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Rev. Glenn Wilkinson | Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Lisnagelvin Road
Londonderry, N. Ireland BT47 1QX
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Rev Ian Brown
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Should A Protestant Attend The Mass?
Series:  The History of the Papacy  · 4 of 14
5/1/2005 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Hebrews 9:24-28
        SUNDAY - PM
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Seated around Pope John Paul II's coffin (topped with a crucifix and a 'M' for Mary) were:

• 160 cardinals, arrayed in scarlet and purple robes–the unmistakable colours of the Harlot Church of revealed prophecy (Revelation 17&18);
• and, around them, 5 Kings, 6 Queens, 70 Presidents and Prime Ministers, together with representatives of the world's major religions–an international, multi-faith amalgam (cf. Revelation 17:2). Sadly, the Prime Minister of Britain, plus three US Presidents, were among them!

The centrepiece of this 3-hour funeral service was the Mass.

In this message, the 'heart' of the Roman Catholic system is dissected:


Quotes from RC documents and authorities (including the present Pope, Benedict XVI) are used to show how the Mass is viewed as a miraculous, repetitive sacrifice, without which our Lord's sacrifice on Calvary is of no value!


It: (a) Dishonours the Sacrifice of the Saviour, representing the worst kind of idolatry and blasphemy;

(b) Denies the Statements of the Scriptures, subtracting from, and adding to, the Word of God;

(c) Discriminates for the Soul of the Successful; in demanding payment for regular masses for the dead, it is a real money-spinner.


God's Word demands that we (a) Remove from (b) Repudiate and (c) Resist it!

What a pity our leaders are not giving a proper lead on this!
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Rev Ian Brown
Protestants At The MASS!

The History of the Papacy
Sunday - PM
Londonderry Free Presbyterian
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Rev Ian Brown
Protestants At The MASS!

The History of the Papacy
Londonderry Free...
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
A Former Roman Catholic (8/1/2005)
“ Freed from Bondage! ”
I just listened to the sermon on Papal Mass. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ that I was freed from the bondage of Roman Catholicism! Also my mother came to the Lord and left that idolatrous church shortly before her death. Keep on preaching the word. I thank the Lord for you and people like you.

Howell Davis (5/18/2005)
from Michigan, U.S.A.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for ... your powerful sermons, now heard round the world. I'm convinced that the pope and his posse have chosen to ignore the Bible's teachings almost entirely over time, giving way to all of their man made traditions. In fact, the Roman bishops voted to trivialize and only consider the bible as "generally figerative and not totally literal", merely a guideline, some fifty years ago in Rome. They "voted" God's Word out ... John 3:20. I will continue to listen for your strength from The Holy Spirit.

MikeContact via email (5/8/2005)
from Mississippi, USA
“ Great Sermon: they really DO believe this.. ”
Your entire sermon series on The History of the Papacy should be required listening for any Bible-believing Christian. We need to understand why our church forefathers gave their lives to oppose the heresy of Roman Catholicism. Until I heard your sermon series, I knew nothing about Catholicism and considered it little more than a denomination of Christianity, just like Baptist and Presbyterian. Once again, you have opened my eyes. A recent conversation with an intelligent professional who is also Catholic made me realize they DO believe in these heresies, from transsubstantiation, papal infallibility, Mary as co-redeemer, purgatory, etc. To quote Rev. Brown: "How pathetic!"

Neil Cameron (5/7/2005)
from Portland, Oregon, USA
“ Great Sermon! ”
As an American, I was appalled and outraged at the sight of three American presidents bowing down at the bier of John Paul II, who, though in some ways a decent person, most emphatically was NOT the Vicar of the Son of God on Earth!, nor was he the successor of Peter, since Jesus never appointed Peter to a position of primacy over his fellow apostles. The papacy has been historically, and remains to this very day, a vast system of evil presenting itself as the heart and soul of Christianity.

Jim Palmer (5/6/2005)
from N. Ireland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Well done once again Mr Brown! Another faithful and truthful exposition of Romes Heretical doctrines. Its time that "protestants" whether they be Presidents, Princes, or Prime Ministers, took time to consider their own supposed "beliefs." This is a much needed word to those who are christians by name, but need to search the scriptures to see if these things are so! Ps -- Keep the flame burning "Post Tenebras Lux"

Edmond Lartey (5/6/2005)
from Ghana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi Mr Brown, thank you for this wonderful message. ... Your message has opened my eyes about certain things. I believe Christ is the only way to eternal life.

Julie (5/5/2005)
from Florida
“ Great Sermon! ”
Enjoyed your sermon and the biblical view ... totally agree ... The False Prophet is the World Church, and the only World Church I see, coming from the city of 7 hills, is Rome. Soon ... the False Prophet will have the Anti-Christ to make this world union with the Moslems along with the Roman Catholics. All you can do is warn them ... .

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  Rev Ian Brown
Ian Brown succeeded Dr Ian Paisley as minister of Martyrs Memorial in August 2013. Prior to this he pastored the Free Presbyterian congregation in Northern Ireland’s Maiden City, Londonderry, from 1987 to 2013. He is the author of several books, notably: “Belfast Boat – Titanic,...

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