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No Condemnation Now
Romans 8:1
No Condemnation Now  |  Bible Passage
Author: Kathleen Shea Vick, 1953-
Musician: Kathleen Shea Vick, 1953-

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No condemnation now. I am at peace.
I am no longer God's enemy.
For the blood of the Lamb of God (Hallelujah!) purchased my release
(Hallelujah! Lamb of God!) from the prison of sin's captivity.

He died for me! He died for me!
My sin, in its enormity, was cancelled for eternity.
He bore the wrath of God for me.

No condemnation waits for me.
O sing, my soul, thou art free, indeed.

On judgment day, when souls are tried,
His blood will shout, "Justified! Justified! Justified! Justified!"
My soul can rest with certainty and glory in the Lamb of God.

No condemnation now. Now I am free.
Free from the power sin had over me.
Free from guilt and the fear of death. (Hallelujah!) Jesus set me free.
(Hallelujah! Lamb of God!) He was willing to suffer hell for me.

No more am I at enmity.
An Holy God has pardoned me. The precious blood of Calvary
Has fully paid the debt for me.

His precious blood was shed for me.
Then Jesus rose from the dead for me.


Who can condemn me now? Yea, Christ has died.
Death could not hold Him. He is alive.
And when Christ rose up from the dead, (Hallelujah!) He arose for me.
(Hallelujah! Lamb of God!) He has given eternal life to me.

He lives for me! He lives for me!
The finished work of Calvary provides for me a guarantee.
My Saviour died and lives for me.

My Saviour lives to plead for me.
In heaven, He intercedes for me.



There is therefore now no condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

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