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News Item3/15/17 3:22 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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is this some kind of a joke???????????
everyone on the board working on these leaks say that all encryption and TOR's DON"T work to stop the government reading your stuff ....

News Item3/14/17 3:47 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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why donald trump is not like cyrus the great:
Cyrus died in 530 BC, that's before Jesus, the temple was still valid, Jesus had not come, now Jesus is come and the Jews are rejecting Him, this temple is a REBELLION AGAINST GOD, God allows it, He does not like it and would rather His people accept Jesus and not reject Him, but He is willing to go through this to teach and save those who will be saved, this temple is a SIN, should not be, will home the Antichrist, is a rebellion and an outright rejection of Jesus.
Yes God picked Trump to be president, He also picked Babylonians to enslave the Israelites, what side of history do you want to be on?

News Item3/14/17 3:27 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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News Item3/11/17 8:20 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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they should have kept his secret, he is a baby christian and needed to grow under the protection of our Fathers Strong Righteous Right Hand before he was made to stand and deliver, but some are more mature, going from belief to beheading in a short while, we can't judge every person's faith stamina like that, some have to grow on the Milk of the Word and some can go right to Meat.
He is suing the church, this is wrong, you can not sue your brothers and sisters, vengeance is Mine says the Lord our God and God knows best how to chasten the brethren.

this reminds me of Lamp Oil too, and the warning to purchase without money before it's too late, if you're personality is such that you need lots and lots of extra growth you could run out of time to grow, this should encourage any whom have gone after that Prize to try to reach and push yourself to grow faster if possible because the time is short.

News Item3/11/17 8:06 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gay Allen
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Kuru (disease)


News Item3/10/17 5:20 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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boy do i have an orthodox for you~!
purely for entertainment purposes ...

Brother Nathaniel the orthodox monk political pundit

i have been kind of telling him hes a nominal Christian and that he needs Jesus, he is also the biggest hippy i have ever saw, really a hippy coptic as i have nicknamed him ... have a good day

News Item3/10/17 5:10 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Trudeau Donates $650 Million to continue the child sacrifices, why would ANY elite donate money to anything EXCEPT FOR THEM to get gratification from ... this is to continue the child sacrifice that is an INTEGRAL part of their religion, this is why the PIZZAGATE pedophiles discovered in WIKILEAKS are not ever going to be prosecuted, they only throw low levels under the bus, LOOK at how r/the donald keeps supporting MILO the PEDOPHILE and trying to steer the narrative towards milo's victimization and ignores his depraved confession, r/ the donald is mostly populated by the sodomites whom have helped his campaign, why would Kushner and company use sodomites, because he is the antichrist to be
this is all part of the devils religion, porn, murder for pleasure, absolute hedonism , and you see our leaders doing this and making excuses and you acquiesce, you reluctantly accept and make excuses for them, this is why leaving babylon means leaving popular culture

News Item3/9/17 7:39 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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It's the First Time in American History Being a Christian Will Cost Something

I don't know about that being true, I'm positive there are more like me who have, and even before me, in these United States, I would even go further and say all over the western world this has happened in modern history, were being a Christian cost them, doesn't our Father tell us sell everything and follow Jesus? isn't there promises to those whom have lost family, friends, jobs, and other opportunities, and there are martyrs, i recall several stories of little old ladies being murdered for witnessing, if more witnessed we would have had more stories ... in short, this man has been living under the fallen away church and has not noticed and when great tribulation arrives he's shocked? his use of the word TRULY is telling truly that most are fallen away because it had cost them nothing up to this point, will great tribulation force them to wash their robes or will they be too weak to fight for it, no lamp oil? only our Father knows who will make it through the next crucible

News Item3/8/17 8:01 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

this is for all the women who would bake cakes for the queen of heaven, they wan't to teach others this, it is wrong, it was the beginnings of malignant feminism
God made women PROPHETS, they are in the Bible, to prove that women were to TEACH

you can't tell me different, there are women PROPHETS and PROPHETS TEACH ... so explain this incongruity cause God is not confused or incongruent in the least and then it has to be men who are confused and incongruent ...

let God be true and every man be a liar

so our True God Whom is Infallible made women prophets, now explain how women were to shut up? you can't without being a liar cause God made women prophets

He made them to thwart guys who were misogynistic, yes God is aware of woman hating and has a nice warm place for haters because yes ...hate is murder ...
1 John 3:15
Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

God is well aware of women who hate men too and wanted them shut up in the church, shut them down~!

News Item3/7/17 9:01 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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the falling away means we fall away from them too .... we can't sit under corrupt teachings because we become accessories to the corruption by our tacit approval

News Item3/7/17 8:38 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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it does show they are pushing BABIES, everyone make babies for the next world war, they need cannon fodder, i have noticed a turn from demonising parenthood to lionising it ....

ok i'll go one further, on reddit, the pro sodomite site chock full of liberals, they are putting pin up girls, they never did this before, it was all about putting up pictures of sodomy, this is happening all over now just look and see, they want you procreating, make them babies, they need them now

News Item3/5/17 8:11 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Ignominious is right, the only safe thing is to stay in the Word, TV and movies are corrupt, pop culture is the domain of satan.

if you become a luddite and can not cope with modern technology this is not good, they will get us that way too ...

News Item3/5/17 7:46 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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he just described ipads as a gateway drug that is not a substance but was a way of training you to think addictively, additionally i add the hypnotizing things they have been putting on TV all over the world and you know what they are actually doing to us and why Steve Jobs won't allow his kids to be hypnotized to as he would allow you and yours to be ...

if these things were just stylish designs and not tools to hypnotise you then why is it being used world wide, wouldn't our "style" of TV news "bumpers" (those image screens where they put the TV call letters before they put on the newscasters) be independent from theirs?
they even use harmonics

Television Mind Control Exposed! Sigil Black Magick


The Black Cube of Saturn Worship - Occult Symbolism World-wide


Exposing the satanic islamic black cube of saturn - the Kaaba - Mecca -


Circling the Kaaba, circumambulate --look it up


EL SATURN ✡ Occult ✡ Cube,Star God Rhamiphan,Remphan


you will know them by their X's and cubes and rings

News Item3/4/17 4:22 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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The Revelation 12 Sign of September 23, 2017
September 23, 2017, Revelation 12, US Solar Eclipse - Signs in the Heavens


A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.


get ready for the two witnesses to appear
if Jared Kushner makes that peace deal, the signs appear in the heavens soon

rabbis say they see the "messiah" in bible codes



Yoel Chaim Kushner Son in law Tramp Advisor in bible code Glazerson


i'm off to sing and dance for joy as i was given eyes to see

a Robert Breaker says it's the Bethlehem star
but he wrongly advocates for the rapture st this point
September 23, 2017? What's going to happen?


News Item3/3/17 6:12 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Bishop Baker wrote:
I'm sure in today's culture I may receive backlash but many churches, organizations, and Seminary's have commercialized God's business. God calls and sends if you have ears to hear. Man made preachers are hirelings not Sheppard's
did you ever think about the church worship services and how it got to be the dry ceremony it now is? Church growth people recognise this and turn the church into a circus wrongly, we should all gather and share scripture

The False "Church System" Deception


if we could gather like the early Church the way the Apostles did and get out of this "canned" worship and let the people really REASON TOGETHER ...

and if your church hs canned worship like this you are a daughter of the harlot

they snuck in speaking fair words, "rome is a harlot, transubstantiation is false, etc ...) these are FAIR WORDS, all true, how many have been lead to lies with some truths and when the people saw a leader they got LAZY and stopped contending for the truth, as soon as they found their champion they went with it without further question and were lead astray by wolves, Jesus is our only Champion

News Item3/1/17 5:54 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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the Queen is the keeper of the cube.

News Item2/26/17 7:22 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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another reason to distrust the narrative driven by Trump and associates ...

Alex Jones: "Stop feeling like you're a failure because you're not driving the newest car or you're not wearing a Rolex on your arm...none of that matters. I dress as a satanist so that I can enter their world and show you that none of it means anything. It's your soul, not a Rolex, that has value."


President Trump makes the devils horns and now Alex Jones making excuses as to why he looks like a Satanist, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ...

so easy to be deceived now a days, i thought i should vote and we had no choice, i was so wrong, and i'm sorry for voting, what a wicked contest in these end times ...

News Item2/26/17 1:17 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i have been bloopy as of late, and for this i apologise, soon i'll just have to quit as my memory is not improving ... lol

Snickers Commercial 2017 Crisper Bloopy


i found this to be of great help in these fake news times

Three kinds of propaganda, and what to do about them


News Item2/26/17 12:36 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i just saw a person's nickname and i wanted to show you what it was IvankaQueenOfHeaven

someone will get it ... lol

News Item2/26/17 10:59 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gay Allen
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guess who spent time in prison, the apostle Paul for one and many others, we should be concerned for the humane treatment of our prisoners, but for the Grace of God there go I ... is this the kind of place you want to be incarcerated in when they throw all Christians in prison???

if we don't help them now, we will be Heirs to this prison system when they gather Christians ...

Trump is building prisons for profit, we already were getting rid of these inhumane concentration camps but this administration is bringing them back~!

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