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Sermon Pastor to Tucker Carlson: We need to repent of... | Adam McManus
James 1:22 KJV
"Thank God for men and women who are waking up to the real solution for us..."
-36 hrs 
Sermon But Go to My Brethren [A] (1) | Rev. John Thackway
Gerry from Michigan
-38 hrs 
Sermon A Biblical Analysis of Animals and Pets | Pastor Casey Kuhlman
Shane Hokanson from North Dakota, U.S.A.
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News Item10/16/19 4:26 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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WOW! What will the Californians do next? The devil is truly having his way in this country, especially in California, it seems.

News Item10/16/19 4:23 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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If Mr.Pompeo is a Christian, great! I wish everybody was a Christian.

News Item10/16/19 4:20 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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According to what I got from this article, it seems to say that Kanye got saved, not Kim and her children. So why was she and the children baptized? Baptism is for SAVED people and IF Kanye ONLY was saved, it is he, only, who SHOULD have been baptized. Kanye, just a day or so ago, on their show, was very angry and walked out on Kim because of the way she was dressed for some kind of event, the manner in which she has ALWAYS dressed. And now she is being baptized --because.Kanye got saved???????? Something is out of order, out of place, IF Kanye got saved, WONDERFUL! I wish that EVERYONE would get saved. But wives and children also must get saved before being baptized as baptism is for saved people only, and wives and children alike must be saved individually, each person, themselves. They can't "rest" on the husband's and/or father's salvation. Salvation is a personal experience.

Sermon10/15/19 11:17 PM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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Every Idle Word
Phil Thompson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Scary. Seems like an unpardonable sin but idle words can be terrible and hurtful.

News Item10/15/19 4:50 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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I wish all Christian parents could afford to place their children in Christian or private schools.

News Item10/15/19 4:44 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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Pete Buttigeig is "married" to a man so he will naturally be in favor of the alphabet soup group. Booker is not married and he seems effeminate. It is apparent that he definitely supports this group whom God, Himself calls abominable. Booker continues to be very loyal to the male and female sodomites and their ungodly, abominable agenda.

Booker very strongly supports the alphabet soup groups in their beliefs and practices.

News Item10/15/19 4:19 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with a woman. It is an abomination.

Sermon10/12/19 9:20 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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“ Great Sermon! ”
VERY GOOD exposition on the subject presented in this sermon. I look forward to watching and/or listening to the other 5 sermons in this particular series on this serious subject. PRAISE THE LORD! Thank you Brother Miller, for your faithfulness in preaching the truth and not watering down the words of God. Bless you as you have blessed me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sermon10/12/19 9:16 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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“ Great Sermon! ”
VERY GOOD exposition on the subject presented in this sermon. I look forward to watching and/or listening to the other 5 sermons in this series. PRAISE THE LORD! Thank you Brother Miller, for your faithfulness in preaching the truth and not watering down the words of God. Bless you!

News Item10/12/19 8:35 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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I totally agree with "The Quiet Christian's" comments. In my option, this particular lawyer couldn't care less about this, but has his own private agenda at heart and most likely is acting in behalf of our crooked politicians.

News Item10/12/19 8:24 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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God loves to be glorified. Bless this business and the family for their good works. Your faithfulness will be with you when you stand before Jesus on the day of receiving your eternal blessings.

News Item10/12/19 8:18 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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Not that our heathen politicians care, but this is appalling! America will be judged for its ongoing blatant rebellion against God and His holy laws while embracing EVERYTHING that is evil, impure, nasty and profane. Anything goes, so long as it suits the goals of our anti-God politicians. Not believing in God and His laws is no excuse because mere decency and common sense should be a guiding factor in the decisions being made by our corrupt politicians and lawmakers.

Sermon9/14/19 1:21 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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Lies Told at Funerals
Rev. Roger Higginson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Too bad so many ministers don't have the same mindset. I have never heard this kind of sermon at any funeral I've attended, even those of people who lived as though they didn't know the Lord, and sadly, those whom refused to listen to anything related to Jesus and salvation, but those who know this will speak as though the lost person is "in Heaven," looking down on everybody. THANK YOU, Pastor for those rare words of truth.

Sermon9/11/19 11:09 AM
EF | Florida  Find all comments by EF
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Just what I needed! Thank you

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