He Took My Place, and Died for Me
TIS HEAVEN  |  Same-Tune Hymns
Author: Eliza E. Hewitt, 1851-1920
Musician: J. M. Clark

A trembling soul, I sought the Lord,
My sin confessed, my guilt deplored;
How soft and sweet His word to me:
"I took thy place and died for thee."

No other hope, no other plea:
He took my place and died for me.
O precious Lamb of Calvary!
He took my place and died for me.

Here rests my heart; assurance sweet,
His blessed work He will complete,
Since in His love so great and free
He took my place and died for me.

When sorrow veils the smiling day,
When evil foes beset my way,
Abundant grace in Him I see;
He took my place and died for me.

No room for doubt, no room for fears,
When to my view the cross appears;
My joyful song shall ever be:
He took my place and died for me.


•   'Tis Heaven There  C. F. Butler
•   Above Thine Own Ambitions Here  Noel Grant