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Sermon A Firm Foundation for the Christian Faith | Philip Beachy
David Fields from Texas
"Mr Beachy, in his message, didn't say what God..Elohim, did after..."
-14 hrs 
Sermon Out of the Depths | Malachi Moody
jfurialau from Northern California
-16 hrs 
Sermon As Christ Loved Us | Clay Curtis
Fred Tuttle from Georgetown KY
-17 hrs 
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Sermon8/19/19 4:24 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What a beautiful, Biblical, Christ-centered, gospel-oriented exegesis of verse 24! Yes, Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross put an end to ALL our sins, and we have been clothed in His everlasting righteousness! Thank you so much for this series on Daniel.

Sermon7/21/19 6:40 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What a GOOD sermon, pounding us with the truth of God's complete sovereignty over our lives and everything elsewhere, and rebuking us for our insane pride (as if we were ever capable of controlling our own lives). It's so easy to give assent to these truths, but so very hard to put them into practice in our lives. May our loving Father help us by His Spirit who dwells within us.

Sermon6/17/19 6:42 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Glorious Zion
Liam Goligher
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very encouraging! Thank you

Sermon6/10/19 5:51 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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America's Present Judgment
Curtis Knapp
“ Frightening but true! ”
Excellent sermon! I wish this would be preached from every pulpit in the nation. I completely agree that we are already under God's judgment and that it will only get worse unless we repent. It is certainly true that false preachers are everywhere. A relative of mine goes to a church where the pastor is enthralled with New Age beliefs. He preaches that there is no such thing as hell and other lies from Satan. May God have mercy on us and replace all the liars in pulpits with men who will preach the truth from His word. And may He send His Spirit to make people believe the truth.

Sermon4/8/19 2:00 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Lies Told at Funerals
Rev. Roger Higginson
“ A Matter of Life and Death ”
How I wish every single person in this deceived nation of mine could be forced to listen to this message and that God would open their eyes to the truth of it.

Sermon3/27/19 8:23 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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A Prayer For Protection
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Encouraging! ”
Very encouraging for frightening times in our lives. Surely the Lord does surround us with favor as with a shield. Thank you for this good reminder.

Sermon12/26/18 4:47 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Minor Prophets #15 - Habakkuk
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Excellent teaching ”
Very sobering. He spoke of the problem we face when our theology of God doesn't match our experience. How do we reconcile those two things? Listen and find out. Also, enlightening teaching on 3:2. And from 3:17 to the end we see Habakkuk's great faith. He proclaims that even though he and his people must suffer famine, that will not destroy his faith. He knows that no matter what the external circumstances are, those who trust in the Lord will rejoice in their salvation,which is the most important thing anyone can possess.

Sermon12/14/18 8:54 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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What Are the Two Certainties?
Rev. Jason Van Bemmel
“ So important ”
A wonderful comfort for believers and a frightening warning for unbelievers

Sermon9/1/18 2:17 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Joy Whitten is with Jesus Now!
John Pittman Hey
“ Beautiful preaching ”
Beautiful reminders straight from the Bible of what our greatest joy in heaven will be: to see our Lord Jesus Christ and to be made like Him! Glory Hallelujah!

Sermon8/23/18 4:06 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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The Intermediate State
Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas
“ Excellent teaching ”
Excellent biblical teaching on this overwhelming subject. Thank you

Sermon8/7/18 4:45 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Dr. D. Ralph Davis
“ Excellent teaching ”
Excellent teaching on a book that is very unpalatable for our delicate modern minds!

Sermon7/22/18 12:06 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Thomas Chalmers, Man of Vision
Dr. George Grant
“ Wonderful biography ”
How wonderful it is to hear about how God used one man to advance His kingdom so much. Thank you Pastor Grant for teaching us about him. Oh Lord please raise up more men like Thomas Chalmers at this time in history when we need them so much!

Sermon7/19/18 1:54 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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Christian Suffering
Dr. Jon D. Payne
“ Very good ”
Very helpful. Thank you

Sermon7/18/18 10:27 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Homes that Christians travellers can stay in ”
Sounds like a wonderful program Pastor Swanson! Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention. Makes me want to travel to Las Vegas just to meet the Flynns!

Sermon4/22/18 12:28 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Quite a testimony ”
Please tell Jeannie Graham that she has a sister in Christ in the US, with the same last name, who was very moved by her testimony and that I look forward to meeting her in heaven. Praise God for His mercy to her and her father and her son and his girlfriend.

Sermon4/10/18 12:18 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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“ Excellent teaching ”
Thank you for this excellent teaching on WSC Q&A #1. If only I had known this when I was growing up! It answers every person's deepest question: "Why am I here?"

Sermon3/31/18 2:30 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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The Silent Servant, Part 1
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
There's so much in this sermon. One thing he tells us is to use Isaiah 53 when we present the gospel. We need to present Jesus Christ in the language of sacrifice, as the suffering servant of God. Yes definitely, not in the way many Christians present him these days, as a nice guy who can fix problems in your life. And there's much more. Very rich. Thank you.

Sermon3/30/18 3:48 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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The Scorned Servant of Jehovah, Part 2
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Good teaching ”
Good teaching on why the Jewish nation as well as many Gentiles reject Christ. I had never heard that one point before about the rabbis removing the "a" in Y'shua to make an acrostic that means "let his name be forgotten".

Sermon3/28/18 12:46 PM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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The Meaning of the Last Supper
Rev. Jason Van Bemmel
“ Good teaching ”
Good sermon on the Last Supper. Interesting point about why we don't need to eat the lamb and the bitter herbs as in the Passover meal.

Sermon3/19/18 9:07 AM
Bonnie Graham | San Diego  Find all comments by Bonnie Graham
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The Narrow Way
Dr. R. C. Sproul
“ Sobering ”
The Bible tells us that in hell there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. R.C. says that means that every person in hell will either be sobbing uncontrollably for all eternity or will be full of anger and rage. May the Lord have mercy and save millions of the unsaved before they are lost forever.
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