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Survey5/31/07 5:38 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Plenty of things. But I guess you are missing the obvious. Their would not be a need for neo-darwinism unless Darwinism had serious problems.

That's why most evolutionists get upset when we reffer to Darwin. Their rebuttal is basically we have moved on since Darwin signifying that the objections have already been considered and a better explanation has been developed.

Survey5/31/07 5:33 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I was reading today the following.

Hebrews 10:13
For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

So much for losing one's salvation.

Survey5/31/07 1:36 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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You first had uniformatalism.--- Debunked

Then Darwinism----Debunked

Then Neo-Darwinism--- Debunked

Now Post-neo-Darwinist--- Currently being debunked.

Survey5/31/07 11:40 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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All we have ever observed is what evolutionists themselves call “subspeciation” (variation within kind), never “transspeciation” (change from one kind to others). The fact remains the same that there has never in the history of the world has one taxonomical order evolved into another. A dog will never become a cat. It never has, it never will.

This is the simple fact that you refuse to accept. Your type of speciation exists only in the figment of your imagination. Noone in the history of the world has ever observed it, neither will anyone will.

Even deduction from inference betrays you for as you have admitted, there is not one living transitional form that you can point to. There are no half cats-half dogs, half humans-half apes. You guys even have to invent another conjecture (punctuated evolution) to explain away the gaping hole in your theory. Unfortunately, punctuated evolution is just as a part of the figment of your imagination as the General Theory of Evolution itself.

What your theory essentially requires is an increase of genetic information. Keep wishing. It has never happened, neither will it ever happen.

And as for the fossil record, you have already admitted that it is scarce and I have proven that its one big begging the question.

Survey5/31/07 11:18 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I can't think of a doctrine more ridiculous than losing one's salvation.

Survey5/30/07 7:47 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"But apart from that, do you hold that different species of finches, different species of bees, different species of ants are unrelated to eachother?
Do you hold that there is no relation between canaries and finches? Between horses and donkeys?"

Yes. Just like chinese people are related genetically to the blacks. This is quite different then saying that the bee is related to the frog.

While you are reffering to is speciation not common descent.

Now answer the question.

How is it that design is synonymous to descent? And if they are then are you not making a case for intelligent design rather than common descent?

Survey5/30/07 6:41 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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That's not a hard question at all. It only is hard for those that have a hard time submitting to their Creator.

Whether something falls into a hierarchy or not does nothing to prove evolution.

Even if it did, you would still be begging the question. Because you have yet to prove that they actually descended from each other. Pointing out similarities in design is hardly a case for common descent (But an excellent case for ID mind you). You have to prove that they actually descended from each other.

For you to prove common descent you have to verifiably prove that a certain taxonomical order descended from another. This you cannot do. What is verifiable (even by taking your testimony) is that there is similar design. But yet you refuse to accept common design. Is there something missing here.

I think you have a better chance in proving the existence of Santa Clause.

Now maybe I did not phrase my question to simply. How is it that design is synonymous to descent? And if they are then are you not making a case for intelligent design rather than common descent?

Survey5/30/07 6:13 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"Silly me, and there was me thinking that this was what the Holy Spirit did!"

I am sorry to break it to you, but John Calvin is not the Holy Spirit.

It's quite simple. Take them to Romans 3:23. You should put away the Westminster away for two seconds and try it some time.

You would be surprised at the results.

Survey5/30/07 6:11 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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You still are trying to prove the existence of Santa Clause by pointing to a red coat.

Be so kind to help me understand your position.

How is it that you ebrace the pivotal point of ID (common design) to disprove ID and claim it to be common descent?

Do you not know what the difference is between descent and design?

Survey5/30/07 5:26 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"The desicive "proof" doesn't lie in being able to point at two fossils and say that you can be 100% sure that one descends from the other or in actually seeing this stuff happen before your very eyes."

Then you have just admitted that the whole theory of evolution is a sham. Sorry Gerard, but you do not set your own standards for proof. You can't state that we are a product of evolution and then refuse to provide direct evidence that attests to it. You have a better chance in proving the existence of Santa Clause by pointing to a red coat.

You state that the most powerful case for evolution is common descent but instead of providing proof for descent you provide proof for design.

Go figure.

It would be like me pointing to evolution to prove my case for ID.

"There are transitional sequences with enough taxonomical finesse to establish relatedness between the individual specimen."

Ha! What a ridiculous statement. Who sets the standard? Your monkey grandad? What an excellent example of speculation in the purest sense.

"There is however nothing observable that indicates special creation for every single species."

Trying to switch the tables huh. I think you have just created a list of things that give evidence to a designer.

Survey5/30/07 11:11 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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The usual elitism I presume.

Survey5/30/07 11:09 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Proceed through the wall?

OK. That explains your hard head. lol

No thanks, I think I preffer staying over here with those that have simple faith in God's Holy Word.

Survey5/30/07 11:06 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Oh yeah,

I did yesterday. It's quite simple. Take them to Romans 3:23. You should put away the Westminster away for two seconds and try it some time.

You would be surprised at the results.

Survey5/30/07 11:03 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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The Bible in its entirety teaches that those that work in the ministry should live by it.

I agree that in the NT, tithing does not have emphasis as in the OT economy, but the principle is just the same. The NT teaches sacrificial giving. I do not see how those that will not give 10% would ever measure up to giving sacrificially.

I would hope that all would give more than 10% but since the Bible places a strong emphasis on it, I think it is safe to use it as prescriptive. Tithe is 10% no matter how you look at it. And if God felt robbed when he did not receive it in the OT, I think he will feel just the same if he did not receive it in the NT.

Having said that, I believe its a good thing for pastors not to know how much each member is tithing. I always say if I can get my people to love God with all there heart, there would be no need to preach to them on tithing.

Survey5/17/07 2:23 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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We should all feel lucky to have Lurker lurking around to give us the special hidden meaning of a text when God failed to explicitely state it in His Scriptures.

I trough not.

Tis a sad case Marita, but I do not believe that DB is totally lost, but his attitude towards the word of God is scary. I can say he is well on his way. When one resorts to fabricating definitions that does not exist anywhere, then he has just shut the door to the teaching of the Holy Ghost.

Survey5/17/07 1:52 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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People, if you have learn anything from this discussion, you have learned a wealth of information concerning Ruckmanism. You think that is bad, you should read some of the articles written by Ruckman himself in his Bible Believer's Bulletine. That will really make your head spin. What's one open's the door to double inspiration, the possibilities for erroe are limitless.

And if you really want to understand the heart of a Ruckmanite, turn the discussion around and make it about Peter Ruckman. Sit back for the reaction, but be sure you grab some popcorn, because it really gets good then.

Survey5/17/07 1:27 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Well you have to first establish that they exist before you can establish that they will continue to exist.

Survey5/16/07 2:47 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Lurker, you know where liars go. Right?

Honestly, I never thought you would go so far as outright lying, but I guess you anything goes when it comes to defending Calvinism.

I asked you: Is there any other instance in the Bible (or anywhere in the world for that matter) where death means "total inability" other than in Calvinist theology?

To which you gave me a quote from Jesus. Since I did not even see the word death in the quote, I asked you where exactly does Jesus express such a definition. You answered with "He does not have to because Paul mentions it."

When I asked you where. You tell me that you already answered me.

You are either a desperate liar or I must've missed the subliminal message.

Survey5/16/07 12:07 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"There are plenty of sequences that are detailed enough to point at something."

Now as I predicted you are resorting to equivocation. I told you I was goint to educate you about yourself.

I am not sure what you mean by sequences, but if you mean small mutations, then newsflash... Sequences is not anymore proof for evolution then reindeers or a red suit is proof for Santa clause. What you really should say (if you were honest) is: "Yamil, you are right, there are NO transitional species existent. The only thing I can point you to is minor sequences."

The devastating truth is that you cannot point to one transitional species in this earth. And if we have evolved and still evolving, one would think that there would be at least one transitional species in each taxonomical order. Since there is none, it is a sad case for evolution. This is the primary reason why the majority of people can't swallow such absurdity: after all the elevated scientific mumbo jumbo, and after the smoke have settled; the proof is simply not in the pudding.

Like I said punctuated equilibrium is merely a fantasy. Something that you have no record of ever happening. It's a figment of your imagination to put you at ease at the gaping holes in the fossil record and in evolution in general.

Survey5/15/07 11:52 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I guess thats your way of saying that you can't answer the question so you rather skip out on me. That's about how long it took you last time.

And now MY back is up against a wall because YOU cannot answer a simple question?

This is what is called the F_anciful L_and of the C_alvinist.

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