Communion Hymn
ST. HILDA  |  Same-Tune Hymns
Author: Peter Davis, b. 1962
Musician: Justin H. Knecht, 1752-1817
Edward Husband, 1843-1908

Thy body, blessed Jesus,
Was broken for our sin;
Thy blood divine in payment
Thou didst outpour for men;
And tho' these sacred symbols
No saving grace afford,
By them we now remember
Thy saving death, O Lord.

We bow in preparation,
For sin we search our hearts,
Forsaking each transgression,
As God His light imparts;
We take the cup in rev'rence,
And new commitment make,
To cast out ev'ry idol,
And live for Jesus' sake.

God's Son was slain by sinners—
We tremble at the thought!
But e'en for those who slew Him
Forgiving prayer was wrought.
Such grace! We view and marvel,
Rejoicing o'er and o'er,
That there, tho' sin abounded,
His grace abounded more.

And now our Lord is risen,
Ascend ed now on high,
Yet from His throne exalted,
He hears the sinner's cry;
He comes before the Father,
New mercies now to plead;
His infin ite atonement
Shall ever intercede.

Rejoice, our Bridegroom cometh!
O Christian, haste the day
When He appears in splendor
To catch His bride a way!
We'll sit at Jesus' table,
Behold His face, so fair,
And with our King in glory,
This feast anew we'll share.


•   O Jesus Thou Art Standing  William W. How, 1823-1897