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Cloverdale Free Presbyterian Church B.C.
Rev. Andrew Fitton  |  Cloverdale, British Columbia
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Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
18790 58 Ave, Surrey, BC
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The F.P.C. in Cloverdale
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"Great Sermon!"
Yolanda from AZ
I've been searching for a church since relocating several years ago. The stress of not being nourished with bread of life is...
Rev. Ian Goligher | Revelation 14:7-11
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Sermon7/13/09 2:22 AM
looking for advice  Find all comments by looking for advice
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi Pastor , I was wondering your advice about something. I have struggled with anxiety disorder for years. I used to take medication but now I just take vitamins and natural supplements and they do help. Is this wrong , is all mental disorders spirtual or some physical?

Sermon6/17/09 12:14 PM
P. Jordan from Florida  Find all comments by P. Jordan
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Witnessing To Jehovah's Witnesses
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Very good infornation ”
One of the best sourches of information about the Jehovah Witnesses. I really enjoyed listening to brother Goligher as he taught the truth. It's abvious he had to do a lot of research and study and we are all benifited by his dedication. Thank you. P. Jordan

Sermon6/3/09 8:51 PM
Austin from Omaha  Find all comments by Austin
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Why We Are Not Charismatics!
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very good teaching here! If you have any friends that are charismatic or just want to be well instructed, this is a very good message.

Sermon3/2/09 10:25 AM
Aaron from surrey  Find all comments by Aaron
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The Shield of Faith
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great Sermon! ”
Powerful message, very practical advice for the Christian's walk. I highly recommend this sermon.

Blog3/1/09 10:29 PM
Mike from Vancouver  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike
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your webcast today had very poor audio. could not hear anything...just muffled...have a Godly WEEK!!!

Sermon2/15/09 2:06 AM
Mike from Omaha  Find all comments by Mike
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This was a great encouragement for me. All young people need to listen to this!

Sermon2/13/09 7:44 AM
Elisha  Find all comments by Elisha
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“ WOW! ”
I'm surprised this has only one comment. You must hear this young adults and teens.

Sermon1/8/09 9:42 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Faithful to the Scriptures. ”
Good refutation of the Catholic doctrine of the Mass. Good arguments from Matthew 26:26-29.

Sermon1/7/09 7:02 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Life & Death of Thomas Bilney
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great man of God. ”
Excellent story of a men converted by the grace of God, of a testimony for Christ, a sad story of denying the faith, but also of recovery and death for the faith. Thank you for it!

Blog12/28/08 9:36 PM
Dr. Daniel Michael from Florence, Alabama  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Dr. Daniel Michael
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Great message. Thank you for your efforts to proclaim the word. I would like to know more about your minsistry there. I pastor a Baptist church. May the Lord bless your efforts.

Sermon12/9/08 1:22 PM
carmen kuehlborn from german former mormon  Contact via emailFind all comments by carmen kuehlborn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
to the dedicated mormon. I was a Missionary for the church and i spend time preaching so called "the gospel". Well i know as a Mormon you fell often misstreadet. As a missioanry we went to christians wo been faithfull to jesus and teached them . Well the church do the same thing, spend time to people who have already a realtionship to god father and jesus. We didn't spend only time to teach people who didnt believe in God, and we did not a lot of service time in our mission. In Jospeh Smith-History Jospeh prayed and God Told him :that i must no join (churches)none of them , for they where all wrong, and the personage who adressed me said that all their creeds are an abomination in his sight...." Well this is statemant is still found in the BoM where Jospeh Smith told his Story. The Mormonchurch complains there persecuted and misunderstood and not treated fairly, but was does the church do? Well is proclaims to be the ONLY true church on earth.

Sermon11/26/08 5:12 PM
wendy from USA  Find all comments by wendy
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God's Reproach on False Pastors
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great Sermon! ”
A humble call to remain true to Christ, never bashing or angry towards false pastors, simply telling the Truth. Excellent treatment of this concerning subject. Amen!

Blog11/23/08 1:56 PM
Marek from Czech  Contact via emailFind all comments by Marek
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Nice to see Pastor Goligher 'full face'.

Sermon11/21/08 8:51 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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John Calvin & Evangelism
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ An evangelistic doctrine. ”
A short presentation of the spread of Calvinism; examples of Calvinist evangelists and missionaries. Defending the view that Calvinism is an evangelistic teaching. The doctrine of sin and atonement, as held by Calvinists, are biblical, so an Calvinist is better equipped for evangelism. Maybe the title should be: Calvinism & Evangelism, because the message discusses Calvinistic evangelism, not so much Calvin (there are no quotes from Calvin on evangelism).

Sermon11/20/08 9:30 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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John Calvin & The Church
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Signs of a true church. ”
Good study of the signs of a true church, in the context of the opposition of Calvin's theology vs Catholicism. A true church is a biblical one, has practices instituted by God, follows the regulative principle of worship and it is formed by born again men.

Sermon10/30/08 2:57 PM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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John Calvin & The Gospel
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Calvinistic message of salvation. ”
Most part of the message is an explanation of Romans 8:28-30, a presentation of the Calvinistic interpretation of these verses, the Calvinistic message of salvation. It is not a systematic presentation of Calvin's view. Maybe the tile would be better: Calvinism & The Gospel.

Sermon10/29/08 8:27 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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John Calvin & the Bible
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ The Bible must master our minds. ”
Calvin's methods of interpreting the Bible. The Bible must master our minds. We have not to interpret the Bible in the light of what we want the Bible to say, but we must derive our thinking from the Bible. There are some inexactitudes in the presentation of Calvin's life: he was not converted when he was 18 years old, etc.

Sermon10/22/07 7:29 PM
Sarah Simington from Seattle  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sarah Simington
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What an enchanting voice he has! I found the following quote straight from the horse’s mouth (an SDA source about hell) to augment Rev. Goligher’s sermon: “‘Fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured’ all the unsaved (Rev. 20:9). The very surface of the earth outside the city appears to melt, becoming a vast lake of fire for the ‘judgment and perdition of the ungodly men’ (2 Peter 3:7). The ‘day of the Lord’s vengeance’ (Isa. 34:8), upon which He will perform ‘his strange act’ (Isa. 28:21, KJV) of destroying His enemies, has arrived. Said John: ‘And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire’ (Rev. 20:15).” (page 369 of the SDA published book Seventh-day Adventists believe…)

Sermon9/3/07 12:37 PM
Nico Kuyt  Find all comments by Nico Kuyt
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How to Handle Bereavement
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great Sermon! ”
An awakening call after the experience of bereavement.

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