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Sermon AI: Audiobook Initiative | Steven Lee
"This is awesome everybody. Have you guys reached out to Monergism? They..."
-55 hrs 
Sermon The Doctrine of RECONCILIATION! | Reg Kelly
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-57 hrs 
Sermon Persuaded By God | Darvin Pruitt
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Sermon1/13/2022 6:51 AM
Steven  Find all comments by Steven
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“ Great Sermon! ”
"Imma' show you something else; you may not like it but here it is . . ." - Pastor Weaver That's one of the reasons we appreciate your preaching.

Sermon5/1/2020 3:13 AM
Steven | HI  Find all comments by Steven
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“ John 15:19 ”
John 15:19 "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." Billy Graham preached a "worldly gospel" and he was generally loved for it. He disguised his compromised gospel with much truth in the beginning, but the most dangerous form of false preaching is the one which tries to hide behind the truth. Even Satan sometimes uses the pretense of being an "angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14) to fool mankind into believing false doctrine. That Billy Graham has been so well received by the world is not a good sign. I have listened to and read many things that Mr Graham said, and I was shocked at how he seemed to often ignore the Bible's warnings and teachings. A preacher may not always get everything right in his understanding of God's Word, but Billy Graham seemed to be deliberate in his mistakes regarding the basic gospel of salvation.

Sermon3/12/2020 4:13 AM
Steven | Hawaii  Find all comments by Steven
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ What about the church in Philadelphia? ”
Revelation 3:10...: "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience (Christ's waiting to rule), I (Jesus) will keep thee from the hour of temptation (tribulation), which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." This verse strongly suggests a pre-tribulation offer (rapture) as I understand it. How a believer understands God's Word (the Bible) in this case does not affect the believer's salvation. Our waiting for the blessed hope of the Lord Jesus' return, at any moment, should affect how we live though. That is another reason why I see more merit in a pre-trib rapture position over the other positions, which do not look for the Lord's possible return at any moment.

News Item10/12/17 10:19 AM
Steven | California  Find all comments by Steven
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More and more families within our church and community are seeing the desperate need for homeschooling and the danger of sending their children to ceaser for their education. Praise God for this as Rome (our current government) is so anti God that seeks to destroy our youth in every way.

Sermon4/20/17 6:10 AM
Steven | PA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steven
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Invisible Baggage
Reg Kelly
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so very much I really needed to hear this message.

News Item12/13/16 12:10 PM
Steven | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steven
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I'm having the same problem as everybody else (I click on a it says retrieving and goes back to main menu) for the past few weeks on my Roku stick

SermonAudio Version 3 built 42

Is this gonna be fixed and if so how long? really missing SermonAudio

News Item12/8/16 5:24 PM
Steven | uk  Find all comments by Steven
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yes same thing happening to me. Just keeps going back to the main page.

Blog7/12/16 4:16 PM
steven | london, england  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by steven
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the lord uses you mightily Richard, I thank Him and praise His name

News Item7/10/16 12:27 AM
Steven | Sydney  Find all comments by Steven
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Hey yall
Us your country for real?
What is going on?
America needs to wake up

Sermon8/25/15 11:35 PM
Steven | USA  Find all comments by Steven
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20 Easter Errors in Versions
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Easter... ”
Easter is born of paganism brother Waite. Easter is translated once in the KJV as such. Every other place it is translated as passover from the same root word. Easter has no place in the Christian Church. Please study the origins of Easter, it's as pagan as Christmas is.

Sermon6/29/15 7:16 AM
Steven | North Tyneside UK  Find all comments by Steven
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Rev. John Greer
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Brother John for this excellent Bible Study. The Holy Spirit certainly has been speaking to my heart. Highly recommend this sermon.

Sermon12/21/14 1:08 PM
Steven | Mass.  Find all comments by Steven
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“ Great Sermon! ”
awesome sermon on economic principles.

Sermon12/19/14 11:45 AM
Steven | Mass.  Find all comments by Steven
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The God-Exalted Christ
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great Sermon! ”
Beautiful singing... I love finding sermons on here that include the worship songs, as this one does. I wish I could hear such wonderful worship all the day every day! I praise God for this beautiful reminder of the fellowship of the saints & family of God

Sermon12/19/14 9:35 AM
Steven | Mass.  Find all comments by Steven
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a good reminder that it profits us nothing if we gain the whole world but forfeit our souls. That Jesus Christ is one and only treasure. I am greatful to God that in Jesus He saves ordinary and, especially, weak and foolish people. I think it worth mentioning a story regarding Michael Jordan. I worked at a Bible camp and kids from Chicago were bused in one week. I shared with them that only through Jesus can a person be saved, and that the most famous and glorified people they knew of would not be saved because of their feats and exoneration, even Michael Jordan. That if they never repent and believe in Jesus Christ, they too will be cast out by God into eternal punishment for their sins. One of the kids said he couldn't believe that Michael Jordan might go to hell one day. "No way! Nah, not Michael!" He exclaimed. I hope that God will turn MJ to Jesus and some day he will believe in the Savior. Mickey Mantle believed in Jesus shortly before his death, as is credibly testified by Bobby Richardson in "Impact Player." I hope and pray that Jordan will not reject the Lord. Thanks again for the sermon.

Sermon12/15/14 12:37 PM
Steven | Mass.  Find all comments by Steven
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Living Joyfully with Cancer
Judy Brunson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very encouraging testimony of God's love. "My hope is not in an event (healing) but in a person, Jesus Christ." I am recovering from cancer and my health is terrible, so this testimony was very special to me.

Sermon12/14/14 4:28 PM
Steven | Mass.  Find all comments by Steven
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is a lot of food for thought to me. I am a football fan and have been increasingly bothered by things in the NFL (and other sports) which is prompting me to search the scriptures and find counsel of worthy pastors. The alcohol commercials, the wild heathen-like behavior of many fans, the incredible arrogance and quarreling of many sports analysts and enthusiasts--especially on facebook--, the rejection of Tim Tebow, the crimes of stars like Aaron Hernandez, and recently, the news of Aaron Rodger's extramarital sex life. I have been so disappointed about these things. This sermon was just what I was looking for. I hope I can take all of the scriptures that this preacher shared and diligently apply them to my heart and mind. I highly recommend this sermon to anyone wondering what God thinks about sports.

Sermon3/23/14 8:34 PM
Steve N. | TN  Find all comments by Steve N.
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Ten Shekels and a Shirt
Paris Reidhead
“ Great Sermon! ”
Incredible Sermon, was referred to it by Dwight Creech at Calvary Memorial...incredible.

Sermon11/26/13 12:37 PM
Steven | Hawaii  Find all comments by Steven
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The Permanence View of Marriage
Voddie Baucham
“ Response to Faye of Atlanta ”
@Faye from Atlanta, Prayerfully consider this: Jesus says that if you look lustfully at a woman you have already committed adultery. This reveals that whether we are married, remarried, or single not one of us is righteous because we all lust in our hearts. Thus, we are all aldulterers. We All are sinners and fall short of his glory. Only in Christ are we made righteous. As christ and Paul says, if you are married do not divorce. Very simple. Two wrongs dont make a right:)

Sermon10/22/13 9:49 PM
Steven | Michigan  Find all comments by Steven
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The Battle of Armageddon?
Voddie Baucham
“ Great Sermon! ”
In bed listening with wife and newborn

News Item9/29/13 12:32 PM
Steven | USA  Find all comments by Steven
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Enter....the apostate church.
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