hateful and wicked things.

If you all want to argue about man, remember God Himself made man in His own image and likes, you know with a mind to think with, emotions to feel with, a heart to love with, and a will with the ability to choose - Please take it up with a higher authority than the beloved Angus Toplady. Okay.

If you want to observe a lost man of himself will never "find" God please don't forget that good and upright is the LORD therefore He instructs sinners in the way, along with Romans 1 where God makes it so no sinner has any excuse for not believing He exists. This is what God pleases to do.

Survey11/6/06 5:44 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Shame on you.
No where in Scripture can you show me that I, or anyone else for that matter,must bow to the Canons of the Council of Orange.

Yet I can show you, "Ye must be born again." and I have it on very good authority by the way that, "Ye must be born again." Some One who promises by the way that no one can pluck me out of His hand.

But I must thank you for you have illustrated my point quite well that for some Calvinists it is more important to them that someone be a Calvinist than to be born again of the Holy Spirit (all non-Calvinists must be heretical arminians - Tell that to Whitefield and Wesley or Spurgeon and D.L. Moody and how about Duncan Campbell and the Revival on th Isle of Lewis? 5 Point Calvinist?)

You ought to be very ashamed of yourself and seek the Lord that He might minister grace in your heart for those who Christ has died for. And remember He said, not me, "love your enemies", didn't He.

Survey11/6/06 4:59 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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ba UK,
Perhaps you understand this. Despite deficiencies (not willfull heresy but rahter more weakness and ignorance) in doctrine (doctrine is quite important to me by the way) I seem to have more fellowship or more in common with those who are broken over their own sinfulness and how much it cost God, and cost Jesus for them to be forgiven and who now long to see others saved, born again of the Holy Spirit too. I believe by God's grace I always will for He has forgiven me so much and I have not deserved it in the least and I appreciate you expression of how in my observation it breaks your heart when you have sinned because you love Him who died for you at Calvary and now ever lives to make intercession for you. I very much appreciate attitudes such as yours and thank God for you.

Survey11/6/06 4:37 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Mike PA,
Is it here we go again?
It seems you have accused me of dismissing the doctrine of the Sovereignity of God. Why? Because I believe Scripturally that the 5 Point Calvinism definition is not perfect and certainly not above question (careful and prayerful examination to be technical here)?
Oh! That's it isn't it.

So does 5 Point Calvinism give you all the right to be modern day protestant popes where you can dictate to others what they must and must not believe?

Maybe I shoud pray about it and read a lot of dedicated or dead 5 point Calvinists and ask God and see if I get a 'burning in the bosom'? (Play on what the LDS "missionaries" do.)

Mike I don't have to be a 5 Point Calvinist to be saved, to know Jesus Christ, to serve Him because I love Him who died for me, for me a wretched enemy of God. FOR THAT MATTER NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE. If anything in good conscience I simply cannot buy into nor bow before the 5 points of Calvinism and grieves me that it seems at times some 5 point Calvinists are more concerned with people becoming Calvinists thant if they are truly saved, born again of the Holy Spirit and now love Jesus Christ.

Survey11/6/06 5:53 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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St Jeremiah,
Perhaps those in "leadership" ought to consider this - If the 'guilty party' the "PROFESSING" Christian is not behaving as a Christian, and refuses to respond to Church discipline perhaps they need to be treated as an unbeliever (and yes a hard thing to do with one who has sang in the choir, taught Sunday School, tithed, etc. etc.) treated as one that is not genuinely converted and desperately needs to be but not treated as a faithful obedient child of God making the spouse who is seeking to be obedient suffer or worse punishing for the 'unbeliever' refusing to be faithful to the Christian brother or sister they are married to.

Kind of strains ones faith in that if the church doesn't want me does Jesus no longer want me too? Please keep looking to the cross as His love for us goes far beyond human reasonings in that while we were yet sinners He died for us.

Survey11/5/06 5:41 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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b.a. from uk
11/5/06 5:25 PM
I hope you can accept my appreciation of your words but I believe I know all too well of what you are speaking of and long for the day to finally see Him face to face. Assuming I will even be able to get off my face in the first 10,000 years.

Survey11/5/06 3:29 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I will do my best to not paint all Calvinists/Reformed with the same brush.

Your request is quite resonable for I would have to think we both know individuals who say they are Calvinists who demonstrate a genuine love for Jesus Christ and the lost He gave His life for and proclaim Him with little or no mention of Calvinism or TULIP but rather what Scripture says in their witness.

Thank you too and blessings also.

Survey11/5/06 3:10 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I don't know if I will "get blasted" or not for this. But let me say it any way.

I am so thankful to God, that Jesus Christ died for my sins so that I could be forgiven, I didn't deserve for Him to die for me but I am so thankful that He did.

And I like fellowshipping with people who also appreciate what He did for them also and now seek to learn of and about Him, and serve Him and witness of Him to others who so desperately need to hear Biblical Truth about Him so they might repent and believe in Him and call upon His name that they might be saved, born again of the Holy Spirit and know in Him the eternal life.

After all Jesus Himself told us there is rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents.

Survey11/5/06 3:01 PM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Good Question about refuting or confirming Calvin/TULIP by Scripture or personal feelings.

I would have to state with me from a Biblical perspective it has to do much more with definitions and attitudes.

Is God Sovereign? Of course He is. Is Calvinism's definition of His Sovereignity perfect and unquestionable - allowing man no choice, predestination. I believe Scipturally it misses it for Scripture states such things as choose ye this day whom you will serve.

Is fallen man utterly lost and unable to save himself? Absolutely. Unable to respond one way or not to the drawing of God? Again I have to conclude Scripture shows God who does foreknow how we will respond or reject and who makes all of us quite without excuse to believe that He exists also so loves us that he gives us the ability to make real choices with real and eternal consequences.

Uncondition election? Nothing we do or don't do matters? Again I believe Scripture, the Word of God, shows it matters a great deal if we repent and believe or disbelieve and harden our hearts against and suppress the truth God brings into our lives.

As to attitudes your question to me didn't make me feel like you wanted to "burn me at the stake" if I disagreed with you. Thanks.

Survey11/5/06 8:57 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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I apologize.
I will do my best to not confuse the two of you in the future.

Survey11/5/06 8:28 AM
Michael | Endicott, NY  Find all comments by Michael
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Arthur from Scotland,
Well excuse me Arthur but I thought you were one the the Calvinist who were insisting the we intrepret Scriptures "Arthur's Way". But isn't that what the Roman Catholics you "revile" are guilty of too?

You all might not like this at all but I believe Scripture give each of us the right to love the LORD with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind (not the mind, the convictions someone else would impose upon us).

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