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Survey5/24/07 9:54 PM
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The use of moderators in the forums is an idea that we are willing to explore. We would welcome any regular SermonAudio users (ie: those who visit the site at least daily) to drop us an email if they are interested in helping us in that area. Thank you.

Survey5/10/07 8:55 PM
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We would appreciate it if Yamil and others would abide by the simple policies for using the boards on this site (namely, consecutive posts). It is not complicated. But your continued defiance against this one policy of 'courtesy posting' is reprehensible and adolescent. Thank you for your cooperation.

Survey5/3/07 3:05 PM
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Update: It has come to our attention that Yamil has been posting comments posing as both 'Seaton' and 'Lurker'. We take moniker theft seriously and strongly discourage this kind of adolescent behavior.

We would appreciate all forum participants to adhere to the simple policies set forth -- namely, "only one post at a time per thread". Please allow for alternate users to post. Thank you for your cooperation.

News Item4/18/07 11:21 PM
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We received a request from one of our broadcasters, David Vance of Redeemer ARP Church (they are within walking distance to the VT campus) if we could post a special bulletin to our listenership. Below is an excerpt:

"We'd like to ask people to write greeting cards of Christian love and sympathy to the students here. Express your thoughts and prayers for the students. And you should feel fee to sign your name and include your contact information if you would like to do so. If you can send us a card, the members of our church here will hand-deliver your hand-written note, along with a small gospel booklet and a note from our church, to students on and off campus." [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/new_details3.asp?ID=11332]]]Read more..[/URL]

[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermonssource.asp?zipsearch=true&zip=24060&maxmiles=60&filter=]]]View all SermonAudio broadcasters close to this tragedy...[/URL]

Survey4/18/07 11:08 PM
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We also welcome any suggestions for new feature requests in this particular thread. We cannot promise that we'll be able to implement everything, but we'll definitely look into it! Thank you for your continued support and participation.

Survey4/9/07 3:41 PM
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Yamil, do you really believe we censor based on differing theologies? All posts we remove have been in violation of our basic forum policies -- namely, posting consecutively out-of-turn and personal attacks. Stick to the rules. Why is this so hard?

Survey4/6/07 9:59 PM
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Yamil, WOMI, and others. The policies of posting to the site are clear. Only one post at a time per thread. Those who abuse the site and its policies force us to impose more restrictions on everyone else.

It's really very simple. Keep to the rules, and make use of the site. Don't keep to the rules, and we must act on the complaints that come in.. one way or another.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Survey3/10/07 10:24 PM
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We are constantly working with our broadcasters to provide quality recordings when at all possible. As for videos, you will need to install the latest version of the Windows Media Player to play them.

Hope it works out!

Survey2/28/07 3:12 PM
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The audio for the hymns is streamed a little differently than from the audio for the sermons. For the hymns, try right-clicking on the link to play the hymn and selecting "Save As" to first save it to your computer. Perhaps that may work better..

Survey2/20/07 3:02 AM
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Don't blame us. Blame those who abuse the site and force us to impose more restrictions on everyone else. When you see abuses on the boards, go after them to stop. And maybe things can change.

News Item2/9/07 6:02 PM
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Neil, the bug has been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience. Let us know if you run into any other issues.

Survey2/9/07 5:58 PM
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The comments in these discussion groups are meant to be *brief*. It is not a place to copy/paste reams of text. Anything that requires more space than simple "comments" on news items or surveys is more suited to one's own weblog for example.

And by the way, the bug that Neil pointed out below has now been fixed. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we do our best to make the site enjoyable for everyone.

Survey2/9/07 5:34 PM
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For those interested, the policy for posting comments in the discussion groups are simple: no personal attacks or insults. Why is this difficult to understand? Second, when a single person feels the need to post repeated comments in succession, it discourages a healthy exchange from other participants. Therefore, please avoid repeated, consecutive posts. Thank you for your cooperation.

Survey1/26/07 2:53 PM
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It's a simple request. Please cease discussing persons from prior posts. Let's move on. Thank you.

Survey12/28/06 5:39 PM
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We've had good success with Creative flash-based players. You can get them relatively inexpensively. I have not tried the Sansa player but I think it should work OK. And of course the big names like iPod, Zune, etc work fine.

Survey12/22/06 2:53 PM
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We do not expose internal information to anyone. Period. Furthermore, we do not have the time to track everything that goes on in the forums. Which is why if there are *legitimate* abuses to these boards, we encourage our "regulars" to help us out via the "Report Abuse" link. Thank you.

News Item12/19/06 9:50 PM
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When the Transfer Agent was first introduced, its purpose was simply to provide a simple method of downloading multiple sermons in batch. Over time, other features were added to the mix, but the focus was always to provide an easy method to "transfer" media back and forth from SermonAudio. We will continue to improve the tool as we are able.

As for the question regarding speaker, church name tagging, etc.. this is already being done by way of the ID3 tag embedded in the MP3. The speaker name, sermon title (short version), church name, year preached are all in the MP3 file itself. Whether or not you use the Transfer Agent, the tags should all be in place.

Survey12/11/06 11:20 PM
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Another possibility is that you may have a firewall or other "blocking" program (like NetNanny) running that prevents cookies from getting to your computer. Please disable this temporarily and see if that helps.

News Item12/3/06 3:25 PM
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As stated in the above article...

When you submit your email address on the SermonAudio site either in the guestbook, as a comment, or on your homepage, NO ONE can see your actual email address unless you reply to their email. Now, people will still be able to SEND you an email message via the "middle-man" form on our site. But they will not KNOW your actual address. So, you will be quite safe from the "bad guys" harvesting email addresses.

Also in regards to the weekly newsletters, we NEVER expose the email addresses submitted to ANYONE. Period. It is kept for our own weekly newsletter and that's it! We take the matter of email privacy VERY seriously as we too are annoyed with the plague of spam in our day.

News Item11/27/06 5:31 PM
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The iPods do not accept the WMV video format. You will need to convert the videos yourself before you can watch them on your iPod.
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