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Sermon A Firm Foundation for the Christian Faith | Philip Beachy
David Fields from Texas
"Mr Beachy, in his message, didn't say what God..Elohim, did after..."
-7 hrs 
Sermon Out of the Depths | Malachi Moody
jfurialau from Northern California
-9 hrs 
Sermon As Christ Loved Us | Clay Curtis
Fred Tuttle from Georgetown KY
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Survey10/26/07 2:48 PM
rpc70706  Find all comments by rpc70706
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Remo & Susan Graziotin wrote:
Amen to that Jess!! All old confession state this fact!
One "must" start and rely always to the sorse of there Justification but its never alone.
The term the just shall live by faith has three meaning in each time its used in the bible, its context changes to correct or balance out the error. Habakkuk 2:4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith. the ephasis is on "Live" the life must resemble that which it came from CHRIST. Romans passage is ephasizing the "JUST" aspect or Judicial fact. and the Heb passage is simple its "FAITH" The Just shall live by "FAITH" not dead faith not factual faith belieing a few facts about Christ but true Faith which workth by LOVE!!
What kind of faith is this that is "not factual" and "worketh by love"? I smell the confusing and intoxicating incense of Rome in this statement.

News Item10/25/07 4:52 PM
rpc70706  Find all comments by rpc70706
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Wow, another poll from the "American media" that we can take to the bank. No surprise here. Even if it is true, Billy and Joel will tell them it is alright, all they need is just a group hug.

Survey10/25/07 4:41 PM
rpc70706  Find all comments by rpc70706
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What do you mean by "they evidence this judicial work of God".
Jess Stanfield wrote:
Justification is by faith alone, but is never alone. Good works do follow true justification; they evidence this judicial work of God.

Survey10/25/07 10:58 AM
rpc70706  Find all comments by rpc70706
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"Therefore, by the deeds of the law there shall be no flesh justified in His sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin". Romans 3:20

News Item10/25/07 9:26 AM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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I understand what you mean. I agree

Survey10/24/07 5:27 PM
rpc70706  Find all comments by rpc70706
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A)Celebrating Christmas in any fashion is not what Christians should do. It is a holiday of the Roman Catholic cult. Nativity scenes give the appearance of being in unity with the Antichrist just as the Swastika gives the appearance of being Nazi.
B)It underminds the authority of Scripture by implying that truth can be acquired by images and pictures even if these are from a Biblical scene.
C)Jesus was not Aristotelian, not an existentialist, not an empiricist. He is the Word, not a picture or statue.

Survey10/24/07 5:04 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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There is rising violence, illicit sex, and decadent lifestyles among the clerks and cashiers at the grocery store, should we stop going to the grocery store or checking out their ads?

News Item10/24/07 11:27 AM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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Lance Eccles wrote:
"...and just as many are posting their repentance on videos that are played back to congregations or shared on websites such as YouTube."
"My secret thoughts about Brother X's wife", all on YouTube.
Could make interesting viewing...
Protestants? These are not Protestants. . .
I wonder how your prelate friends are going to make use of such confessions on You-tube to manipulate as they did in the past, Lance

News Item10/24/07 11:08 AM
rpc70706  Go to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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What are you suggesting "TB" . . . that we don't answer the RCC when they take it upon themselves to twist the truth? Lance threw down the gauntlet with his mystical "knowledge" of the "will of Christ" making the church the savior of us all. Silence will certainly help them to the truth.
TB wrote:
Excuse me for getting off the anti-Catholic rhetoric that seems linked to every single news item around here but...
It's not a coincidence that southern CA is on fire. When will these politicians learn that they are the cause of "natural disasters" with their anti-God agendas. Hurricane Purity was another case-in-point.

News Item10/23/07 4:40 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by rpc70706
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Mormons are not Christians; they are a cult. "Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ [the name means 'annointed savior'] is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of anti-christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come". In addition, the Book of Mormon written by Joseph Smith is an addendum to the Bible. John writes in Rev. 22:18-19 that any man adding to the Holy Scriptures is subject to the wrath of God. God help us if Romney is elected President. God help us if "Hellry" is elected President.

News Item10/23/07 4:24 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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God help us if "Hellry" is elected President. But, voting for the cultist Romney is not the way of escape. "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein." Jer. 6:16

Survey10/23/07 3:59 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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As a Christian, who has the time to play much less "play" violent games? We are in the world to serve God and enjoy Him. Part of that service requires the defense of the truth in violent spiritual battles the world knows nothing about. "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." Matt. 11:12

Survey10/23/07 3:51 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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(This survey is no longer available)
This is a good way to discern the type of media. If the media reports the Pope/Anti-christ as "Christian". Then the media itself is not "Christian".

Survey10/23/07 3:34 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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Fellow Saint wrote:
First and foremost a solid foundation in some important basic doctrines: Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Scripture Alone, Christ Alone to God's glory alone, at least that much, setting that pastor and the local church on a good Protestant doctrinal standard. And the pastor also needs to know this is truly his calling, to be serving the Lord in the congregation.
I agree. Behavior is a consequence of faith, and faith is assent to the truth [sound doctrine]. If a pastor does not teach sound doctrine, it is because he does not believe sound doctrine, and he will only live by improvisation before the flock. Like a corpse with Revlon makeup, he will only have the appearance of being alive. Regardless of the measure of makeup, a corpse eventually begins to stink. Then you need hats, robes, incense, pictures, relics, and idols to hide the corpse.

News Item10/23/07 3:10 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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Mormons are not Christians; they are a cult. "Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ [the name means 'annointed savior'] is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of anti-christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come". In addition, the Book of Mormon written by Joseph Smith is an addendum to the Bible. John writes in Rev. 22:18-19 that any man adding to the Holy Scriptures is subject to the wrath of God. God help us if Romney is elected President. God help us if Hellary is elected President.

News Item10/23/07 1:48 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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These would be acceptable arguments if he included some scripture proofs to support his case. It is one thing to say you believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and another to make a Biblical apologetic argument. Also, I don't know of any who believe in literal interpretations who have plucked out their eyes or cut off their hands. Moreover, if evangelicaloutreach.org believes in the Bible ALONE as its authority what need do they have for all the photographs on their website. Don't we walk by faith not sight?
Christian Raas wrote:
I just pity the poor Apostolic Christians of the first 1500 years of the Church who had a literal interpretation of the Bible and cosidered the Bible ALONE as their authority. These poor creatures did not have Calvin's institutes of religion nor any reformed confession to teach them what the Bible REALLY says.
And yet, I prefer to remain an Apostolic Christian instead of converting to the religion of Calvinism.
Here is a good website promoting my side of the story:
Look for the article:
"His ashes cry out against John Calvin"
with all sources listed in the footnotes.
Caution: This website is thoroughly biblical and could destroy your faith in Calvinism.

News Item10/23/07 12:16 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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Please tell me why you think that the Roman Catholic Church is a) the true church (which implies that she has the truth) b) that she is the only way of attaining salvation (when Jesus Christ said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life [Jn 14:6] and c) that this is the will of Jesus Christ (which contradicts the previous verse)?
Lance Eccles wrote:
Walt, I'm quite prepared to criticize the pope (and any bishop, priest or layperson) who publicly does wrong, including those evil people in the article you mention.
There is a difference between criticizing RCs and criticizing the RCC. If I were to criticize the RCC's teachings, then I would be saying it is not the true church, and I would feel obliged to leave it.
As it is, I know that it is the only hope of attaining salvation, because that is the will of Christ.
And I see Jim is once again exulting in the sins of others. You have to wonder.

News Item10/22/07 4:04 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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I agree with sheep dog, but I also think that this puts greater responsibility upon Christians than he realizes. There will come a point when we must decide how much do we contribute to this government financially via taxes before we are held accountable for subsidizing the Anti-Christ with Anti-Christian values?
Sheep Dog wrote:
This whole thing with Schwarzenegger is so disgusting I can't even comment; I'm at a loss for words. As for our country being 80% Christian--equally ridiculous. I don't think writing to the Govenator, talking about it amongst ourselves, complaining about it, or any of those types of reactions are likely to change anything. The problem is man's sinful nature. The unregenerate are doing the only thing they can do--sin. The only answer is for men to turn away from and forsake their sin, and the only way that is going to happen is through evangelism. I wonder how many of the 20%(?) who are true believers are involved in personal evangelism? Praying that God will send revival isn't enough. We MUST be obedient to His call to go out and preach the gospel to every creature. May I recommend www.wayofthemaster.com and www.livingwaters.com as a starting place for learning how to do this Biblically?

News Item10/22/07 10:42 AM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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They are wrong here. It's not all about beating Hillary! It's about doing what is right. The last time I checked there are usually more than two candidates on the ballot at election time. Bob Jones is now thinking like the rest of America. . .only inside the box.

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