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Sermon The Power of God | Greg Elmquist
Gary and Janey Hollback from Hurricane grace church
"Thank you so much for that truth concerning him who can save to the..."
-22 hrs 
Sermon As Christ Loved Us | Clay Curtis
Joseph Arthur from Greenville ohio
-27 hrs 
Sermon Humble Yourselves | Joe Terrell
PL from M’sian in s’pore
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Sermon6/4/18 12:04 AM
Mobi Listener | West Coast  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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colossians 3:8-9 - Putting Off
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
"Abusive Language is spoken against more than alcohol abuse in the Bible" I took down 99% of the 214 verses referenced in this sermon for others to follow. Copy and paste this list into a Verse Reference reader tool like is found in SwordSearcher 8 and follow along. Thank you Pastor for this sermon! T (close to the order given but I missed 1 or 2) This sermon is packed with edification and exhortation from the Bible. Col 3:5-9; Eph 5:8; Tit 3:1-4,8; Eph 4:22-27,31; Ro 13:11-14; 1Pe 2:1; Jas 1:19-21; Heb 12:14-17; Ps 7:11; Mr 1:1-5; 2Co 7:10-11; Ex 32:19-20; Nu 20:11-12; Ga 5:20; Ge 4:4-6; Mt 5:22; 1Jo 3:15; Ec 7:9; Ps 37:8; Pr 22:24; Pr 14:17; Pr 16:32; Pr 19:19; Pr 29:22; Pr 28:28; Pr 21:19; Pr 25:28; Jas 1:19-20; Col 3:5-9; Eph 4:31; Ro 12:19; Lu 4:28-29; Ro 1:29; 1Co 5:8; 1Pe 2:1; Zec 8:17; Ac 8:17; Mt 12:31; Eph 5:4; Ro 1:28-32; 1Co 15:33; Ro 3:13-14; Eph 4:22; Ro 6:6; Ro 13:11-14; Ga 5:19; Ps 51:5; 1Co 9:27; Mt 22; Re 21:8,27; Re 20:15; Le 19:11; Mt 15:19; Ro 3:4; Ro 13:8-10; Pr 16; Mt 5:37; Ge 39; Mt 26:59; Ac 6:11-13; Ac 5:3; Pr 6:16-19

Sermon6/3/18 4:15 PM
Mobi Listener | west coast  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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Jesus Praying
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow I guess I really miss what fervency really means sometimes, and this Sermon reminds me of my lack yes; but also of the love of Christ and blessing that also comes with learning obedience.

Sermon3/21/18 8:32 PM
Mobi Listener | West Coast  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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Lordship Salvation
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks again for this excellent sermon, spot on with addressing a serious issue infecting the church today. And also I thank you Marius Louw for pointing out my mistake. I MEANT the word "Mercy" does not appear in the Gospel of John... I knew it was word that is a major Biblical them that is super obviously taught throughout the whole Bible just like "Repent" (turning away from sin). Blessed sermon here!

Sermon2/16/18 9:59 PM
Mobi Listener | West Coast  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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One Model Marriage
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great reminders! This is a great sermon to start a day with and ponder throughout. Genetics require X and Y chromosomes in the process of procreation. So easy to catch, why do so many refuse the obvious? --they love sin and death rather than life and freedom.

Sermon2/12/18 1:30 PM
Mobi Listener | West Coast  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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Lordship Salvation
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
A much needed sermon in a land where many are acting out .... But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. (Luke 19:14 KJV) Did you know that the word "Grace" is NOT found in the book of John either? Repentance is consistently demonstrated and explained exactly what it is in the Book of John (even if the word "repent" is not "found") For example? ... John 3:19-21 ... DEEDS should be reproved... as in DEEDS that were EVIL. And what of those who BELIEVE only? Well Jesus corrects a faulty understanding to these certain disciples that were BELIEVERS as Jesus HIMSELF points out in John 8:30-32... IF IF IF IF IF IF IF ye as in ye specifically... (believer) "continue in my word" Of a truth... as in "Verily verily" Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin ... John 8:33-37 Thar be a buncha mo examples in the Gospel of John... EXACTLY what REPENTANCE means and is. Those who don't want Jesus to Reign over them... Well they tell you that repentance has nothing to do with turning away from sin; why? guess... LOL they love their sin and don't want to give it up and have Jesus actually be their Lord and "Reign over them". Great Sermon Pastor! Thank you for faithful excellent spirit led preaching of

Sermon1/8/18 11:35 PM
Mobi Listener | West Coast  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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Thank You
Robert W. Reed
“ Thank You! ”
Thank you for sticking to the King James Bible and preaching from it so much! We love hearing scriptural reference to back up what you teach, and always making sure to uphold and lift up the words written there, and never accusing the Bible of being mis-translated. Thank you! It means so much to us! Thank you!

Sermon5/28/17 8:29 PM
Mobi Listener | West Coast / Oregon  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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“ Loved This Sermon! ”
I had just listened to this sermon, then about a day later I needed the info that was given in it. The Lord is awesome! God Bless you Pastor for your faithful preaching!

Sermon3/12/17 10:21 AM
mobi listener | west coast  Find all comments by mobi listener
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The Gospel of the Kingdom
Robert W. Reed
“ Great eye opening Sermon! ”
Wow, okay, wow! I am super amazed that after years of confusion on this topic (that part isn't so amazing ;)); I am finally starting to actually understand and see what the Kingdom of God is!!! The Spirit of God is using this sermon series to to teach me, and I am finally ready to listen. Current and present presence of the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost. Thank you also for such faithful preaching pastor Reeed!!

Sermon3/11/17 9:01 PM
mobi listener | west coast  Find all comments by mobi listener
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Jephthah's Vow
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Great Sermon! ”
I hesitated to listen to this because of the usual teaching about Jephthah, but this was a total eye opener and the best teaching on Jephthah that we've ever heard. Well done, scripture backed and a huge blessing! Thank you pastor! :)

Sermon3/2/17 1:43 PM
mobi listener | west coast  Find all comments by mobi listener
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Spiritual Exercise
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
Comparing spiritual things with spiritual... is what learning from the Holy Ghost is all about. This sermon is really great at showing a comparison of spiritual exercise with physical. Loved it! thank you pastor!

Sermon2/27/17 10:37 AM
mobi listener | West Coast  Find all comments by mobi listener
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Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
Such a well balanced and researched sermon that anyone investigating Calvinism or Arminianism should listen to. Thank you pastor for this excellent series!

Sermon11/28/16 1:04 PM
mobi listener | Northwest USA  Find all comments by mobi listener
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The Gnostics
Pastor Alfred J. Chompff
“ Great Sermon! ”
Some of the scripture references used in this sermon from the NIV are no longer the same, as we now have the new new new NIV; but the sermon is still very good. You will just need to do a little more research to find further Gnostic scripture changes on your own.

Sermon11/14/16 8:26 PM
mobilistener | West Coast  Find all comments by mobilistener
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Thanksgiving 2016
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
We are sure thankful for this teaching!

Sermon9/7/16 3:09 PM
mobi listener | We3st Coast  Find all comments by mobi listener
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow, much needed by all to hear. Thank you for preaching this hard sermon! Who bears the sword? It's not the Church.

Sermon2/29/16 11:25 AM
mobi listener | west coast  Find all comments by mobi listener
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Mysteries of the Kingdom
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
This series is full of scripture references as always. This particular sermon highlights and outlines several parables in Matthew and so on, that clarify the Kingdom of God. I noticed that after listening to this sermon, there were several things in my regular reading time (which is in Revelation), that also became clear. Well done sermon...! Thank you Pastor Reed!

Sermon1/9/16 8:13 PM
mobi listener | out west  Find all comments by mobi listener
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Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
The Lord really used this sermon to help me examine my heart for corners that need to die. It's actually such a freedom to be able to see things that you thought had been dealt with, that weren't. Thank you for this sermon Pastor!

Sermon9/8/15 1:37 PM
Mobi Listener | NorthWest  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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Blood Moon Deception
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
28th of September 2015 is the last Blood Moon of 2014-2015. "Does the four blood moons of lunar elipse of 2014/2015 signal some great event that is about to happen, does it have any prophetic meaning whatsoever?" Four Blood Moon prophesies? Harbinger connections? What will happen at the last eclipse in the tetrad of total eclipses? John Hagee and Mark Biltz have it right? Is the Hunters Moon or Super Moon connected with the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot or Rosh Hashanah sure signs of the end, and should we look to Shemitah Code for truth? Is this the reason for a stock market crash? Is Jade Helm involved or Cern or will an Asteroid hit the earth? What is comming September 22-28? "Something is about to Change" ? (because of Four Blood Moons?) "4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2Tim 4:4 Every year there is a new "prediction" that comes up that is the "sure" sign of the end. Millions of dollars are made from these false predictions. Y2K, Harold Camping, Mayan Calender 2012... The Blood Moon Eclipse Calender. The Truth is Exciting! An accurate prediction is made... Three main points to this Sermon 1. Theory of Blood Moon Teachers 2. Reasons why this theroy is not true 3. What should our response be to this

Sermon9/7/15 12:10 AM
Mobi Listener | NorthWest  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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Deceiving Ourselves
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
What an excellent eye opener to my own self deceptions. This sermon touches on sinless perfection along with 7 self deceptions that can become, or are, traps to believers.

Sermon10/11/14 6:04 PM
Mobi Listener | NorthWest  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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The Left Behind Deception
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a good introduction that helps unwrap some of the false teaching about this topic of a secret rapture, and "The Antichrist" and his covenant. It exposes false date setting by Chuck Smith, Jack Van Impe, Hal Lindsey. It touches The Harbinger, 4 Blood Moons, and of course the Left Behind stuff in review. -and several others. It points to hope in Christ for the present and future! Well balanced! [I wish I could get an outline or the further scriptures used in this sermon, because it is hard for me to write and listen but I really want to study the scriptures close and a -"help"- would be helpful.]

Sermon8/20/14 12:26 AM
Mobi Listener | West Coast  Find all comments by Mobi Listener
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Social Media
Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
Ten warnings and cautions that everyone should be aware of when using social media! Thank you for this terrific sermon Pastor! I heard today that Google is even trying to get our kids by allowing the under 13 year olds to get their own accounts.
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