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Rev Wagner Interim Moderator | Phoenix, Arizona
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Phoenix Free Presbyterian Church
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Rev. David Mook
1,597 sermons
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Human Happiness
Series:  Gospel Bedrock  · 7 of 36
7/23/2006 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Genesis 2:18-25
        SUNDAY - PM
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The institution of the family is something that predates the fall of man, and thus is not a concession made to sin in any way. That marriage was set up before any other human institutions, and before any manifestation of any of the means of grace, gives to marriage a unique position in creation. It is obvious that marriage was set up to be between one man and one woman and that their relationship was to be the fundamental relationship in the family. Any departure from that foundation is a perversion of God's design, and is to be rejected and condemned. Significantly, God designed the crown of His creation, the man, in such a way that he would only know the fullness of happiness in the companionship of his wife. In that way, this passage presents us as well a picture of the relationship between the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His bride, the church.
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Rev. David Mook
Human Happiness

Gospel Bedrock
Sunday - PM
Phoenix Free Presbyterian
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Rev. David Mook
Human Happiness

Gospel Bedrock
Phoenix Free Presbyterian
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  Rev. David Mook
Rev. David Mook is the pioneer pastor of Phoenix Free Presbyterian Church, founded early in 1986. Following his graduation from Bob Jones University in 1974, he joined the faculty in the Division of Speech, continuing there until 1983 when he entered the Free Presbyterian...

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