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News Item6/8/10 1:15 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Cezar wrote:
Haggard was on Joy Behar and Oprah.
He never said that "homosexuality" was a sin nor did he say it wasn't.
How can anyone listen to him or anyone who will not stand firmly on an issue?
It's like Joel Osteen dodging every question on Larry King.
Joy Behar isn't a program I watch frequently. You can watch clips on youtube.
She needs to be taken off television.
I know one of her quests tonight is Christopher Hitchens.
Christopher Hitchens is one of the last people who needs to be a literary critic.
You are indeed right about both programs. But I do know, when it comes to secular programs, that even when you do mention Jesus, it is edited out of the program. Haggard may have done like Osteen did, but knowing these programs, he may have said things that were edited out. I'm not trying to exonorate Haggard, I just don't know all the details. If he has repented, not just of his actions, but of his attitude toward the sin, then I wish him the best. If not, I will continue to pray for his repentance and restoration.

News Item6/7/10 6:21 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The oil is begining to wash up on the shores here in Gulf Shores Alabama. Some interprising folks are scooping up the Tar Balls and selling them on e bay. I just wonder when the government will start taxing it.
At any rate; please pray for our area. It has hit the comercial and recreational fishing industry pretty. hard. Of course many people are praying for the leak to stop, but it may be God has something else in mind.

Survey6/7/10 6:11 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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John UK wrote:
I think Mike was referring to six hundred, three score and six, eh Mike? Maybe you didn't spot that, Rick; just goes to show why a good version is sooooo important.
Oh brother; Mike, John; I just caught my mis spelling. I guess I'm not the beast speler around.

Survey6/7/10 5:31 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Mike wrote:
Is that in Revelation?
Wow; you do get around brother. I do enjoy your posts though. As to your question; No, but I think you can listen to some Revelation Sermons on this site

Survey6/7/10 4:41 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Sermon Audio is still by far the beast web site on the net.

News Item6/6/10 5:08 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Of course this book is filled with heretical views, and is the epitome of the Emergent, Post Modern craze that is taking over churches these days. But what astounds me are the people who attend churches where sound doctrine is preached, but they still rave about material such as this.
There is a lady in my church that will gravitate toward things like this in a heartbeat. We can preach and teach expositionaly and doctinaly and demonstrate the truth of what we are saying, but if PBS or the History channel airs one program in which they suggest that something other than what the Bible says is true, she will immediatly believe the Liberal scholars. Iv'e seen this in other conservative churches as well. Places where you would never believe anyone would have such views.
Possibly innate depravity manifests itself in unbelief and infidelity in some individuals more than others (of course in manifests itself in all poeple in some area). Or it's possible that the devil has his agents operating undercover. Whatever the cause, we are in a time of intense deception.

News Item6/6/10 9:03 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Baltant contradiction, not only in theories but in practical life. Welcome to the New Improved age of Postmodernism.
Gee mommy, when I grow up, can I be a coservative liberal too?

News Item6/3/10 3:25 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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And the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life died;and the third part of the ships were desrtoyed. Rev 8:8b,9. Maybee not he complete, exact fulfillment of the passage, but it does show that events in Revelation can have a literal, and not just an allegorical fulfillment.

News Item6/1/10 8:43 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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chrisbob123 wrote:
Google it, King James was a closet homosexual.
Google is not the All knowing Infalable resource people under 40 think it is. The issue of King James and homosexuality has been dealt with in this thread. I know there are a lot of posts, but if you look you will find it. Besides; King James himself did no translating at all. He only ordered the translation. The real issue, once again, is that the KJV, or AV if you will, was translated from an totaly different manuscript than any of the new versions. If you really want to llok things up, do real reasearch in real libraries with real books. Don'r rely on the quick unsubstantiated answers found on Google, thaty anyone with a computer can put up. That's essentially what Wikapedia does.

News Item5/30/10 8:09 AM
Rick | Akron Ohio  Find all comments by Rick
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I believe God is using Saddleback church in a big way in these last days.With all that is going in the world, the rise of Muslims and persecution of Christians, God bless Saddleback!

News Item5/28/10 11:32 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Sorry folks, I'm unimpressed. The whole idea of "New and Improved" was unnecessary to begin with. There is something to be said for the familiar in an everchanging world. Besides, the content area seems cramped instead of standing out. As to "Larger Screens" I don't have one, and I'm not one that that is going to spend money I don't have just to get the latest fad gadget. I guess in my mid 50s I probably sound like and old stick in the mud, but the philosophy of Continuous Improvemant, is just another way of saying; If it ain't broke, fix it till it is. Bottom line for me is; as long as I can still access sermons, I'll keep coming back. Thank for allowing me the opportunity to share my opinion.

News Item5/27/10 4:40 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I love Calvin, Really love Spurgeon, but those men are not my authority. God's word is. The closest thing to a Biblical expaination I've heard regarding instruments, had to do with "Instuments were for the Old Testament Temple period, we are in the New Testament period". Yet I still do not see where that is a biblical demand not to use instruments. Insrtuments are not soley cerimonial, so as to have passed with the advent of Christ sacrifice. The is no New Testament injunction to stop using them. I think that OT. vs N.T argument is interesting coming from people who are Non Dispensationalst. Besides, if you are going to take the Regulative Principle to extreems, then you would have to admit that in just using human voices to sing, you are using tunes that are not found in the Bible. Therefore those tunes are of human origin. Yes we should protect music from worldiness and regulate worship according to the Word. But we need to be careful not to Add to scripture.

News Item5/27/10 1:45 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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VanPastorMan wrote:
With the Emergent Church, Seeker Church, and Purpose Driven Church being comprised of most of this growth, it makes me wonder where believers are going to go to find a church that preaches the Word? I pastor a rural church of about 60 folks on a Sunday Morning. We rally around God's Word and the fellowship of the Saints. I wouldn't trade them for all the cutesy churches in the world.
God bless you and keep it up Pastor. I have a little less in my church, and I wish they all had the attitide your people have. Unfortunatly, many see our decline, and see the Fad Driven churches growing, and they are desiring to go that direction. I preached a two month series on the Purpouse Driven and Emergent Church and I think some people are staring to come around. Regardless, I will stay true to the Biblical Patters of Worship, Church, and Evangalism. By the way. Indi is my home state. God bless all of you. Or as they say here Y'all

News Item5/27/10 10:00 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Why didn't we build a Buddist temple in Pearl Harbour after the attack and raise the Rising Sun flag. That's essentialy what N.Y is doing. We are so afraid of offending people. Rather we are so afraid of labeled "intolerant" that we not only Permit, and Promote, but also Paticipate in the most insane activities possible.

News Item5/26/10 5:49 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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John UK wrote:
Please notice folks that my post of 5/26/10 4:38 AM was completely ignored, and yet a whole load of woffle was once again posted by a poor example of a professing Christian who attends a "community church". In the UK ALL community churche are charismatic, which says a lot.
I would be interested if anyone has an answer to my post, because if the NASB is translated corectly from the correct manuscipts, then the Lord Jesus is a sinner, and the whole world is bound for hell.
According to the King James Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ is sinless, spotless, harmless, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. His anger was just, and with cause. Anone who denies this, as far as I am concerned, is apostate, and a false teacher, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Be wary, saints, of such meddlers in the affairs of God's precious elect. Their end is predetermined.
Yeah John; I did catch what you were reffering to in Mt. 5:22. The "Without a cause", Clause (no pun or alliteration intended). I thought it was a very important point. I have pointed that out myself in preaching through the book of Matthew.. I guess people are so used to arguing, that they don't respond to something they agree with.

News Item5/25/10 11:12 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Mark M. wrote:
I've said it before. If you think a monkey, whale, or dolphin is smarter than you, then you are probably right. As for me, until one of these animals can create, administer, analyze, publish, and defend the findings of an 'intellegence test', I will continue to agree with the Biblical view that man is created higher than the animals. I don't believe that we should hunt dolphins and whales to extinction any more than we should any other species, but they are still animals and do not deserve the same rights as humans. Meanwhile, as another poster pointed out, abortion mills are running 24hrs killing true human beings. Thanks to 'the one' we have American doctors helping with and encouraging abortions overseas...with our tax money! This was illegal when Bush was still in office. Say what you will about him, but I'm sure two years worth of aborted human beings would rather have him than the murdering clown that is there now. At least he's kind to his puppy, so I guess it makes him an alright guy. Bo Obama is the best of that litter.
Very well put. Good balance as well. People tend to think that if we're not liberals that we want to kill everything.

News Item5/25/10 11:50 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I guess if you have 20,000 people you can afford to have many leave. For most of us, we would only have about four or five people left ,if all the passive people left. Though, sometimes it seems like things would be better with fewer people that were serious. I'm no fan of Warrens approach, but his initial statement os something that many pastors would agree with.

News Item5/22/10 5:31 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Thomas M Sullivan wrote:
As for me, once I became a Christian, the Judas Priest, ACDC, Alice Cooper records had to go. Especially after I saw a Black Sabbath concert after being converted. I know it wasn't right to keep listening to that music.
Amen Brother Man. I got rid my Zeplin, Steppenwolf, and Hendrix records when I got saved. No one had to tell me that Rock was Demonic. I saw it at the concerts even before I got saved. Now I can't believe that people are using the same music in churches.

News Item5/22/10 11:12 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Psalms Only wrote:
Very pretty Mike.
Now How do you prove God accepts this whilst rejecting HIS original praise Book in Scripture?
The Bible speaks of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs. I can't speak for others, but I'm not rejecting Psalms when I sing hymns. But one problem I have with the idea that we can only use things that are directly, immediatly inspired of God is this: What about the music the psalms are put to. We don't have them, so we have to use someting that is not directly inspired. Also; and I'm realy not trying to be disrespectful, but the same ideology would lead to the dilemea of not even being able to discuss the subject because we are using our own words and not those of the scripture exclusivly.
Thank you for your commitment to worshiping God reverently. Please know that there are those of us that sing songs to Jesus and about Jesus Name that are doing the same thing.

News Item5/21/10 10:50 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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From the Article:
"The Rev. Frank Page, vice president of evangelization for the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board, believes focusing on baptisms can unite contentious factions of the turbulent convention." Here we go again. It's Jesus that we should be focusing on, and Him changing lives. For our denomination, numbers has been the goal for far too long, and for many S. Bapt. leaders, Baptism has just been a Sanctified way to count noses.
As to the "New Approach to ministry" I don't know if they mean The Circus Driven approach, that many are giving in to just to get numbers. Or hopefully, it's the members doing the work of the minisrty by taking the gospel to the lost outside the church. That is God's original plan, but it hasn't been seen for so long, that it would appear new to people today. I hope this church Does become successful by following the Biblical pattern. But if their success comes from a Fad Driven approach, it will all be Wood, Hay, and Stubble before the Lord.
God; Please forgive and bring Revival to our denomination as well as others. In Jesus Name.
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