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Sermon Who Am I? | Greg Elmquist
Gary and Janey Hollback from Hurricane grace church
"Such a wonderful surmon and who am I that I should hear it thank you so..."
-2 hrs 
Sermon Surrendering to God Things You Want to Control | David McClelland -5 hrs 
Sermon The Church's First Sermon | Thomas Crumb
-5 hrs 
· Page 1 ·  Found: 95 user comments posted recently.
Sermon5/2/2024 5:25 AM
Sharon | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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Am I Really Saved?
Joe Henson III
“ Great Sermon! ”
One of the best sermons I’ve heard on this text, that will be reverberating around my mind forever and I know I’ll be listening to it again & again! A true preacher in the true sense of the word! Very thankful I stumbled across this 🙌

Sermon3/27/2024 10:16 AM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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Right Worship Wrong Heart
Mark A. Acevedo
“ Powerful & Convicting Sermon! ”
Thank you Pastor Acevedo for such an uplifting & convicting message! It was a deep and profound reminder of what our loving Savior gave up & sacrificed for us who by faith trust in Him alone for eternal life and salvation!! What a glorious SAVIOUR we worship and serve!! Hallelujah to our Prophet, Priest & King!!!

Sermon10/27/2023 9:50 AM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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Revival Prayer
Mark A. Acevedo
“ Powerful Exhotation & Call!! ”
Thank you Pastor Acevedo this message has been deeply impressed upon my heart and continues to convict and minister to my soul! In Gods providence He laid these exact passages upon my heart in the middle or the end of 2020 and I often refer back to them considering the spiritual poverty we’re currently enduring in our culture . So it was a true joy to hear you expand upon them and exhort your people to consider them as we pray for Revival in our hearts, in our Churches and the Church at large! Our nation and our world is in great peril so I appreciate your application of Psalm 11:3 —What are the righteous to do when the foundations are destroyed??We pray and seek the Lord! —Rend and Tear our hearts and not our garments! Oh for God to give us a real burden, concern and desire! A Deep Heartfelt Cry from the depths of our souls to be stirred and moved for the Kingdom of God!! Lord makes us desperately broken and contrite in spirit in the “Secret Place” and in our corporate prayers!! Pour out your Spirit upon the Nations and descend upon us with convicting power!! Thank you for all that you laid out in this timely message —the worlds most impending & dire need of THE HOUR is to TURN TO THE LORD in genuine heartfelt Repentance! Lord, we appeal to your mercy, steadfast love and lo

Sermon10/5/2023 11:28 AM
Sharon | Hudson Valley, New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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Let Us Not Be Weary in Well Doing
Julio Caro Alonso
“ Precious Heartfelt Reminder! ”
Continue in prayer and watch, what God will do! I am so full my cup runneth over! He is the High King of Heaven there is nothing too great or too hard for Him!! 🕊 We are told to keep sowing the seed, the precious seed of Christ! When the harvest is come, we shall reap, IF WE FAINT NOT! Gal 6:9 —Let us not be weary in well doing, in sowing to the Spirit, for in due season WE SHALL reap, IF we FAIN NOT. Psalm 126:5 —Tthose who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy. Wow!! Such an encouragement to my soul my heart is full beyond measure!! I needed to hear these precious promises again today... Keep sowing the precious holy seed of Christ in the heart of those WE LOVE & those around us and IN DUE SEASON — you SHALL REAP IF we faint not! May the tears of our prayers continue to flow and our hearts melt with grief & sorrow for lost-hardened sinners in need of a Savior in due time the Lord will irresistibly draw those who are His to Himself ♥️

Sermon10/5/2023 9:12 AM
Sharon | Hudson Valley, New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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“ Powerful, Encouraging & Timely!! ”
He’s the High King of Heaven!! Thank you brother Andrew for preaching this most precious uplifting message to my heart and soul this day! Encouraged to keep praying for a Heaven sent Revival & to LOOK, LOOK INTENTLY with my GAZE fixed on THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH WHO HAS TRIUMPHED & CONQUERED ALL! Precious in the sight of God are the holy prayers of His beloved ppl!! Praise the Lord for the Lamb of God that was slain and to the Lion of the tribe of Judah who conquered and triumphed over all sin, death & darkness!!! My soul is taken up with utter joy & awe from the absolute truths of this message Gods might is in meekness, in brokenness and a life laid down in humility!

Sermon10/2/2023 3:11 PM
Sharon | Hudson Valley, New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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“ Great Information ! ”
Thank you for covering such an important topic in the age of advanced technology we’re living in! Particularly the importance of AI and the WEF’s intentions to use technology & big tech as tools of deception & evil. As believers we must not be ignorant of the enemies devices we need to be spiritually discerning and aware of the impact these technologies are having not just in our youth but on our entire generation! I agree Ken Ham has been very helpful in the information he’s put out on the issues and useful to help us navigate these things biblically!! May God continue to bless both the SA ministry and all your coordinated and concerted efforts to put forth this information for our study and knowledge ~Sharon

Sermon9/28/2023 9:51 AM
Sharon | Hudson Valley, New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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Revive Us Again
Mark A. Acevedo
“ Powerful, Convicting & Encouraging! ”
Thank you Pastor Acevedo I have been so deeply moved and stired by this powerful message. We’re living in a day and an evil age where God‘s holy & precious name is being desecrated, mocked and blasphemed, we are being plunged into utter chaos and are surrounded by an extremely godless and sinful culture where the Church is languishing and failing to make progress for lack of prayer, boldness & a deep knowledge of Christ!! If the church of Christ ever needed revival and spiritual vivification it is today per our sad & low spiritual state, the Church is almost unrecognizable from the early Church. We desperately need God to empower and strengthen more Godly Preachers we need more BOLD, Fiery and Earth-Shaking Sermons like these in our Pulpits today! Your sermon has deeply resonated with the heavy burden of my soul, thank you Pastor for your boldness and intense desire to see a sanctified & beautified Church. I am deeply encouraged and moved by the exhortation to continue laboring & toiling in prayer — we need not to grow weary, or tired even when we’re tempted to... we must keep taking up the cross & cause of Christ. I pray He continues to bless and supply us with strength & fortitude that we need to keep on going!! We know wrestling in prayer is not easy and it’s not for the weak

Sermon9/18/2023 3:35 PM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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“ Glorioso Mensaje!! ”
Gracias Pastor Gomez por compartir esta bella doctrina con nosotros. Me lleno tanto el alma como el espíritu por completo! Insondables son sus excelencias y asombrosas son todas sus obras! Que Dios bendiga y multiplique tu labor y esfuerzo en el ministerio y en el avance de Su Reino! Muchas Bendiciones desde Nueva York ✝️✨📖✝️✨📖✝️✨📖✝️

Sermon9/10/2023 5:13 PM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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The Coming Persecution part 2
Dr. Phil Fernandes
“ Timely Message!! ! ”
Thank you Pastor for preaching the truth in a time when the truth will cost you greatly!! Praying God will raise up more godly-men, ministers, leaders and heads of household to prepare us for the tidal wave of persecution that’s coming and is already here in America! May God give us courage and grace to stand firm in our faith in difficult & uncertain tim s!! Return King Jesus we long and yearn for your return!!

Sermon8/30/2023 11:31 AM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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3. Fasting and Prayer: Introduction to the...
Rev. Christopher H Tuck
“ Great Sermon! ”
Coming back to this powerful and convicting series! Praying the good Lord comes down to us with convicting and reviving power! Lord we know that you hear our prayers so we plead and pray that you grant us genuine repentance, let us weep and mourn for our wicked, godless and abominable ways! Let us turn to you in genuine repentance and lean on you to teach us to do good, honor and reverence your Name! We ask this in Christ name for your glory and for the good of your people. May God continue to bless your ministry and may He be pleased to raise up more godly men to lead us in the way of Truth & godliness 🕊

Sermon5/19/2023 3:49 PM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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Praying for Revival – Pt. 1
Rev. John Wagner
“ Such a Powerful Sermon! ”
A timely, comforting and living-giving word in due season! The hear & mind renewal I needed to hear to fuel my prayers and not grow weary!! Praying for revival in our hearts, in families, in our communities, churches and Country!! Thank you Pastor Wagner your preaching never cease to renew & refresh my soul! May God light continue to shine upon you. Lord bless

Sermon5/4/2023 9:06 AM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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Stephen Frazer
“ Profound and Powerful! ”
Thank you Brother Frazer for such a humbling and powerful meditation, I’ve had to go back and relisten to it several times it was magnificently precise and powerful just the spiritual truth and mind renewal I needed! May the Lord continue to use and bless you! “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits” Psalms‬ ‭103‬:‭2‬

Sermon1/24/2023 9:01 AM
Sharon  Find all comments by Sharon
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14:20-21 Holy to the Lord
Charles Leiter
“ Thank you for sharing! ”
This message has spurred me on to once again be totally consecrated to the Lord and to devote everything I do to God. I appreciate how the preacher thoroughly explained the spiritual reality behind the symbolic pictures of Zechariah 14:20-21 and also brought out practical applications to live as Christians: “For Christian, there is no distinction between the sacred and the secular. Our whole lives and every single aspect of our lives are supposed to be separated unto God. If we can’t say what we say in the Name of the Lord Jesus, we shouldn’t say it. If we can’t do what we do in the Name of the Lord Jesus, don’t do it” (Quote from this message). This excellent exhortation of doing everything as an act of worship to God and to be holy to the Lord also reminded me of the lyrics of the hymn “Take My Life, and Let It Be. Consecrated, Lord, to Thee”.

Sermon12/5/2022 10:57 AM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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The Cult of Woke (Part 2)
Rev. Armen Thomassian
“ Thank you , this is a timely message for our time!! ”
Thank you Pastor Armen we need more preaching on this topic exposing the fallacies and false ideologies the Woke Cult is using to permeate and infiltrate the Church!! I am in total agreement with your recommendation of Voddie Baucham’s book “Fault Lines” its brilliant in spelling it all out in an easy read. MayGod continue to bless you and your effort and ministry to expose the lies that are leading many Christians astray Lord bless

Sermon6/2/2022 5:55 PM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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“ A Timely Sermon! ”
A much needed and timely message! It came in a moment when I most needed to hear it. May the Lord continue to bless and use you to minister grace, hope and peace to Gods people. Lord bless 🕊

Sermon1/9/2022 2:55 PM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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“ Blessed again by such a Powerful Reminder!! ”
Thanks again Rev Greer for such a powerful and timely message!! Praying for the current condition of the Church — May He be pleased to visit us again with a spirit reverence and repentance!! Oh to live more for Christ and less if ourselves May the grace and the Spirit of God continue to bless your Ministry and congregation

Sermon1/2/2022 3:41 PM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Such a timely message! Thank you Pastor Greer for bringing this powerful message to us in a time where iniquity & lawlessness is exalted and celebrated and truth of God is suppressed! We need more men to lead and pave the way

Sermon12/20/2021 5:14 PM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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“ Thank you Mr Trewhella!! ”
Thank you Pastor Trewhella for addressing this issue I pray for more brave and bold Churchmen to stand and rise up! Lord forbid your people to cower in the corner and idly sit by as we see inustice and tyranny sweep our land!! Where are the Bonhoeffer’s oh God??

Sermon11/20/2021 12:02 PM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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The Word, Power, and Assurance
Dr. David Mackereth
“ Amen, Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Brother Mackereth we need more Brave and godly Churchmen in our day!! Lord bless your Ministry and the advancement of the Gospel in these dark days — where God is hated, immorality & lawlessness is celebrated and the Truth of God is suppressed! Thank you for your bold and Faithful Witness to Christ Jesus!!

Sermon11/7/2021 8:55 AM
Sharon | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sharon
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The God of Revival
Mark A. Acevedo
Thank you Pastor Acevedo your sermons on Revival have been encouraging and uplifting to my soul!!! I long and yearn to see Revival in our Churches and the Glory and the Gospel of God fill the whole earth!! May the Power & the TRUTH of the Gospel go forth!! Lord bless your Ministry and your Witness to Christ!!
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