Immanuel Is Come
Author: William S. Pinkston, Jr., b. 1947
After a poem by Charles Wesley
Musician: Joan J. Pinkston, b. 1947

All glory be to God on high;
Let peace on earth descend:
The Son of God comes from the sky
To show Himself our Friend.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel is come.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel is come!

Men stand amazed! It seems unjust!
The Lord of earth and skies
Is humbled now with bonds of dust,
And in a manger lies.

In heaven angels once adored
Their Maker and their King;
Now tidings of their humbled Lord
To mortals they must sing.

The God invisible appears,
But with His glories shorn,
To travel thro' this vale of tears
And die, our Lord is born.

The great eternal Son of God
Becomes the Son of Man;
As God dwells in an earthly clod
Redemption is His plan.