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Cloverdale Free Presbyterian Church B.C.
Rev. Andrew Fitton  |  Cloverdale, British Columbia
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Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
18790 58 Ave, Surrey, BC
Canada V3S 1M6
The F.P.C. in Cloverdale
18790 58 Ave.
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V3S 1M6
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Rev. David Mook from Phoenix, Arizona
What a refreshment to hear preaching with prophetic authority and the voice of compassion!
Rev. Ian Goligher | Jeremiah 14
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Sermon6/1/06 7:15 AM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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Tulip Theology Part 1
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great Sermon! ”
The series about the basics is good, but the part about TULIP is a high point - well research and presented to make the case about why this is correct Reformed doctrine, without being a barrage of too many details. (Also recommended is Ian Brown's G.O.S.P.E.L instead of T.U.L.I.P. version of this material, and the books "The Five Points of Calvinism" and RC Sproul's "What is Reformed Theology?". The first book has a lot of scripture references for each doctrine, and Sproul's book is good for explaining why TULIP is correct and the problems the other beliefs run into.)

Blog5/14/06 3:05 PM
Laurie Pearson from Alberta  
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Dear Rev. Goligher,

Thank you for your very encouraging Mother's Day message this morning. We were home sick from church this morning and watched your live broadcast (as we occasionally do when Dad is on shift in the morning too). Having been up 6 times last night with sickness and a hungry baby, I was encouraged to be remined that God is glorified through simple service that we don't think twice about while doing it. Thank you for your words and may God continue to bless your ministry. Our family is continually praying for you, your family, and the church in Cloverdale.

For God's glory,
Laurie Pearson

Sermon5/9/06 5:35 PM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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“ Outstanding ”
Outstanding introduction to this important document - very informative. Combined with Pastor David Silversides' sermon on this topic, it makes a great primer. Highly recommended for people who want to study this historic document that establishes sound doctrine.

Sermon3/7/06 7:37 AM
Darryl J. Anderson from Boise  Contact via email
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“ truth. ”
I was a mormon till the age of 36, i finally had the courage to check out for myself,whether it was true or not. I was shocked to realize that i had been deceived my entire life. To find the GOD of the bible, the alpha and omega, was the best day of my life. this sermon gives good info to those who are open minded.GOD bless.

Sermon2/28/06 1:52 AM
kiel wright from vancouver  
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Soul Suicide
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ another insightfull sermon ”
This is a good sermon that makes you stop and think about how so many commit spiritual suicide by rejecting God's love.

Sermon2/22/06 2:43 AM
Bruce M. from Amherst,N.Y.  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes,very important to safegaurd believers from heresy.I remember though,two of the Adventists knocking on my door and this time decided to slightly debate them.(because they always run when you disagree)Posing to be interested ,to my astonishment they proceeded to show me scriptures that the Logos was a ministering spirit that moved upon the waters and since the Bible describes angels as spirits,clearly Christ was and still is an angel.They like all cults have a diminished view of Jesus and have only one goal in mind=to RULE in the milleneum.That's all they ever talked about.Clearly the scripture is true,"That as long as the law of Moses is read (and kept as your only form of worshipping God)the veil of Moses covers your eyes so that you cannot see Christ."

Sermon2/14/06 8:55 PM
t. sardina from washington state  
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Why God Demands Desperate Praying?
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great teaching sermon! ”
I can away with more understanding.

Blog2/12/06 2:01 PM
Bagu from Alexandria, Virginia  
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A good service. The audio was a little distorted during the hymns, but recognizable. I did find the opening prayer a little long; it sounded more like a mini-sermon rather than a prayer.
God Bless

Blog2/12/06 11:02 AM
Rev. Ian Goligher from Cloverdale, British Columbia  
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Thank you. For a number of reasons the camera is positioned to the side. It is best to the side when zoomed in close. At this time we do not have a camera person panning as this would be a distraction within the congregation.
I'm glad your viewing and I trust the Lord will bless.
Yours sincerely in the Lord,
Pastor Ian Goligher

Blog2/12/06 7:50 AM
mark from england  
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The messages are very helpful. Thank you. [Is it possible to put the camera at the front rather than the side, please?]

Sermon1/20/06 3:31 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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God As A Potter
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Wonderful Message! ”
Thank you for this wonderful message from the great Book of Romans!

Sermon1/19/06 1:16 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this much needed message in this day of apostacy!

Sermon1/2/06 2:12 AM
T. Young from SLC (epicenter)  
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“ Witnessing to Mormons ”
TO dedicated Mormon (12/1/2005) On reading your comment, I think of three things, first of the monkeys with hands over ears and eyes, second the praise that there is neither Jew nor Gentile, Slave nor Free in Christ Jesus, Last that all of our works are nothing but filthy rags in the face of an omnipotent God. To do Works without Christ is simply works. I am a Christian, To view yourself as Mormon is to set yourself apart, to Ghettoize yourself; to create a Them and Us point. It is almost a tribal loyalty and is not consistent with the Messiah. You can see more of my background on comments to the Hinckley article. In love.

Blog1/1/06 11:28 PM
SermonAudio.com  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by SermonAudio.com
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We enjoyed your first video webcast. It was an encouragement and a blessing. Congratulations!

Blog1/1/06 9:51 PM
coora from Australia  
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Thank you for your message.

Sermon12/7/05 4:06 PM
David Graves  Contact via email
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“ Excellent Resource for Reaching the Lost ”
This is an excellent resource for preparation in witnessing to the lost. My heart goes out to all the dear souls that are being allured away by this teaching. My heart is somewhat angered as I see Christian brothers/sisters who embrace this teaching as just another denomination. Please for the love of our Lord lets not be swayed into thinking that just because family values are upheld and morales are taught that this teaching of Mormonism is not dangerous and ultimately death to the person who chooses to believe it. Lets be wise, equipped and eager with Christian love to win the lost before its too late. Onward Soldiers!

Sermon12/1/05 8:54 PM
A dedicated Mormon  
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“ Comment ”
My good (Baptist) friend recommended this audio sermon to me. I told him I would listen if it were uplifting and edifying, or does not demean, persecute, or make light of the beliefs I have. I read the brief sermon overview and very quickly lost my interest with the words, "We need to be equipped to witness to these lost souls. Know the key texts to face the Mormons." I will never understand why so many people spend so much of their time and effort to "prepare" to "face" the Mormons. If all that time and effort were spent on strengthening family values, feeding the poor, clothing the naked and administering to the sick and the afflicted, what a better world we would live in. I would rather spend the 62 minutes teaching my son how important it is to respect women or how important it is to try and love your neighbor. Remember that one, it’s called a commandment. For those of you who opt to listen, remember, this Mormon is not equipping or preparing to face you, rather he’s trying to love his neighbor unconditionally regardless of beliefs. Forgive them, for they know not what they do comes to mind.

Sermon11/25/05 11:17 AM
D. Kofi Adu-Boahen  Contact via email
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“ Be Warned! ”
Dear friends, Be on guard, becase www.sabbathtruth.com is run by a SDA ministry called Amazing Facts, thus it only presents the Saturday teaching!!!

Sermon10/21/05 9:59 PM
Jerry Teets from Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via email
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Why We Are Not Charismatics!
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ The antidote to Charismania ”
Pastor Ian Goligher does a very good job of examining the modern Charismatic Movement with the practice of the Corinthians that Paul rebuked in chapters 12-14. He goes over the Corinthians problem with super apostles who were glorifying in the gifts that they have...but Paul made his boast in the suffering for the Lord. The same difference is seen today among the leaders of the Charismatic Movement and the humble minister of God who faithfully proclaims God's word in the midst of trials.

Sermon10/15/05 6:56 PM
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“ Sabbath day ”
There are many non adventist Sabbath keeping Christians, most widely known around the world are the "Seventh Day Baptists". Adventists are a separate group not to be associated with bible based churches such as the seventh day baptists or other bible based sabbath keeping churches. Some Church of God seventh day churches accept the oneness pentecostal heresy though and again are their own group to themselves as most odd pentecostal theology is. WCG is now a mainstream bible based church and as far as I know abandoned all of the heresy they had before with armstrong. This has been for about 15-20 years now I believe. It is very interesting to read the history of the changing of the sabbath and the acceptance of sunday now as the "christian sabbath" which is not at all biblically justified.

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