Marching on in the Light of God
Author: R. Johnson
Musician: R. Johnson

Marching on in the light of God,
Marching on, I am marching on,
Up the path that the Master trod,
Marching, marching on.

A robe of white, a crown of gold,
A harp, a home, a mansion fair,
A victor's palm, a joy untold
Are mine when I get there.
For Jesus is my Saviour,
He's washed my sins away,
Paid the debt on Calv'ry's mountain;
Happy in His dying love, singing all the day,
I'm living, yes, I'm living in the fountain.

Marching on thro' the hosts of sin,
Vict'ry's mine while I've Christ within.
Up the path that the Master trod,
Marching, marching on.

Marching on in the Spirit's might,
More than conqueror in the fight.
Up the path that the Master trod,
Marching, marching on.

Marching on to the realms above,
There to sing of redeeming love.
Up the path that the Master trod,
Marching, marching on.