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News Item12/15/2020 7:29 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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I think it’s good that Jim/Lincoln is posting here. It brings good training into how the art of deception works. It’s good to be wise as serpents as well as harmless as doves.

News Item12/15/2020 7:00 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Interesting comment John Lee.
Mike, the only problem was the huge number of people that the Republicans will certainly Republicans wanted to disenfranchise, so they falsely could win in an election. 👎
That’s hilarious, Jim. But in fairness to you, name someone who the Repubs wanted to disenfranchise. I know it’s a stretch, but could you be specific?

News Item12/15/2020 5:23 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Well in four years you'll be able to have a chance to change your out for a new choice. Just like the voters did this time around. she wasn't my first choice for vice-President that's for certain.
Hey, everything's all right in the world Joe Biden got elected president.
First of all, no historical revisionism is allowed. The voters didn't elect Biden, the cheaters did.

Second, enjoy your servitude.

News Item12/15/2020 8:26 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
In a democracy a majority determines the morality,if you think abortion is immoral or should be made illegal then convert to people to Christianity-and not by force either!
"Should Christians try to force the kingdom on others?"
You misspoke when you said we are a democracy, but we'll ignore that for now.

A question is do you personally think abortion is immoral? How can it be immoral to abort the living in one State, but not in another? Isn't that what you propose when you say morality is determined by majority vote? Your weak attempt to make murder a political issue is sad.

By the way, saving babies' lives is not forcing the kingdom. It's just sanity. Your endless repeating of rubbish won't change that. At the end of the day, rubbish remains rubbish.

News Item12/15/2020 8:04 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
What I've seen is that the pandemic has changed directions for at least some preaching, but any Advent pieces are overshadowed by the larger response. For instance, we know a Church that has focused intently on the Lord's attributes...lifting the gaze of the attendees and viewers from horizontal to vertical in order to fight back wide spread improper fear.
QC, Perhaps a simultaneous teaching/preaching on how to discern deception would also reduce irrational fear. It is always good to focus on the Lord, but we are not called to ignore the wiles of the devil.

News Item12/12/2020 8:44 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Probably more covid-19 and flu cases for that matter.
Jim, it’s so nice to know how much you care.

News Item12/12/2020 4:36 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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James Thomas wrote:
Here's one example of what your looking for.
The term "wondering stars" is a metaphoric descriptive term for the angels which kept not their first estate (verse 6)
Jude 1:13
Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
Hi James. Here’s where I would have issue with this. Those for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever don’t quite add up to guiding lights. They are not sources of light at all. Other than the word “star” the commonality eludes. I think of the term “shooting star” which is commonly used, though as you know is not a star at all, but used of meteors. No relationship to stars. As for the star that guided the “wise men” it wasn’t wandering, but had direction and goal.

News Item12/12/2020 11:17 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Mike, there are several reasons why the 2020 election is not like the one in Bush versus Gore❗👎
For an overview see:
"FACT CHECK: What's Happening In This Election Is Not Like Florida In 2000"
One big reason that it's not like Florida in 2000 is the Dominion vote switching scam. You should bypass reading leftwing Democrat propaganda, and look into it. There is so much information available, there is no excuse. As for an opinion, there is no way on this green Earth that Biden, of all people, could win more popular vote than anyone in history. Sorry, but he can't generate interest, let alone enthusiasm. It just doesn't add up.

News Item12/12/2020 11:06 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Frank wrote:
Why couldn’t the Lord simply allow these men to see the star the way they did; as a guide. IOW, the star moved “for them” and the Lord helped them follow it. Yes, this would be a miracle, but there is nothing difficult for the Lord. When they got to the manger, the Lord said stop, you are here. Or an angel from heaven helped them navigate using the star. Of course the Lord didn’t need to use a star, but He did.
Saying it was solely an angel doesn’t detract from the meaning, but it changes what was said. An angel would have been just as miraculous. Just because we don’t understand how or why the Lord used a star doesn’t change the fact that He did.
No argument with you or QC, just the musings of an old man.
Agree with your thoughts on this, Frank. We also could ask where else in Scripture are angels presented as taking the form of bright lights in the sky?

News Item12/12/2020 7:45 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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University-restricted speech is that which is unfavorable to those making speech rules.

News Item12/11/2020 9:24 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The massive number of lawsuits have been kicked out by judges and now the Supreme Court, I was think would be indicative of the friviology of them?
More likely they prefer not to disturb “the dignity of the Court.” Imagine what would happen if the courts ruled that the criminal theft of the election was a criminal theft of the election?

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

News Item12/11/2020 7:45 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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News Item12/11/2020 7:05 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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“Canadian province reversed course, will allow....“

No doubt some are grateful. But it wasn’t the province’s to allow or disallow in the first place. Assumed authority is no authority. “Because I said so” is not a lawful reason. Proper government isn’t parental.

News Item12/11/2020 6:52 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Mike, there's a Bloomberg article which I don't think I'll dig up, that says Trump should be impeached again for what he's trying to do to the country. I suppose since they'll be over in 40 days most educated people are gritting their teeth and thinking that it will be least be over by then. I don't hear that Nancy Pelosi is trying to have another impeachment trial, though I certainly agree that she can, or at least censor Mr. Trump. 👍
Did anyone seek impeachment or censorship when Al Gore tried to upend the election of Bush through weeks of repeated vote recounts? Long term memory loss, Jim? Or standard liberal hypocrisy?

News Item12/11/2020 1:29 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Donald Trump's experts talk a big game about the vaccine rollout plan. We're about to find out if it's all hype"
I am anxiously awaiting to get my jabs❗👍💉
Why get a jab? Aren’t you wearing a mask? Maintaining social distancing? Avoiding church meeting? You know, the things The experts say keep you safe.

News Item12/11/2020 8:02 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I know one person that should never be Times magazine person of the year ❗👎
excerpt from, " The GOP Abandons Democracy"
The Dems are levying war against the States. Do you know what that is called in the Constitution? You can find it in Article 3, Section 3.

I don't mind if Biden and Harris are named Perosn of the Year. Sounds like some alien life form, which fits.

News Item12/10/2020 7:05 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Adam is either alive or dead. He can’t be both. What was it God said? You are dust and unto dust you shall return. But it’s only his body that was made from dust. He became a living soul when God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Therefore his body perished and returned to the ground. The life that was in him was from the life that is God, not from the ground. How can that perish?

News Item12/10/2020 6:17 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "The Republican Party is a danger to American democracy" ❗
The Democrat Party is a danger to the American Republic.

News Item12/9/2020 5:20 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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I was thinking of the heading of this article. This must be a form of Dominionism that Jim/Lincoln would approve of.

News Item12/9/2020 5:15 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Well, Julia, covid-19 has now surpassed heart disease for killing people off in the United States.
Fuzzy math, Jim? The following numbers are from the CDC.

Annual deaths from heart dIsease-
Deaths attributed to Covid 19, including deaths without lab confirmation since January, 285,000

You and your flaky gov med friends better hurry, there isn’t much time left this year to get those numbers closer together.

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